Q&A for How to Get Rid of Demons

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    My son is very troubled and physically ill. He is pale and sometimes vomits blood. Could he be possessed by a demon?
    Community Answer
    Take him to a medical doctor for an exam immediately. There are many things that could be physically wrong with him that are not demonic possession. There are parasites that can enter and live in the stomach and other internal organs that could cause these symptoms.
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    What is a brown scapular?
    Community Answer
    A scapular is a holy Divine necklace that is meant to protect you from the front and back. They come in different varieties.
  • Question
    Can they hurt me, why is it I'm having trouble breathing?
    Community Answer
    If you're having trouble breathing, go to the doctor. You may also be having anxiety/a panic attack because you're so worried about demons, so try to calm down.
  • Question
    What if I see hear one?
    Community Answer
    Don't be afraid. Stand your ground. Don't attempt to fight it -- just say, calmly, "I'm not afraid of you. Leave this place." If you are religious, then pray to your Higher Power for help. For example, if you are Catholic, you can call the Archangel Micheal, as he is known for fighting demons. If your culture has any ritual/way of protection from evil, then perform it after an experience.
  • Question
    Why do demons keep coming back after I get rid of them?
    Community Answer
    This is a complicated question, probably better dealt with by a pastor, in person. How exactly do you know that these demons keep coming back? What are you experiencing in your life that makes you think this? Have you been engaging in activities such as drug abuse or fortune telling or use of a ouija board that would open the door to demonic influence? Finally, if you have faith in God through Jesus Christ, you have the power to command demands to leave. Have you made that commitment to God?
  • Question
    How do I stop hallucinating and get help?
    Community Answer
    Tell your doctor that you're experiencing hallucinations and they will be able to help you or they will refer you to someone who can help you. If you're underage, tell a parent and ask them to make an appointment with your doctor.
  • Question
    I'm a devout Christian; could a demon still attack me?
    Community Answer
    A demon can attack anybody anywhere. The most powerful thing to do is pray to Jesus Christ for protection.
  • Question
    What if you have a demon talking to you and it's making you go crazy?
    Community Answer
    Find someone you trust and open up about what you've been experiencing. You may want to speak to a counselor or your doctor.
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    Where can I get a rosary?
    Community Answer
    Religious book and gift stores sell rosaries.
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    How do I call Satan to get rid of demons?
    Community Answer
    You can't call on Satan, he is their leader. But you could try going to a church and asking them to call upon God for help.
  • Question
    I'm a 15-year-old atheist and I don't know anything about church. Would any local church just accept an atheist who says they're having a demon problem?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Of course! A true Christian church would reach out and help anyone that is oppressed. All you need to do is find someone to pray with you about it.
  • Question
    What if I don't have a rosary because I am a different religion?
    Community Answer
    The techniques would work for any religion. The rosary part is a bit more optional. Basically it implies to use your religious aid.
  • Question
    If I summon a demon and am under 18, how can I get supplies to banish it?
    Community Answer
    A lot of the materials needed to banish demons are actually common household objects. If you have salt in your house, that already goes a long way, as you can leave a circle of salt around your house to protect you and your family. Burning salt by putting it in a mug with rubbing alcohol does the same thing as white sage if you can't find a smudge stick (but be very careful, and only do this with adult supervision as it can go wrong and burn your house down.) If your family is Christian, crucifixes and rosaries are good tools for protection that you could convince your parents to buy for you. Above all, be careful, and don't be afraid to ask for help if something happens.
  • Question
    What do I do if my friend is being possessed?
    Community Answer
    You should probably go to a chapel, pray for protection, and ask for help from your priest.
  • Question
    Where can I get spiritual items, and to whom can I talk about it?
    Community Answer
    You can find these mainly at specialty stores, but candles and incense can be purchased in other types of shops. On the topic of discussion, if you have a friend who is spiritual, you can talk to him/her about your current situation, but the best course of action would be to talk to your religious leader (pastor, priest etc.).
  • Question
    My friend has many personalities. How do we get rid of the demon so that the bad personalities go away, but she still has the nice ones?
    Community Answer
    I think your friend might be suffering from dissociative identity disorder, not a demon. You should encourage her to seek help from a mental health professional.
  • Question
    What should I do about a demonic entity in my home that touches me at night in a bad way?
    Community Answer
    You should talk to your parents, a trusted adult at school, or a minister about it.
  • Question
    Why can't I use a witch doctor?
    Community Answer
    You can, it's just wise not to. Most of these pretend and many who are genuine deal with both sides.
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    How do I send them back to a place of my choosing?
    Community Answer
    They do not go into bottles and lamps as simply as certain tales may suggest. On the whole, any involvement is inadvisable unless they bother you repeatedly. As for sending them to places of your choosing, they, much like humans, have "free will." Trying to force one to do something will only cause trouble.
  • Question
    What do I do about possessed objects?
    Community Answer
    Take the object to a church. Have a pastor/priest pray over it so the demon leaves.
  • Question
    I am a 14-year-old with a friend I call Finn. I do not know if he/she is good or bad. He/she has been in my room at night and plenty other times around my house for a while now. Does this mean it is good or bad?
    Community Answer
    If it's been around for a long time and not done anything, it's benevolent (good). It might be a child who has passed and just wants a friend. Don't get too close, though. Spirits can manifest many ways to gain your trust.
  • Question
    Is it possible for a demon to possess me even though I manage to enter the church?
    Community Answer
    Yes, a demon or the devil can attack you anywhere, at anytime. And it's going to get worse and worse as you progress in age. As the Devil's ultimate goal is to send you to hell, his attacks will get stronger and stronger throughout the years. If you are possessed by a demon, then that means God is giving you a powerful sign that you are extremely far down the wrong path, or heading down the extremely wrong path, and that you need to return to his Church.
  • Question
    Me and my partner live in a refurbished mental asylum and we are experiencing extreme hauntings. Growling, pinching leaving marks on our skin, name calling, whispers. How do we get rid of this?
    Community Answer
    Consult ghost experts, psychics, or religious leaders. You may need to have your home blessed or cleansed.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of a spirit that come to my bed at night?
    Community Answer
    Have your home blessed and cleansed.
  • Question
    I am currently suffering from all of these symptoms and am looking for a professional in the Los Angeles area. Does anyone know of someone?
    Community Answer
    Try Googling Exorcists in LA. Or you can try talking to a local priest. Maybe you can attempt it yourself
  • Question
    How do I know a demon is harassing me?
    Community Answer
    There are no specific signs as all demons are different. You could be having mood swings or feel depressed or you could be uncomfortable in one specific location.
  • Question
    There's a demon in my head telling me to disrespect my mother, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Do not listen to it! It is trying to get you to sin and get in trouble. I recommend praying to St. Michael the Archangel for strength and protection.
  • Question
    Everyone calls me a demon, does this mean I am one?
    Community Answer
    No. If people are bullying you, talk to an adult. If you think they're calling you a demon because of your bad behavior, you should reevaluate your behavior and consider talking to a therapist, guidance counselor, or other mental health professional.
  • Question
    These days I am frequently getting bad dreams. What should I do to stop it?
    Community Answer
    Clear your mind before bed and practicing meditating as you fall asleep.
  • Question
    What if my friend tells me she has been possessed during the night? What if she starts to act really scary after that?
    Community Answer
    It's likely a desperate act for attention. She may not have been able to communicate her situation to people around her, so she's forced to act it out. The best course of action is to question her. For example, how does she know she's been possessed? Let her describe it. Does she act scary only when she knows you're watching? It doesn't necessarily mean she's acting, but it would raise suspicions.
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