Q&A for How to Read Palms

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    Can I use palm reading to predict how many children I’ll have?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Palmists believe that the vertical lines under your little finger can give you indications about the number and gender of your future children. The lines may also branch off of a love line. Try to count the lines to get an idea of how many children you’ll have (although these lines can be faint and difficult to count). Broader and deeper lines are thought to indicate boys, while fainter lines are thought to indicate girls. Palmists also claim that broken or diverted lines could indicate that the child will have a health issue.
  • Question
    Which line can I look at to find out about marriage?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Look at the “marriage lines” or “love lines,” which are small horizontal indentations on the outer side of your hand, under your little finger. You may have an easier time seeing them if you curl your hand into a fist. Each line or groove is thought to represent a different marriage, and deeper and longer grooves represent stronger or longer-lasting relationships. However, some palmists believe that these lines don’t distinguish between marriages and other types of romantic relationships.
  • Question
    What does it mean if my fate line is absent?
    Community Answer
    It means you will shape your own future. Your fate is not predetermined.
  • Question
    Can my hand lines change over time?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course the lines in your hand change with time. For example, the length of life line of your hand indicates how healthy you are, and your health can definitely change over time depending on your age, level of activity, etc.
  • Question
    If you are selfish when it comes to love, what does that mean?
    Community Answer
    The term means that whenever a situation occurs which involves you and someone you love, you will always put yourself ahead of the other person. You want to receive a lot of love, but you don't necessarily want to give love.
  • Question
    What does it mean to be strongly ruled by fate?
    Community Answer
    It means that many of the things that happen in your life are out of your control. Bigger forces than your own will are at work.
  • Question
    What does it mean to be inconsistent in thoughts?
    Community Answer
    Having inconsistent thoughts means applying different principles or values at different times, resulting in ideas or conclusions that are not congruent with your values, or thoughts that are not congruent with each other. They contradict each other.
  • Question
    Should every palm have all the lines?
    Community Answer
    Most people can match most of the lines described here, but it's common to be missing one, or to have a network of lines that doesn't match perfectly. There are many different interpretations for what this means. Don't fall into the trap of trying to convince yourself that your palm matches what the palm reader says, if it's clearly different than this diagram.
  • Question
    Is this based on science, or is it a form of fortune telling?
    Community Answer
    There is no scientific evidence for palmistry. It has its roots in many traditions found across Asia and the Middle East, as well as later resurgences in Europe.
  • Question
    How do you tell if you are going to have children?
    Community Answer
    Find your child line. Make a fist with your right hand. Look on the outer side of your hand, near the pinky. The number of lines you have will be the number of children you produce (the line connecting the finger to the hand does not count as a child line). Of course, personal choice, birth control and success or failure to hitch up with someone will also have more concrete reasons to do with how many children you end up having.
  • Question
    What does it mean if I have a broken fate line?
    Community Answer
    Breaks usually mean changes of direction - you may be prone to many changes in life from external forces.
  • Question
    What happens if my fate line is very faint, but you can still see it?
    Community Answer
    It means your future isn't that clear, so it might darken over time. If it doesn't, you can choose your path.
  • Question
    Am I going to be able to see or find out when or how I die?
    Community Answer
    No. There is nothing on our palm that tells us when we are going to die or how.
  • Question
    How do I found out who I will marry?
    Community Answer
    I don't think it's possible to find that out with just palm readings. You can find out how many marriages/relationships you will have, but not any specific names.
  • Question
    Can I know how good looking my spouse will be?
    Community Answer
    If the heart line starts under the Saturn mount, it indicates love for outer appearance.
  • Question
    I have a lot of crosses on both palms, what does that mean?
    Community Answer
    It depends on where they are located. More crosses on the heart line means more negative connotations with emotion. More crosses on the head line signify more tough decisions. More crosses on the life line would mean more stops or halts on your life's journey.
  • Question
    Why do some people not have fate lines?
    Community Answer
    They can control their own fates, everything they do is their choice and not other forces.
  • Question
    I have a single straight line across my left hand. What does that mean?
    Community Answer
    If it goes all the way across your palm, it means you are a person who thinks what they feel and feels what they think. (Your emotions and thoughts flow in unison.)
  • Question
    What does the clean and clear heart lines indicates?
    Community Answer
    Clean & clear heart lines indicate that the people who have it, will be very cool, calm & have a nice manner.
  • Question
    Where is the marriage line?
    Community Answer
    In some traditions, this is the small horizontal line (or lines) between your pinkie finger and your heart line. A longer line is said to indicate more selective tastes in marriage, and higher demands on your spouse.
  • Question
    Both of my heart lines on each hand split in two. What does this mean?
    Community Answer
    You may have had emotional problems with your mom, dad, siblings, or spouse.
  • Question
    What if there is a deep heart line but no marriage line?
    Community Answer
    Marriage is a legal concept, not a palmistry one. The "marriage" line is considered to show the capability for close emotional connections in other schools of training.
  • Question
    How do I know how good will my marriage life be?
    Community Answer
    First, you have to find your marriage line. The marriage line is the line going from your pinkie to your heart line. If you don't have a heart line, it means your marriage is almost unpredictable, and you should try some other way of predicting. It could also mean you might never get married. If it is short and does not connect with the heart line, it means that you might not find the marriage such a good idea as you thought at the time, and if it's long but broken, you will stay together, but not happily. If your marriage line is long and goes through the heart line, it means your marriage will be a happy one, and if it hits your fate line, it is even better.
  • Question
    Why do I have Xs on my palms?
    Community Answer
    Xs generally indicate obstruction of some kind.
  • Question
    Is it weird that I have both palms looking totally same?
    Community Answer
    No. This often happens. Whatever lines are on your palm are perfectly normal. They are like fingerprints -- none are the same, and though yours may look it, there might only be the slightest of differences.
  • Question
    Why does my heart line look like it's a thread of two or more lines?
    Community Answer
    Two or more parallel heart lines usually means more than one life partner or other deep non-familial relationship in your life.
  • Question
    How can you tell if your hands are "big"?
    Community Answer
    According to some sources, the average adult male hand is 7.4 inches (19 cm) from wrist to fingertip, and 3.3 inches (8 cm) across the palm. For women, these respective numbers are 6.8 inches (17 cm) and 2.9 inches (17 cm). Make rough adjustments if you're taller or shorter than the average person of your sex.
  • Question
    Is a job coming my way soon?
    Community Answer
    That is hard to answer since we do not know who you are or your line of work? Yes if you are a geriatrics nurse, no if you are a typist.
  • Question
    There are small triangles on my palm, what do they show?
    Annette Anzu
    Community Answer
    It means that you have a very good fortune. You're very lucky, and progressive in your physical and mental activities.
  • Question
    What does it mean if I have my head line and heart line cross?
    Community Answer
    That means your brain is often confused with feelings and vice versa. Of you have a short heart line, you often confuse your emotions with knowledge. If you have a short head line and long heart line, you often confuse your knowledge with emotions.
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