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Learn to recognize the subtle ways he’s falling for you
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If you think a guy might be harboring some secret feelings for you, his body language, behavior, and even fashion might give you some hints. Things like making an effort to maintain eye contact while you talk, wanting to discuss meaningful topics with you, and attempting to spend lots of alone time together are just a few signs that the man in your life likes you more than you might originally think. Keep reading for a full list of telltale signs that’ll help you discover his true feelings.

This article is based on an interview with our dating coach, Candice Mostisser. Check out the full interview here.


He maintains eye contact with you.

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  1. If you’re trying to tell if a guy likes you more than just a friend, his body language will give away a lot of clues. One telltale sign is if he makes eye contact with you whenever you talk to him. This usually means that he’s very interested in you and what you have to say, and it’s his way of showing you that all of his attention is on you. [1]
    • If you’re trying to flirt back, maintain eye contact with him and give him your undivided attention when he speaks.
    • Smiling and nodding while he talks can also make him feel more at ease and comfortable around you.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 1234 wikiHow readers, and 57% of them agreed that the strongest indicator that a guy likes you is if he makes frequent eye contact . [Take Poll]
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He mirrors your actions.

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  1. You might notice that he sometimes copies your movements. For example, whenever you touch your hair, so does he. Or he crosses his arms a split second after you do. This is what’s known as mirroring, and it creates a sense of familiarity, though he’s likely doing it completely unconsciously. [2]
    • Flirt back with him by doing some mirroring of your own. Mimic his posture, gestures, or even style of speech to hint at a possible connection.

He leans toward you when you’re talking.

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  1. The way a guy orients his body when talking to you can indicate whether he likes you or not. Leaning toward you and trying to close the distance between you while you talk is a sign that he’s interested in you. He might angle his head and shoulders toward you and lean his torso in your direction. [3]
    • Reciprocate the gesture when he’s talking. Angle yourself so that the front of your body is completely facing him and maintain a relaxed, open posture to make him feel comfortable.
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He wants to be physically close to you.

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  1. A guy who likes you will probably do whatever he can to get close to you and close the distance between you two. When you go out to dinner with friends, he might purposefully sit next to you or hang at the back of the group to walk with you.
    • He might also unconsciously try to get rid of any barriers separating the two of you, whether it’s a throw pillow, table, or door that’s keeping you away from him.

He gives you light, flirty touches.

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  1. Some guys like to flirt and show their interest through playful touches while they talk to you. If you make him laugh, he might hold onto your arm or touch your leg. Or, he might be a bit bolder and try to hold your hand or put an arm around you if he wants to be a bit more obvious about his feelings.
    • Use physical touch to flirt back. Graze up against his hand or arm “accidentally” to spark interest or hold his hand when you’re walking somewhere.
    • Make sure you’re both comfortable with these physical touches before trying anything.
    • If his touches make you uncomfortable, tell him politely to stop.
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He dresses up for you.

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  1. A guy might also try to flirt with you through his style choices. For example, he might spend most of his days wearing t-shirts and sweatpants, but if he suddenly switches those out for a more stylish shirt and some jeans, it might be because he likes you.
    • Dress stylishly around the guy you like to show him you’re interested and make it so that he can’t keep his eyes off of you.
    • Apply makeup to enhance your look even more and really catch his attention.

He remembers the small things.

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  1. When a guy likes you, it’s not uncommon to find that he remembers a lot of things about you that you might not even remember telling him. He probably wants to form a deeper connection with you, so he’ll take in as many details about you as possible. [4]
    • The guy you like might also be really touched if you go out of your way to remember the small things about him as well.
    • One way to show you’re interested in and care about your crush is to get him a thoughtful gift based on the details he shared with you.
    • For example, if he talked about his favorite musician, get him tickets to their concert. This is also a great way to score yourself some quality time with him.
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He laughs and smiles a lot around you.

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  1. Whenever you’re around him, it might seem like he just can’t stop smiling your way or laughing with you, even if you’re not trying to be funny. This is his way of saying you make him happy and he genuinely enjoys being around you. [5]
    • Make your crush laugh to strengthen your connection even more. Tell him a joke, share a funny story, or just allow yourself to act silly around him.

He gives you his undivided attention.

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  1. Instead of only half-paying attention to you while he scrolls on his phone, a guy who really likes you will give you his full attention and really listen to what you’re saying. He’ll maintain eye contact, lean toward you, and do his best to keep the conversation going.
    • Show a guy you’re interested in him by actively listening while he talks. Ask him questions about his thoughts or make your own comments to show that you’re really engaged in the conversation.
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He wants to spend alone time with you.

