Q&A for How to Take Care of an Aquatic Frog

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    My frog fell on the floor and has dust on him, he is back in his tank now, how can I clean him off?
    Community Answer
    Use the tank water and gently rub it off of him. Do not use any products such as soap, because the chemicals can kill him. I would NOT recommend using tap water, as tap water can be dangerous to them. Use the water you have in your tank to clean him off. Do not scrub, just gently wipe the dust away.
  • Question
    Can I place a mini aquatic frog with goldfish?
    Community Answer
    Aquatic frogs cannot handle the amount of ammonia produced from goldfish waste, so this would not be advisable.
  • Question
    Does the frog's tank have to have an air bubbler?
    Community Answer
    No, as long as you have a filter for the tank, then it will be fine. There will be flow in the tank (make sure it is not too strong!), so you really don't need an air-stone or anything like that because they get their air from the waters surface.
  • Question
    Do I need to change the water if one of my two frogs dies?
    Community Answer
    If you have two and one dies, the dead one is extremely likely to have been affected by the water. You should get the water tested (pH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite) and make sure it suits the species. If there is anything wrong with the water, a water exchange is necessary.
  • Question
    Should I get two aquatic frogs so they won't be alone?
    Community Answer
    You do not need two frogs, but you can have two frogs together. It can be fun to watch two frogs play with each other.
  • Question
    Can they live in an aquarium?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but be careful as some fish and other aquatic animals can harm your frogs. Don't put your frogs in to a tall tank; they need to breathe air and if they can't swim up to the top, they will drown.
  • Question
    Will two boy frogs fight?
    Community Answer
    They may get territorial, which could potentially cause them to fight.
  • Question
    How do I know whether an aquatic frog is a male or a female?
    Community Answer
    Males are skinny with whitish pink glands or bubbles behind their front legs. Females are fatter, mostly near the bottom.
  • Question
    Can aquatic frogs eat fish food?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they can. Make sure you are careful of what food you get, though. Get regular fish food. Do not get the color enhancers, or Glo Fish fish food.
  • Question
    I caught wild aquatic frogs in a pond. They don't eat frog food or fish. What could they eat?
    Community Answer
    Go and check the area where you caught them for any possible food sources like mosquito larvae, aquatic insect life, etc.
  • Question
    Can I have one in a 1-gallon tank?
    Community Answer
    Only one, even though some may say this is too small. It is best to upgrade to at least a 5 gallon, as you can then house up to 3.
  • Question
    Should I fill up my frog tank with aquatic plants or should I just keep it open?
    Community Answer
    You should put some aquatic plants to keep the water oxygenated and keep the lid on, but ensure that the lid has a lot of holes, so the tank doesn't get smelly and humid.
  • Question
    Can I have an algae eater fish in the tank with the frog if it's small enough?
    Community Answer
    Yes, I have done it before with a small algae eater, but you have to make sure that there is enough algae for it to eat or it will die.
  • Question
    Could I use plastic containers instead of a bucket?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can use a plastic container instead. As long as they are in the water in the container.
  • Question
    Is there something wrong with my frog if he isn't moving and there is white slime floating from his body?
    Community Answer
    This usually happens when a frog dies.
  • Question
    Do frogs need an above the surface resting place to breathe and take a break from swimming?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what type of frog it is. Normally, yes, the frog will need a resting place above the water.
  • Question
    Can I take my frog out to play?
    Community Answer
    No, as this can harm the frog. They should only be out of water if you are cleaning the tank - for no more than five seconds.
  • Question
    Can I use a fish bowl?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how large your bowl is and how big your frog is. Most frogs will do better in a larger tank. Try a 5- to 10-gallon tank instead.
  • Question
    Is a leopard frog a type of aquatic frog?
    Community Answer
    No, a leopard frog needs both land and water to thrive. If no land is provided to the frog, it will quickly die. Do lots of research before getting your pet.
  • Question
    Can I keep two frogs with one betta in a three gallon tank?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You should be able to, as long as the frogs are small.
  • Question
    Can I use vinegar to clean the hard water ring in my frog tank?
    Community Answer
    No. Use only water and an algae scrubber to clean the tank. Never use soap or household cleaner, as it can harm your frog and/or fish.
  • Question
    Do I have to have more than two plants for three frogs?
    Community Answer
    As long as the frogs have places to hide, you should be fine. If the plants are big enough for them to cover themselves entirely, that is enough.
  • Question
    How long can an aquatic frog live out of water?
    Community Answer
    About 20 minutes. Try not to have them out of the water at any time unless doing water changes or cleaning the tank.
  • Question
    Do frogs need water conditioner in their water?
    Community Answer
    They need water conditioner in tap water, but if you have distilled water you do not need it.
  • Question
    Will African dwarf frogs survive if they are kept in a tank with an inch of water in it?
    Gamer goo
    Community Answer
    No. You need 1/2 gallon of water per frog.
  • Question
    Can a mini frog live in a gallon sized fish bowl?
    Community Answer
    No. A frog needs at least a 10-20 gallon tank, even if it's small. Your frog will be happier and more comfortable in a larger tank.
  • Question
    Can you use Poland spring water?
    Community Answer
    No. It's better to use de-chlorinator, because not all bottled water products are safe.
  • Question
    Can water frogs live off of only fish food?
    Community Answer
    Only regular fish food, not Glo fish food or color change food and stuff like that.
  • Question
    My frog makes noises mostly at night. It is somewhat unsettling. What is he communicating?
    Eli Reader
    Community Answer
    Aquatic frogs do, in fact, call! This verifies that it is a he, and he wants a mate.
  • Question
    Can I keep an aquatic frog in a tall tank if I drain some of the water?
    Community Answer
    It would be best to keep them in a short tank so they don't stick to the wall.
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