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Q&A for How to See Auras
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QuestionWhat does it mean if you can see auras?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerSome people believe that there is a spiritual explanation—that if you see auras, this means you are attuned to the spiritual energies of other beings. It’s also possible that there’s a neurological reason for seeing auras in some cases. For example, some people may see auras due to a cross-wiring of their senses known as synesthesia, which causes people to “see” sounds or “taste” colors, for instance. Certain medical conditions, like migraines, can also cause visual auras.
QuestionCan I see an aura in a photograph?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerSome spiritualists believe that you can see auras in photographs. There is also a photographic technique called Kirlian photography that can capture electrical discharges from objects in contact with a photographic plate. Some people believe that the resulting images depict auras.
QuestionHow can I tell if I see an aura?Community AnswerWhen you see a matching outline surrounding a person or an object. It usually looks clear at first, but you may see color.
QuestionCan an aura change colors over time?Community AnswerYes they can. In fact, they can change any second of the day.
QuestionIs it possible to view my own aura in a mirror?Community AnswerYes, look into the mirror and look in the center of your forehead between your eyebrows. When done at the correct distance for you (up to 18 feet), you'll be able to see an aura.
QuestionI have a white aura when I'm alone, but when I'm with someone, I have the same color as that person. I've tried it with every member of my family, and I keep getting their auras. What does this mean?Community AnswerThey are influencing you. Make a shield and you'll be yourself again.
QuestionI have a light gray aura. I just am recovering from guilt - what does that mean?Community AnswerIt means just that: you're recovering! Black is the color of evil, guilt, malice, etc., so the fact that you're going from black to light gray means that you're being cleansed and you're slowing changing to white, which is a pure aura!
QuestionIf a psychic told me I have a rainbow aura that signifies that I am a creative person in some way, is it true?Community AnswerIt means your energy fields are already connected in the sense you are neutral within the spectrum and at this you are at the level of being a creator.
QuestionI was watching my teacher, and I saw a bright-yellow glow around her after a while. Could that have been her aura?Community AnswerYes, it could have been. Read about the meaning of yellow, and if it sounds like her, that makes it even more likely.
QuestionHow do I see auras better?Community AnswerPractice is key. There is no way you will be able to see a clear, strong aura is less than five minutes, so patience is also important.
QuestionWhat about the purple aura? What does it mean? Though I haven't seen one yet.Community AnswerViolet relates to the crown, pineal gland and nervous system. It is considered to be the most sensitive and wisest of colors. This is the intuitive color in the aura and reveals psychic power of self-attunement.
QuestionDoes a chair have an aura?Community AnswerYes. All things living or not have one because everything is made up of atoms and energy and auras are only energy fields.
QuestionHow long is the average amount of time it takes to develop this ability?Community AnswerIt depends on how long, hard working and focused you are. Usually, it takes up to a month to get it completely right.
QuestionDoes dark red necessarily mean that something is wrong?Community AnswerNot necessarily, red has multiple meanings. It could be an indication that a person is very centered, or it could mean someone is very passionate.
QuestionWhat is the pink aura I see around myself?Community AnswerBright pink is loving loyal caring romantic kind. Muddy pink is dishonest or immature.
QuestionWhat if someone has a purple aura? How should I approach them?Community AnswerIts the color of dark energy. It can be used in many ways. The brighter the purple the higher the vibration so the stronger it should be. This is how auras normally work. With purple, it is slightly different. Since it derives from a darker form of energy, a dark shade of purple can mean the creature it is emitting from has massive power. It can belong to very kind people or people with malicious intent. Do not make someone with a base color of purple aura mad. The more you cause them pain, the more their power spikes in return. If someone with a purple aura fails to control their anger, they can never be left alone.
QuestionI was looking at my own aura (that was my first time trying to do something like that) and all I saw was a light film about 2mms thick. I couldn't see any color at all. What am I doing wrong?Community AnswerClear your mind. Be in love (yourself, animals, plants, planet) with everything.
QuestionWhat do I do if I can't see auras?Community AnswerSome people aren't able to see auras. It may be because you aren't trying long or hard enough. Auras come with practice and dedication.
QuestionI'm trying the fifth part for a few minutes, and I saw a small sticky aura when I moved my fingers apart. And when I looked at the mirror, some parts of my face turned black. What's that?Community AnswerYou need to strain your eyes less. Take a minute and rest your eyes, then try again. You're over-trying!
QuestionDo I need to be psychic to see auras?Community AnswerSeeing auras is a psychic ability, but if you have no other powers then you'll just need to practice more.
QuestionHow can I tell if a person needs a quick talk by looking at the auras?Community AnswerDark purple means they might have dark magic. It could also mean they have a lot of power or are good with auras. Do not make these people cross. Black means illness or depression or negativity. Other ones you should watch out for like muddy red/pink or murky green.
QuestionI have a very thin white aura around me. Is this my aura, or my eyes playing tricks?Brieona BunkerCommunity AnswerYes. This is your aura. If you read the meaning, you'll know what it means! It seems like your mind could play tricks like that, but keep checking and practicing at it. It will be more noticeable.
QuestionDo I have to be religious to see an aura?Community AnswerNo,
QuestionDo I have to look somewhere specifically?Kabi LanCommunity AnswerYou want look around the left or right side of the person. The energy fields are very subtle and you would need to focus without straining your eyes. Practice looking at one spot for 30-60 seconds and apply different intensities.
QuestionWould learning to read auras subject me to influence of dark powers?Niki GoodmanCommunity AnswerNo. Auras are a natural part of our physical make-up, like our skin and hair. Understanding someone's aura may help you to relate to the person better and can improve our understanding of the world around us.
QuestionWhat are some books to read about auras?NutailaCommunity AnswerThe Complete Book of Auras: Learn to See, Read, Strengthen & Heal Auras by Richard Webster is one.
QuestionWhat is the difference between seeing a persons energy field and seeing their aura?Niki GoodmanCommunity AnswerThey are one and the same. The aura is created by the multiple energy fields emitting from the body.
QuestionHow do I know if it is my aura but not my shadow?Community AnswerAn aura projects itself away from your body, but it doesn't have your form, as your shadow would.
QuestionWhat would a magenta aura mean?Community AnswerMagenta auras are a powerful force because they are a combination of the grounded, physical color red and the spiritual and emotional colors blue and violet. People with this aura are creative, manipulative (when necessary), funny, engaging, charismatic, and inspirational.
QuestionHow can I tell if something is wrong with someone's aura?Community AnswerLook for dim or foggy auras. If it is somewhat black, then something might be wrong.
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