Q&A for How to Look Cute in Front of Your Ex, Crush, or Boyfriend (Teen Girls Only)

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    what should i say if he say that he liked me?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    If you like him back, tell him! He'll appreciate you being as honest with him as he was with you. If you don't like him back, tell him how you feel nicely, such as "I think of you as a great friend but don't feel that way."
  • Question
    My boyfriend broke up with me for no reason.just saying I have wasted three years of his life time.We attend the same church.How should i behave when i attend services for him to regret leaving me
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Whenever you go to church, try to look your best by wearing your most flattering outfit. Try not to pay too much attention to him and focus on the service.
  • Question
    If you have your hair down is it more likely u will be prettier
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Many boys find girls prettier with their hair down, but it really depends on what your crush likes. Wear your hair however you feel it looks best and makes you most confident.
  • Question
    What should I compliment him about??? There is this guy that is 3 year's older than me and keeps staring in my eye's super deeply, what do I do??? I ignore his staring through is that okay???
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Try to hold the eye contact for just a few seconds before looking away. If you like this guy, acknowledging that you know he's looking at you by looking back will help him realize your feelings.
  • Question
    What happens if he says he doesn't like in that kind of way?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    If this happens, accept what he tells you and try to move on. There are plenty of other boys out there who will like you for you.
  • Question
    If my crush asked me out but he got one of his friends to do it what do I say
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    You can tell your crush's friend your answer if you'd like, but it's better to respond directly to your crush so that you start a strong form of communication between each other.
  • Question
    If you have a crush what if you don't see them daily
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Try sending your crush texts or messages on days you're not able to see them. This will help keep you on their mind on days when you don't get to talk to them in person.
  • Question
    How do I make a move without it being awkward?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Do something subtle, like striking up a conversation with them about what they did over the weekend or how much schoolwork they have. Even something as simple as smiling while holding eye contact can hint that you like them.
  • Question
    how do u kno when your ready for a kiss
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    If you're questioning whether you're ready to be kissed or not, this probably means you're not ready yet. When you're ready to be kissed, you'll feel excited about it instead of anxious.
  • Question
    do u think a boy likes me?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    I'm sure there's a boy out there who likes you for you, even if you haven't found him yet!
  • Question
    What if my ex is being mean to me and calling me bad things because I broke up with him? I'm in seventh grade if that helps you. Thank you!
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    If your ex is calling you bad things and being mean, it's likely because they're just feeling hurt that you broke up with them. Try to give them time and space to get over you, and ignore all of the hurtful things they're saying.
  • Question
    What if he is shy but your crush likes you back.
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    If you're sure your crush likes you back, try being honest and telling them how you feel. It's possible he's just waiting for you to make the first move!
  • Question
    I have a lot of pimples. Will i not look cute with pimples or pimple marks? If no what should I do?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    If you're feeling self conscious about your pimples, you can always use a concealer to cover them up. If you don't want to use makeup, you can definitely still look cute even when your skin is breaking out a bit.
  • Question
    how to get your crush to like you when your fat and hes only into skinny girls
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Try letting your crush get to know your personality so you become friends. Remember that looks aren't everything, and even if your crush doesn't end up liking you back, you'll find someone who does and who won't want you to change.
  • Question
    What if you don't have makeup and you were glasses
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Makeup isn't necessary to get your crush's attention, just be yourself and show confidence! Glasses can be a great way to bring attention to your eyes. If you don't like your glasses, consider picking out new frames that bring out your eyes and match your personality.
  • Question
    What happens if you both have a crush on each other but the boy has a girlfriend?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    It's not a good idea to get involved with each other if the boy already has a girlfriend. If he says he really likes you, then it's up to him to end his relationship while being respectful of his current girlfriend's feelings.
  • Question
    What if he is dating someone else?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Be patient and try to become good friends with your crush without getting in the way of his relationship. This way, he'll begin to see you as a great friend and his feelings might eventually grow.
  • Question
    after i told my crush i liked him he said 'I like you too, but i'm moving' should we try a long distance relationship?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    This is something you would need to ask your crush. Long distance relationships can be hard for both people, but if you really like him, you can always see if he's open to trying it out. If not, maybe you can keep up with your friendship by chatting long distance occasionally.
  • Question
    I can't dress to impress because I wear a uniform so what do I do
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    There are lots of ways to make your uniform stand out. Try adding accessories like bracelets, necklaces, or earrings, or pick out socks and sweaters that are unique if it's allowed by your dress code.
  • Question
    How do you get your crush to like you when you don’t talk to them
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    If you don't talk to your crush at all, they're not going to be able to get to know you, which is the first step in figuring out if you like someone. If you're too nervous to talk to your crush by yourself, try talking to your crush while you're in a group, or get to know your crush's friends so you feel more comfortable around them.
  • Question
    What to do if your crush is always with his friends?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Try seeing if your crush and his group of friends would want to hang out with you and your group of friends. You could go see a movie together, grab a bite to eat, or hang out at someone's house.
  • Question
    How do I know if I added to much makeup?
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    If you don't feel like you look like your normal self or your makeup is super caked on, it's likely you've added too much. Try removing some of it using makeup wipes if you'd like.
  • Question
    Should I dress up or be casual
    Emily Berger1
    Community Answer
    Whichever one you prefer! If you like dressing up, pick out an outfit that's fancier, while if you prefer wearing more casual outfits like jeans or shorts and a shirt, then wear this. The goal is to stick with what you're most comfortable in so that you feel confident and yourself.
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