Q&A for How to Know Whether You're Compatible

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    I want to know if she's the right person, but she only calls me when she needs something.
    Community Answer
    If a girl is only calling you when she needs something, it's not good. It sounds like she only cares about what you can do for her rather than just spending time with you and getting to know you. I suggest you find someone else.
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    I truly love my girlfriend, and she seems to love me too, but I found love messages in her phone with another guy. When I asked, she said they were friends and she apologized and said she wouldn't do it again. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Well, which is it? Are they just friends or does she admit she did something wrong? Because it can't be both. It's really up to you whether you think you can trust her again or not. If you don't think you can, you should walk away now, rather than wasting more of your time and hers.
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    My best friend is a girl, and we have been best friends for the last 2 years. We love each other and we talked about more a little, but she'd rather be friends. Might her feelings change?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    I recently was deciding between a trip to the Balkan or to Norway. I'd rather see Norway in winter, but my chance has passed and I have to wait half a year. It may well be that indeed this opportunity has passed for you. You're good friends, so keep that. If you've talked seriously about a relationship and she has clearly stated she wants to be friends, then friendship it is. If you keep pursuing love, you'll only push her away and lose the friendship. Sure, her feelings can change, but so can yours. There's no guarantee that if she loves you next summer, you'll still love her as well.
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    He's my best friend and I'm worried he may see me as a sister, but on other days he shows signs he likes me. What should I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    We hardly ever fall for strangers the first day we meet them; more often than not, people build love on a preexisting friendship, even if the friendship was originally founded without the intention (or hope) of it turning into love. You cannot decide for the both of you, only for yourself. If you're interested in him, flirt, kiss, go out with him, and hope that he can grow love for you back. The sister thing is just an idea in your heads; it will quickly melt away.
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