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Read subtle clues and decode his behavior like a pro
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Have you ever been around a guy and thought, wait—is he...into me? When a guy wants you sexually, he drops all kinds of hints, some of them purposeful and some of them subconscious. If you know what to look for, discovering his true feelings will be a piece of cake. Below, we're walking you through everything you need to know. Let's get started.


He prioritizes time with you.

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You’re always texting.

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  1. These days, messaging is a big part of how people portray their interest in people and build rapport. If he’s always texting you and DMing you, there’s a good chance that he’s trying to send you a message: “Hello, look over here—I want you!” If this sounds like him, he's probably fantasizing about you sexually. [5]
    • He might not just always be in a text conversation with you, but he puts in effort too. His responses are quick, they’re long, and they’re clever. He’s putting in the work!
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He compliments you.

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  1. If a guy has got it bad for you, he’s probably thinking about all the ways he can get your attention. Here’s a great way to do that: compliment you! Not only is this a great way for him to signal his interest in you sexually, it’s also a way to warm you up to his company. He might say he loves your energy, your looks, or your personality. [6]
    • His compliments might seem casual ("You've got a nice laugh!") or thoughtful ("I love how down to earth you are."), depending on his personality.

He faces towards you.

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  1. Even if he’s trying to play it cool and keep his cards close to his chest, even something as simple as his movements and posture can help you decode his true feelings. If a guy has the hots for you, you might find him facing in your direction more often than not. Even when you two aren’t actually talking, you might look down and notice that his feet are pointed right at you. [7]
    • This is called “open physical posture,” and it can be a sign that someone’s attracted to you.
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He seems a little jealous.

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  1. If you’re friends with this guy and he hasn’t openly told you he’s interested, look for signs that he’s envious of people you date or hook up with. Say your friend mentions you went out with a guy yesterday, he might roll his eyes or say something dismissive: “Okay, new topic.” Why? Because he wishes he was the one hooking up with you. [8]
    • He might not say anything specific, but still he doesn’t want to hear about it. For instance, say your friend mentions the fact that you hooked up with a girl last weekend, he might quietly leave the room.

He dresses well.

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  1. When he knows that you’ll be somewhere, he’s always trying to show his best stuff. You might find that he just looks extra pulled together when he’s around you—he might also wear cologne and have his hair styled just so. Why pull out all the stops? Because he’s hoping that the sexual attraction he feels is mutual. [9]
    • Have you ever complimented specific clothes of his in the past? You might notice that he wears them all the time around you now. He knows you like them, and that’s what’s most important in his mind!

He makes you a playlist.

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  1. He's doing whatever he can to grab and hold your attention. Playlists are a nice way to show interest in someone and give you something to talk about. Maybe you mention that you’ve never listened to Kendrick Lamar, and he offers to make a list of his best stuff. Then, if that means that you guys hang out to listen to his music together sometime (and potentially even hook up!), he wouldn’t complain about that.
    • Some guys might even make you a playlist that hints at their feelings. If all of the songs on his list seem, er, spicier than you'd expected, he might be trying to send a message!
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He always wants to know what’s up with you.

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  1. This guy knows that the best way to get with you is to keep building a rapport. So whenever you’re in a group together or out on the town, he’s constantly directing the conversation back to you. He wants to show that he’s interested in you, and at the same time, get on your good side. Why? Because he’s fantasizing about getting closer to you. [10]
    • If you two are hanging in a group, he might even ask to go somewhere private to catch up. And if he's trying to get you alone, that's a good sign that he's into you.

He comments on your looks.

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  1. You already know that this guy loves to compliment you so that you feel super special around him. Similarly, you might find him constantly talking about your appearance—either to compliment you or to notice little changes you make—because he wants you to know that he thinks about how you look (specifically, how good you look). This could also be because he just notices more than other people do; because he's super attracted to you, he is constantly staring at you!
    • For example, he might compliment your appearance (“Wow, I never noticed how green your eyes are”), talk about your clothes (“I like that you always look really unique and stylish”), or call out changes in your appearance (“Is that a new haircut?”).

He smiles constantly.

