Q&A for How to Tell a Turtle's Age

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    How can I tell the age of my turtle?
    Audra Barrios
    Marine Biologist & Reptile Specialist
    Audra Barrios is a Marine Biologist and owner of Lick Your Eyeballs, a business offering experiemces, reptiles, supplies and plants. With over 15 years of experience, Audra specializes in reptiles and exotic animals, environmental education, marine biology, conservation issues, and animal husbandry. Audra earned a BASc in Marine Biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and studied Natural Sciences at the College of Marin. She is the founder and Executive Director of Things That Creep, a non-profit dedicated to herptile conservation through education. She has spent the last nine years working as a biologist at the California Academy of Sciences.
    Marine Biologist & Reptile Specialist
    Expert Answer
    If it's fairly young, you can use its size to give you a clue about how old it is. However, once turtles are over the age of 5 there's not a good way to figure out how old they are.
  • Question
    Which turtle stays on the smaller size?
    Community Answer
    The smallest, easiest to take care of, and the most popular small pet turtle would be the musk or mud turtle. They get to be 4-5 inches (10-13 cm) max.
  • Question
    My turtle has 13 rings. It’s a pointer turtle.
    Community Answer
    That means your turtle is roughly 6 years old. Remember that this method is not that accurate.
  • Question
    How can you tell if your turtle has salmonella?
    Community Answer
    You can't know unless you get salmonella, which is not a good test. It is natural in the turtle's digestive system. Salmonella isn't a problem unless you have it, and you can't really get rid of it either. Be sure to practice proper hygiene, such as always washing your hands before and after handling your turtle and keep its home space clean.
  • Question
    How do I tell my musk turtle's age if there are not any rings on it?
    Community Answer
    It's almost impossible. You might want to ask a vet or check at the pet store or shelter you bought the turtle from to see if they have any records.
  • Question
    How long can turtles live?
    Community Answer
    The average pet turtle can live from 10 to 80 years, while larger species live up to 150 years.
  • Question
    I rescued a eastern box turtle from a bridge. It is a male and looks in decent condition but all it wants to do is eat and sleep. Is this normal? It is currently 6-16-20.
    Willow the Leopard
    Community Answer
    It depends upon when you rescued the turtle. If it was recently, then don't worry- it is simply trying to rest up and gather energy. If not, try raising the temperature of the cage by a few degrees. It may be too cold.
  • Question
    How do I tell if my box turtle is a girl or a boy?
    L&J Reptiles & Amphibians
    Community Answer
    Males have longer tails and much longer claws than females. In some turtles, females are bigger than males.
  • Question
    If my turtle has only 1 ring, how old is it?
    Bishwadeep Dhali
    Community Answer
    If it has only one ring, then it is about 5-6 months old. 2 shell rings represent one year.
  • Question
    Do diseases cease to be carried by a turtle after a long period of time away from the outside world?
    Vera Posh
    Community Answer
    Yes, although the turtle has been away from its natural habitat, it can still spread disease from its droppings even though they look healthy. The germs can easily spread to their bodies, water tanks and habitat. And humans can get sick after touching the turtle and anything in their habitat.
  • Question
    Is it safe for aquatic turtles to eat outside of the water?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but don't take them out of their tank. It can harm their skin if left out of water for too long (minus if/when they are basking) but they can be fed out of the water, albeit it's preferred you feed them while in the water.
  • Question
    How old is/was the oldest turtle on Earth?
    Community Answer
    According to Guinness World Records, the oldest turtle currently alive is 187 years old.
  • Question
    Are turtles usually affectionate? My cousins turtle lays on her chest with his head and legs out of his shell!
    Community Answer
    If properly tamed, turtles can make extremely affectionate pets! I've had the same pair of desert tortoises since I was three, and they come when sung to, love getting head scratches, and will eat out of my hands.
  • Question
    What do you mean by rings?
    Leia Lau Li Ya
    Community Answer
    Rings refer to the shapes on the turtle's shell. You can determine the age of the turtle by counting the rings.
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    We’ve had our turtle since 1993. She’s not a lot bigger than when we found her. Any advice on determining true age?
