How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Replace Swear Words with Less Offensive Words
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QuestionShould I use funny words instead of a bad word?Community AnswerYes. This makes it less offensive and funnier. It also lightens up the mood.
QuestionWhy are swear words offensive?Community AnswerBecause society has given words connotations over the years, giving "offensive" words a meaning that some find less than desirable. Especially in more conservative places, a lot of these words have become taboo, which has increased peoples' fear of them. It's like in Harry Potter, people couldn't even say the name "Voldemort" because nobody said it and there had become a massive stigma around using it. Basically, it's society's fault and has nothing to do with the word itself.
QuestionWhy would someone start cursing in the first place?Community AnswerIt just kind of happens if you listen to music, watch movies or hang out with people that swear. The best thing to do is limit your exposure.
QuestionWhat if I can't come up with made-up words?Community AnswerLook around you and find an object, such as a fork, and combine it with the backwards spelling of that word. Forkkorf. Lemonnomel. Tableelbat. Sofaafos. Or, use any other solutions in the article.
QuestionWhat if the same person who wants me to quit swearing makes fun of me whenever I use "funny" replacement words?Tom De BackerTop AnswererIf this is a friend, you can safely ignore it. If it's your parent or another person of authority, then you should really point this out: "Well, you want me to replace the swear words, but then make fun of me when I do. That behavior is unfair and I want you to stop."
QuestionCould somebody saying "foxy lady" be using it as polite curse words?Tom De BackerTop AnswererThe expression "foxy lady" is an overt sexual innuendo meaning the speaker thinks a certain woman is attractive enough to have sex with. Perhaps in a sarcastic sense, this expression could be an insult, but even that is a stretch. So no, I don't think anyone saying "foxy lady" would mean it as polite curse words.
QuestionCould I use a famous person's name instead of God's when I swear?Community AnswerSure. You can use the name of literally anybody you want. They can be real, fictional, alive, dead, etc.
QuestionIs there a method to stop cussing when something sudden happens, like stubbing my toe or when someone almost causes me an accident?Tom De BackerTop AnswererPractice. Your arms do not suddenly move uncontrollably as if of their own will and volition; you control your arms. If you say "arm, pick that up," then it does. Though we don't always actively do so, we do always control our own arms, and by extension, our entire body, including your voice. It's a reflex: nothing - accident - swear-word - thought. But your voice doesn't decide what it says or when it speaks - you do. So practice actively controlling your voice until it's: nothing - accident - thought - nothing.
QuestionIs there an alternative word or phrase rather than "Bad A**" that I can use?Community AnswerI think Savage works pretty well. Try it! It's also a word people won't make fun of.
QuestionIs crap or dang a swear word?Community AnswerUsually you will be safe to say 'crap' or 'dang' - it depends on the situation, but in general, using those two words instead of swearwords is a good option.
QuestionIs there an alternative word or phrase rather than "Bad A**" that I can use?Community AnswerYou could call someone "LIT," which means that they're cool .
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