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Q&A for How to Keep a Wild Caught Toad As a Pet
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QuestionHow can I tell if they are a boy or girl?Community AnswerWhen holding a toad, gently place your thumb and pointer finger behind the eyes and in front of its front legs. put a little pressure, not too much so that it does not harm the toad. if done correctly, a male toad should croak. A female will not. This is because the male believes that another male is on top of it attempting to mate. Other than that, if you know the species, research other signs that specify gender.
QuestionDo toads like to swim often?Community AnswerI don't think so. Mine spends most of the time on land. It just sits in the water to rehydrate.
QuestionWhat do I feed a wild toad I caught?Community AnswerIf you go to PetSmart, they have bags of small, medium, and large crickets. Those are good starters; if your toad gets bored of those, try to find a bait shop with waxworms or mealworms.
QuestionWill my toad eat only bugs?Community AnswerYes, toads have a bug-only diet. There are also special supplements you can buy for them.
QuestionCan toads eat ticks?Community AnswerNo. If you try to feed a toad a tick, the tick may bite your toad.
QuestionDo I need to let my toads go this coming spring?Community AnswerIt's your choice, but releasing them back into the wild will make them quite happy. As it's mating season, their breed can thrive locally if you let them go. If you really want to keep them, keep them.
QuestionAre there other ways to tell if a toad is a female or a male?Community AnswerCheck the toad's throat. A male toad's throat will be dark, usually a bluish color. A female's throat will be around the same color as her stomach. The females are also bigger than the males.
QuestionIf I catch a male and female toad, will they mate?Community AnswerIt's impossible to say for sure, but if you don't want them to mate, you can ensure that they don't by keeping them separated.
QuestionAre toads dangerous for dogs?Dan PeckfordCommunity AnswerIt depends on the type of toad you own. Many toads release a chemical excretion from their backs which, when ingested, creates a powerful hallucinogenic reaction which can incapacitate your dog, especially if it's a smaller breed. This excretion is a defense mechanism as the bitter taste will cause most predators to spit the toad out in disgust and most likely keep the predator from ever attacking a toad again.
QuestionHow do you store your toad in a small space?Community AnswerYou should provide at least a ten gallon tank for a wild caught toad.
QuestionI think I crushed a toad's hind leg in our pond when a rock fell on it. How can I help it now?Joseph HendrenCommunity AnswerTake your toad to a veterinarian who specializes in herpetology, or the treatment of reptiles such as toads. They should be able to help you take care of your toad.
QuestionWill a toad stay in a tank without a lid?Dan PeckfordCommunity AnswerIt depends on the height of your terrarium/tank. Toads have very powerful back legs which can propel them great distances to escape from potential harm. When aimed upwards, toads have a vertical jump height of about 1 foot. If you have any other pets in the household, it is advised that you get a lid as this will prevent curious cats and dogs from poking around and disturbing the toad or possibly licking it and ingesting the toxic chemical that is excreted from pores on the toad's back.
QuestionCan I keep a toad in the same tank as a turtle?Joseph HendrenCommunity AnswerYou shouldn't keep toads in the same tank as any other creatures other than toads. Many toads are poisonous and may be harmful to your turtle.
QuestionHow long can you keep a wild toad?Community AnswerUltimately, the toad will be happier if let back into the wild, where it truly ought to be to live out its life as nature intended. If you choose to keep it for an extended period of time, make sure it has an optimal living condition.
QuestionIs it ok to force-feed a wild toad I just caught?Community AnswerNo, you should never force-feed a toad. Instead, simply put out a bit of food and wait for him to eat it. He will if he is hungry.
QuestionHow big can toads get and how much can they weigh?Community AnswerIt depends on the species. Typical American toads max out at 4 inches from snout to vent, but Marine toads can exceed 10 and weigh up to 5 pounds.
QuestionCan I keep two similar-sized toads together?Community AnswerYes.
QuestionHow do I get my toads to become acclimated to their habitat?Joseph HendrenCommunity AnswerYou can't force your toads to become acclimated to their habitat, you can only make it as comfortable for it as possible. If your toad doesn't seem to like being captive, you should release it and try and catch a different toad.
QuestionDo toads like a lot of space to roam around?Community AnswerYes.
QuestionWhat if I don't know the type, but want to know?Community AnswerThere is really no way of accurately identifying a wild toad. Try researching types of toads and find one that describes yours.
QuestionThe toads I just caught are still babies. Should I feed them just pinheads?Community AnswerYes, pinheads or anything else very small. Make sure to pull the legs off the insect first.
QuestionDo toads need a glass container?Joseph HendrenCommunity AnswerThe tank you keep it in doesn't need to be made of glass, but it should be able to remain moist and keep the toad safely inside. Plastic or perspex tanks would also work.
QuestionCan you leave your toad in a cardboard box?Joseph HendrenCommunity AnswerIf you are only keeping the toad for a day or two, it should be relatively comfortable in a cardboard box with some holes poked into the top. If you want to keep it for longer, you'll need to invest in a proper tank.
QuestionCan you feed your toad grasshoppers?Joseph HendrenCommunity AnswerYou shouldn't feed toads any food that it can't easily swallow. Grasshoppers might be too big for your toad to eat safely.
QuestionWhat should I do if my toad does not eat?Community AnswerKeep your eyes peeled for any other potential signs of illness, you may need to take it to the vet or simply release it back into the wild. You might try feeding it something different in the meantime. If it is a newly caught toad, it might just be stressed about the new environment. Give it a little time before you worry too much.
QuestionIs it a frog or a toad?Community AnswerA toad is a type of frog that tends to live in drier climates and have rougher skin and shorter legs. This article is specifically about toads.
QuestionWhat should I put in the container besides hiding spaces and food?Community AnswerPut a little low pool of water but make sure to bury it in the dirt so your toad can hop in and out with ease.
QuestionHow can I tell if my baby toads are male or female?Lizards MaxCommunity AnswerIt is a lot harder if they are young, but males chirp and vibrate and females don't when you are handling them.
QuestionDoes the toad's food need to be alive?Anaka BlackwoodCommunity AnswerYes. Toads prefer live food, so be sure that the toad has plenty of food to hunt.
QuestionWill toads eat worms from our backyard?Dan PeckfordCommunity AnswerThey will. However, it is advised that you feed them a food formulated for small amphibians or frogs as they are complete, balanced, and supplemented with vitamins and minerals that a toad needs to survive. Meal worms and crickets are also a good choice; however, you will also need to buy a calcium powder and dust your worms/crickets before feeding them to your toad. This will provide your toad with essential calcium to prevent bone deterioration.
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