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  1. When you two talk, he’s cheesing like it’s his job. It feels like everything you say is met with a smile, and every joke you make gets a huge laugh. The reason for this isn’t surprising—he’s trying to signal that he likes you, and he also just genuinely loves to be in your presence. No surprise, it's fun to be around people who we're super attracted to! [12]
    • And fun fact: this isn't just a potential sign that he's sexually into you. If this guy is all smiles whenever you're together, there's also a good chance that he's just into you in general!
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He tells you you smell nice.

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  1. This is a classic one. By now, you might know that smell is super connected to attraction. When people are attracted, they’ll usually love the subtle scents that come along with their crush. For this reason, he might be all about your smell, and might even ask about the perfume you wear. This is a major sign that he has the hots for you!
    • Did you know that there are natural ways (like working out, for example) to increase your pheromones? So if you're trying to make this guy even more attracted to you, stop by his house after your run!

He’s flirty.

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  1. This one is a bit of a no-brainer—why do people flirt? To express attraction! If he’s always batting those lashes and teasing you in sweet ways, he’s probably dreaming of being with you. People flirt in different ways, but in general, they might make it clear that they’re single, give you tons of attention, and find excuses to talk to you. [13]
    • Here’s a test. Next time you two are chatting, make a joke—but not a great one. If they laugh (or even better, they jokingly tease you for your lack of comedic instinct), they’re probably flirting!
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He comments on other people’s interest in you.

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  1. It seems like he’s always telling you about people who think you’re hot, or asking about people that you’re interested in. The reason for this? Even if he hasn’t said anything to you yet, he thinks of you as more than a friend. So when he tells you his friend has a crush on you, it’s to gauge your reaction. When he wants to know who you’re interested in, it’s to see if he still has a chance to hook up with you.
    • He might try to be subtle about it, but the message is still clear: "Yeah, now that you mention it, Kayla said you went on a date last week. How'd that go?"

He listens to you.

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  1. Listening is a great way to make someone feel special, and that’s probably what he’s trying to do with you. Whether you’re talking about work, your friends, or your aspirations, he’s willing to listen to you talk as long as you want to. It might not even be strategic on his part—he just loves that while you talk, he gets to look at you! [14]
    • Give him bonus points if he also asks thoughtful, clarifying questions. This shows that he’s being super intentional and paying close attention to you. If he does this, he's probably desperately hoping to get with you.
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You feel his energy.

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  1. It’s hard to put into words, but there’s something about the vibe that he puts out—you just know that he’s attracted to you sexually. Though it goes without saying that you should always trust what he tells you more than any unspoken connection you feel, a lot of the time, it’s still a good way to get a read. You might be picking up on subtle cues that you can feel, but couldn’t put into words.
    • In this case, it could be that you're picking up on little cues without even consciously registering it. Your gut is a powerful tool!

He buys you little gifts.

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  1. If he’s trying to get with you, he wants to set himself apart. Anyone can flirt with you or make a move, but who else brought you your favorite chocolate bar, just to be sweet? He might try to choose thoughtful gifts to make sure you know he’s paying attention, or he might get you something random just to show he was thinking about you. He does this because he wants you bad , so he's willing to put in the work. [15]
    • He might also get you a gift to lightly poke fun at you. For example, he might bring buy a new day planner if you're chronically late.
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He’s always available.

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  1. It might not even always make sense. Maybe he’s always there to offer you a ride, to bring you food, or to make sure you’re alright when you’re upset. It seems like whenever you need a friend, he’s magically at your disposal. The reason won’t surprise you: it’s because he wants to impress you (and if you're up for it, get physical with you too)! [16]
    • And on top of that, if there's a chance that you two will end up alone in the process, he doesn't want to miss any opportunities.

Your banter is next level.

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  1. Really witty, exciting conversations can be a stimulating way to flirt. Plus, to some people, this is one of the most thrilling ways to build a rapport and potentially, gear up for physical intimacy. If you feel like the two of you have incredible rapport—it’s funny, clever, and maybe a little flirty—that could be because there’s a connection between you two. And where's this connection coming from? Potentially, his sexual attraction towards you. [18]
    • You might not have a great perspective on this one, but your friends will: "You and Norman really have a vibe going. I couldn't even keep up with your conversation."

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