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  1. A guy who really likes you will find a way to fit you in his schedule even when he’s super busy. Whether it’s asking you to run errands with him or inviting you to just hang out at his place, he’ll do what he can to spend as much quality time with you as possible.
    • He might even cancel plans with other friends so that he can hang out with you, or he’ll come up with excuses about why just the two of you should hang out together.
    • When you spend time with other people, a guy who really likes you might even get a bit jealous.

He treats you like you’re a priority.

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  1. When a guy really likes you, he’ll go out of his way to help you when you need it. Even if he’s busy or working on something else, he won’t hesitate to drop everything to help you with your own work or be there to comfort you when you’re going through a hard time.
    • To show that you care about him, be there for him physically and emotionally when you think he might need support. Offer him advice when he needs it and comfort him when he’s feeling down.
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He talks about your future together.

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  1. Whenever he talks about the future, you’re almost always a part of it. He might talk about how fun it would be to someday take a trip together or how nice it would be to continue living near each other in the future. If he talks like this, it likely means he doesn’t want to let you go and that you’re very important to him.
    • If you like him as well, indulge him in some of these thoughts. Instead of just imagining how fun a trip together would be, actually plan a trip and use it to spend some quality time together.

He’s curious about you.

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  1. A guy who likes you will want to know everything there is to know about you. Don’t be surprised if it seems like he’ll never run out of questions for you. He’ll likely ask questions about your likes and dislikes, hobbies, family, and more so that he gets the full picture of who you are. [6]
    • To show a guy that you’re interested in him, find your mutual interests and passions. This will likely lead to a lot more interesting conversations and help form a unique connection between you two.
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He talks about deep things with you.

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  1. If a guy is really interested in you, he won’t stop just at surface-level small talk. He’ll want to really understand and connect with you on a deeper level, and so won’t shy away from diving into deeper topics. He might want to know about your aspirations for the future, your fears, or your personal values.
    • Share your honest opinions and listen to his own perspectives. You can learn a lot about his character by having a deep conversation .

He opens up to you.

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  1. When a guy really likes you and trusts you, he likely won’t be afraid to show you his more emotional side and confide in you about his honest thoughts and feelings. Being vulnerable can be hard, so if you notice that he’s comfortable opening up to you, it’s usually a very positive sign for your relationship.
    • If you’re comfortable with it, open up to him as well and share some of your deeper thoughts. Be honest about the experiences you’ve had and don’t be afraid to turn to him for comfort when you need it.
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He’s respectful of your thoughts and opinions.

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  1. Even if your opinions and views differ, a guy who likes you won’t talk down to you or make you feel inferior. Instead, he’ll show genuine interest in what you have to say and encourage you to speak your mind.
    • To show a guy you’re interested in him, ask him about his thoughts on certain topics and keep an open mind . You can learn a lot about each other through these honest conversations.

He’s supportive of your dreams and goals.

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  1. A guy who likes you is quick to compliment you when you do well and will be your #1 fan supporting you as you strive toward your goals. He’ll also probably be super encouraging whenever you want to try something new and will cheer you on from the sidelines. [7]
    • Compliment him in return to make him happy and show that you care about him. Praise his unique strengths and abilities, and be there to motivate him when things get a bit tough.
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He texts you throughout the day.

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  1. If he can’t see you in person, he’ll make up for it by texting or calling you. You might get random texts from him throughout the day or friendly messages asking you how you’re doing. He might even send you fun pictures, songs, or videos to make you smile. [8]
    • If he uses lots of emojis in his messages, that could also be a potential sign that he’s harboring some secret feelings for you.
    • Send him things that remind you of him via text to subtly let him know that you’re thinking of him, like a funny meme that you think will make him laugh or a video he might find interesting.

He’s attentive when it comes to texting.

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  1. When a guy is harboring some strong feelings for you, he’s probably not going to risk making you wait for a reply when you text him. He’ll want to keep your connection strong and will probably just be happy getting to talk to you, so look forward to his replies hopefully within just a few minutes (or even seconds) of texting him.
    • If you're also attracted to him, flirt via text to playfully tease him or make him laugh.
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He introduces you to his friends.

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  1. When a guy introduces you to his close friends or even family, it usually means that he views you as a really important person in his life. He’s giving you a deeper look into his other friendships and relationships and is likely hoping that you’ll accept this other part of his life. [9]
    • Bring him into your own friend circle if you feel like you’re becoming close.

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