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Slime is incredibly popular right now, and you may be wondering how to make money off of this trend. It’s a simple process, and you only need a few basic ingredients. You can choose to sell slime online or in person, like at school and to your friends, or even do both. Be prepared to devote a lot of time to this endeavor to make, package, and ship or deliver all the slime orders as well as promote your product.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Designing the Product and Packaging

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  1. To attract the most customers, offer several colors, scents, or textures of slime. You can make variations of the same recipe, or choose a few different recipes to work from. For instance, you may want to make kinetic slime as well as glow in the dark slime .
  2. Slime can be made with a variety of ingredients to create different textures and effects. Some recipes are simple and only require cornstarch and glue, while others are more complex and add fragrances, colors, or glitter. Types of slime that you can make include:
  3. If you plan to make large batches of slime, it’s cheaper to buy ingredients in bulk. For instance, opt for a gallon of glue rather than an individual bottle. You may also want a few pounds of cornstarch rather than a small container. Look online and in local stores to find the best prices.
  4. Choose cool containers for the slime to attract customers. You could use anything with a lid, like jars, deli containers, small Tupperware tubs, condiment containers, plastic eggs, or even plastic zipper bags. Pick containers that hold the amount of slime you want to sell, like 2 ounces or 6 ounces. [1]
    • Keep in mind that if you’ll be shipping the slime you should choose containers that are easy to ship, such as light, square packages that will fit in a small box.
  5. Once you’ve decided what container best fits your product, buy it in bulk to save money. Look online and in stores near you to find the best deals on packaging. If you plan to ship the slime, buy shipping supplies, like boxes, labels, and tape, in bulk as well.
  6. To ensure your product stands out from your competitors, choose a color or theme that is unique to your brand of slime. The label should have your name (or your company name, if applicable) and a logo on it so that the package helps to advertise your product. You can also create names for different types, colors, or scents of slime. [2]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Promoting the Product

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  1. the slime. Add up the cost of the ingredients, packaging (including labels), and shipping fees (if selling online) for one batch of slime, then divide the total by the number of packages per batch. Price the slime so that you make money off of it, but keep in mind that in order to make the most sales, you should sell the slime for slightly less than your competitors. Research how much slime typically sells for by visiting several websites or stores where slime is sold. [3]
    • Typically, slime is sold for around $1 per ounce.
  2. Advertise the slime. Promote your product for free using social media: post pictures and descriptions of your slime and ask friends, family, and followers to share your posts. Some sites like Etsy and Facebook will sponsor your product for a fee to help you reach more customers. [4] You can also make fliers and hand them out or post them around town or online.
  3. Market your slime differently from your competitors, such as a stress-relieving tool in addition to a fun and entertaining product! Make your product stand out by offering unique varieties of slime, such as personalized scents picked out by the customer.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Selling on a Website

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  1. You can set up your own website or use an established website to sell slime. Etsy, eBay , Craigslist , and even Instagram and Facebook are popular sites for selling homemade items like slime. Create an account on your preferred site or sites if you don’t already have one.
  2. If you decide to use a website, you’ll need to describe and show the slime you have for sale. Include a list of the ingredients, describe the texture, and note if there are different colors or amounts available. List the price and quantity/amount so customers know exactly what to expect. [5]
  3. If you use a website, you’ll need to ship slime to your customers. Choose the smallest possible container to ship the requested number of slime containers in. Add cushioning material, like bubble wrap or packing peanuts, to ensure the product doesn’t move around too much. Compare prices between shipping companies to find the cheapest rates.
    • Include a flyer or business card with each package for marketing purposes.
    • When packaging the slime, find out if it expands in hot temperatures so you know how full to fill the containers.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Selling Slime at School

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  1. Talk to the administrators or principal at your school before you begin selling slime. Ask if you are allowed to sell slime on school grounds, and be sure to follow any other rules or guidelines that the administrator or principal gives you. [6]
  2. If other students at your school are also selling slime, you should differentiate your product from theirs. Offer colors, textures, or scents that are not available anywhere else. For example, if no one else offers clear slime , add it to your product list. Or, make bubbly slime so that your product has a unique texture. To further avoid competition, offer your slime for a lower price than your competitors.
  3. Create fliers with a description of the product, the price of the slime, and your contact information. Pass them out before and after school or in between classes. You could also recruit some friends to help you make posters and display them around the school, with the principal’s permission.
  4. It’s best to use a computer program, like a word processor or spreadsheet, to keep track of all the orders. Include the date of the order, the customer’s name, the type of slime (if you sell several), the amount of slime (if you have various quantities), the price, when/how the customer paid, and when/how the slime was delivered. [7]
    • Alternatively, you could write slime orders in a notebook, if preferred.
  5. Let your customers know how soon they can expect the slime if you don’t have what they want in stock. Make sure to stick to what you said, or people may start to buy their slime elsewhere.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Is it illegal to sell slime in my front yard without a permit or something?
    Community Answer
    No, it is not illegal, though I would suggest telling the buyer about the ingredients that are in the slime, in case they have allergies or have little ones who could consume the slime. You could possibly be sued if someone was harmed by your slime.
  • Question
    Is there a certain age range to sell slime alone?
    Community Answer
    No, but it is recommended that you are 10 and above to sell it with your parent's permission.
  • Question
    I'm a kid, so how I afford all the stuff I need to sell slime? My parents won't help me.
    Community Answer
    You have some good advice here. Make slime and sell it for a bit of a higher price, and then use your profits to buy more supplies for slime. Some things in your house may even be useful. If you have laundry detergent, glue, contact solution, and salt (or sugar), ask your parents if you can use these items to get started.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Slime is super popular, and you might be able to make some extra cash by making your own and selling it. First you'll need to practice making slime until you come up with a good recipe. Then, you can package your slime in small plastic containers. You'll also need to price your slime. Slime usually sells for around $1 per ounce. When you're ready to start selling, set up an account on an online marketplace, like Etsy or eBay. Then, start advertising your slime. Once you start getting orders, you can ship your slime to your customers. Compare prices with several shipping companies to ensure you get the best deal. For tips on how to sell slime at school, keep reading!

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      • Ashley Kronache

        Feb 7, 2018

        "I really liked the tips that you gave me. I actually have made about $100 by selling slime in school, and even the ..." more
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