    Community Answer
    It is generally calculated based on the number of concentric rings on the scutellum of the tortoise shell. Each circle represents one growth cycle, that is, one year. You can try to count it.
  • Question
    Often we see turtles on the side of a rural road, coming out onto the road. Is it okay to put it on the opposite side to protect it from being hit by a car? Or should we turn it around and leave it?
    Top Answerer
    The best thing you can do is let the turtle cross unassisted. However, if it's a road with frequent traffic and you're worried it will be hit, you can help the turtle by moving it to the other side. Be sure to stay aware of any cars and only help the turtle if it is safe for you to do so. Turtles cross roads when they need to, such as when they are laying eggs. If you turn it around, the turtle will likely just attempt to cross again.
  • Question
    Why do turtle's cry?
    Willow the Leopard
    Community Answer
    Turtles cry for the same reason most other creatures cry: to clean their eyes and keep them wet. You'll notice if you get dust in your eyes, they water. This is often what happens with animals.
  • Question
    I’ve never had a turtle before and I want one that is small and easy to take care of. What turtle should I get?
    Willow the Leopard
    Community Answer
    Red-eared sliders, box turtles, and painted turtles are all easy to take care of. It also depends on the area you live in.
  • Question
    A Russian tortoise I am caring for drags its hind legs, why?
    Willow the Leopard
    Community Answer
    There are multiple reasons for this- some that need immediate attention. First off, is your tortoise female? If it is and it has laid eggs recently or is going to lay them soon, check for egg blocks. This is where an egg gets stuck in the reproductive tract. If this is not the case, it could be a result of nerve damage and/or too low temperatures.
  • Question
    If my Russian land tortoise has been with us for 26 years, what is their life expectancy?
    Community Answer
    Russian tortoises can live more than 40 years. Raised on a lean, high-fiber diet, captive-raised turtles in low-stress environments have a higher life expectancy.
  • Question
    All my red eared sliders have 13 rings but all of the are different sizes, so what does this mean?
    Community Answer
    Counting a turtle’s rings on their shell, revealing the age, is merely a wive's tale. The only way to find out your red eared slider’s exact age is by asking a vet. If you want your turtle’s rough age, look at its length. For an example, an adult red ear slider is about 12 inches, whereas a baby red eared slider is roughly 1 inch.
  • Question
    My red foot tortoise ate a pile of dog poop, will she get sick or will she be fine? And if she does get sick, will it kill her?
    Community Answer
    Your tortoise will probably be fine. Tortoises love eating mammal feces, and unless the dog was ill, the tortoise should be just fine.
  • Question
    Can I leave my 3 toed box turtle in the enclosure with my quail?
    Community Answer
    No. The quails might attack your turtles. If they are in box and it is enclosed, then it is okay.
  • Question
    Which genes and harmony are responsible for a tortoise's long age?
    Community Answer
    Reevesii gene make turtles grow slower than most other animals. This causes them to grow up slowly, and live to around 100 years.
  • Question
    How long can a turtle lay eggs? Is it safe for them at any age?
    Community Answer
    The female has to be older than 6 years and the male has to be over 4 years of age before mating occurs and eggs can be laid. It is safe after this age.
  • Question
    What is the age of a red eared turtle that is approximately 3 inches long?
    Community Answer
    It’s still young, since red eared turtles grow a bit more. At that size, your turtle would be approximately 1 or 2 years old.
  • Question
    How can I tell if a common musk turtle is a juvenile from an adult without not knowing the actual age of the turtle?
    Community Answer
    You should be able to tell from the size of a turtle: 1-2 inches long is a juvenile turtle, and 3-5 inches is an adult turtle.
  • Question
    Do I count the rings on the top or bottom?
    Community Answer
    Count the rings at the bottom.
  • Question
    How do I find out the age of my desert tortoise?
    Community Answer
    Follow the steps shown here or ask a vet. You may even want to check the store or shelter you purchased it from. Another thing that can help you is knowing when you got it and how old it was when you got it.
  • Question
    Does a tortoise need to have company?
    Shyana Johnson
    Community Answer
    Tortoises can live just fine alone. If you have a large enough enclosure you can house multiple together. Never put two males together because that will lead to fighting but you can house 2 females and a male together, again only if you have the space. But tortoises do not need companions.
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