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Q&A for How to Make Him Want You
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QuestionHow do I make him miss me?Joshua Pompey is a Relationship Expert and Founder of Next Evolution Matchmaking (NEM) based in New York City, NY. With over 15 years in the industry, Joshua helps his clients navigate online dating and has a success rate of over 99%. His work has been featured in CNBC, Good Morning America, Wired, and Refinery29 and he has been referred to as the best online dater in the world.Try waiting an hour or two before responding to his texts or messages. The next time he messages you, do your best not to respond immediately. Finding the right balance between being unavailable and too available can be hard, but striking this balance gives him a chance to miss you while staying in contact.
QuestionI'm shy, introverted, and sometimes seem angry. How am I going to flirt with him/her if it makes me uncomfortable?Community AnswerEven if you like someone, you should never do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Try to establish a friendship with them first, so you can see if they're really right for you. If the other person knows you well, they'll appreciate your good qualities without you having to be overly flirty.
QuestionWhat if you're wearing a school uniform?Community AnswerWe've got many tips on how to look good in a uniform. Depending on your school's policies, you might be able to get his attention with accessories, hairstyles, or small uniform adjustments.
QuestionWhat if my boyfriend takes a picture of me? Does it mean that my boyfriend likes me or is it something else?Community AnswerUsually, when you take a photo of someone, it's because they're important to you or part of an important moment in your life. If your boyfriend is taking photos of you frequently, then that seems like a good sign that he's into you.
QuestionHow do I get out of the friend zone?Community AnswerA lot of online advice tells you to play hard to get and try to make him jealous. Well, that might work, but it's often smarter just to ask him out. Invite him to a casual date, but use that word so he understands it's not just a hangout. Take it slow so he can get used to the idea before you start confessing your love.
QuestionHow do I respond to his texts? I don't want to seem like I was waiting for him to text me, but I don't want to seem like I don't care either.Community AnswerWaiting an hour or two is a good general rule. Feel free to reply sooner if things are going well.
QuestionWhat if he already has a girlfriend?Community AnswerAre you comfortable trying to end his relationship? You'll be creating quite a bit of drama and unhappiness, depending on how serious they are. If you decide it's worth it, let him know you like him and leave the final decision up to him.
QuestionWhat if most of the guys at your school are immature and think you're weird?Community AnswerIf they don't have the same interests or maturity level as you, then they're probably not the right guy for you. School isn't the only place to meet a guy. Get involved with sports, clubs, and other activities in your community so you can meet guys from other schools.
QuestionWhat if you already asked him out and he said no?Community AnswerSadly, it's time to move on. There are plenty more fish in the sea.
QuestionWhat if you barely know the guy and don't want to talk to him?Community AnswerIt's always best if you get to know a guy first -- that way, you'll be better able to tell if he's right for you. But if you don't want to talk to him, try sending a text or an email to start a conversation.
QuestionThis guy tried to put his arm around my shoulders, and the next day he kept grabbing my hips while we were playing soccer. Does it mean he likes me?Community AnswerIt definitely seems like he was flirting with you, which usually indicates that a guy is interested.
QuestionWhat if the guy I'm interested in is an ex who has moved on but is my most recent ex?Community AnswerIf you ex has moved on, it's probably a good idea to move on yourself.
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