Q&A for How to Prepare for a Sports Game

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    How do I get faster at running?
    Community Answer
    Practice every day. Run every day and increasing the distance. And, set up your timing to finish the distance you wish.
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    Should the practice be before the game starts?
    Community Answer
    You should practice for many days before the game, and warm-up with a bit of practice before the game.
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    I'm 9 years old. How many hours of sleep should I get?
    Community Answer
    9-11 hours of sleep is a good amount for someone your age. For example, if you go to sleep at 9:00, you should wake up at least at 7:00 in the morning.
  • Question
    I have sports day coming up tomorrow, and I have to compete in a lot of events, but I have been sick. How do I get well soon?
    Community Answer
    You should do your best and get a good night's sleep. Try to drink lots of water and hopefully you will wake up feeling refreshed. Sometimes a good sleep fixes everything!
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    What do I do to prepare the day of the game?
    Community Answer
    Eat carbs, stretch, and practice the activity a bit before you compete. Be careful about eating too much and drinking liquids other than water.
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    I'm only a kid, so I cannot train for hours a day. I have an exercise bike at home, can I use that?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to practice for hours every day. Make sure you know the terms and rules of your sport inside and out. If your sport involves a lot of running, you can run around your neighborhood, or yes, you could use the exercise bike. If you play baseball or football, try to get someone to play catch with you when you can. Just practice whenever/wherever possible.
  • Question
    What kind of foods contain the most carbs, and are still beneficial/healthy for me for a game?
    Community Answer
    Pasta, bread, potatoes, oatmeal or porridge, healthy cereal (NOT Fruit Loops!), and couscous are all good options.
  • Question
    What do I do if I get tired and hungry when training for my sports game?
    Community Answer
    Take regular breaks, and have a healthy snack (like an apple) and some water. Don't drink sugary drinks, as these will actually dehydrate you and make your energy levels crash.
  • Question
    I'm 12 and I have a lacrosse game every Sunday. Is it okay if I drink Gatorade instead of water?
    Community Answer
    Try to stick to water, especially on game day. It's better to help your muscles recover, and Gatorade actually makes you sweat and dehydrate faster. It has benefits because of the sugar, so I would say have a glass or a bottle of it 30 minutes to an hour before your game, but other than that, stick to water. You'll feel more energized.
  • Question
    How do I play first base better in softball?
    Community Answer
    Work hard and practice your catching and throws to home. You always need to be prepared to catch the throws even the bad ones. If it’s a bad throw get off the base to get it. But if it’s possible to catch it on the base stay on the base. When you throw to the pitch or home be sure to drop step.
  • Question
    I have a race in 3 weeks so I will be using a gym bike every day for 1-2 hours. What else should I do?
    Community Answer
    Keep up what you're doing and you might also include some skipping every day to help increase your speed and make you lighter on your toes.
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    Will energy drinks help me prepare for a sports game?
    Community Answer
    They can pump you up, but they also tire you out fast.
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    How do I take care of an injury before the game?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the injury. If it's a cut or scrape, wash it and cover it with a band-aid. If it's something like a twisted ankle, wrap it in an Ace bandage. Anything more serious and you should consult your doctor about whether or not it's safe to play sports and what precautions you should take.
  • Question
    How do I prepare for a sports tournament?
    Community Answer
    Do the same as you would for a game (clothing, sports gear, etc.) but be sure to also pack toiletries, medications, slippers and pyjamas if it is over the course of multiple days. Bring plenty of healthy snacks and consider getting gels for a quick delivery of carbs and protein. Make sure you have access to money while away and don't forget to bring your phone and any other devices you'd usually be using in the evenings.
  • Question
    What should I do the night before a 1st division javelin competition for people under fifteen, so that I can be in my best condition?
    Community Answer
    Get plenty of sleep and have a healthy meal. Do a small amount of practice but be careful not to get injured. If you need to leave early set an alarm so you can get there with plenty of spare time. Most importantly, do not panic, as this will only decrease your performance on the big day!
  • Question
    Is it okay to drink an unflavored carbonated water instead of regular water?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that should be perfectly fine, as long as you stay hydrated and ensure you are drinking water throughout your game, you should be good to go.
  • Question
    I'm 11. How do I keep myself calm before a race?
    Community Answer
    Runners typically feel nervous before a race. Don't worry about it. The nervousness will diminish when you start warming up, and it will mostly disappear when the race begins.
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