Snowflake Test

Find out what your most hypersensitive trait is.

Hypersensitivity. We all know someone who’s got delicate feelings, and honestly, we all have something that makes us lose our cool emotionally.

Have you ever wondered just how sensitive you are? This quiz will get you to dig a little deeper into your own psyche and help you figure out what makes you feel “fragile.” Click “Start Quiz” now to learn more.

This quiz is not meant to be used in any sort of diagnostic or professional capacity. It is intended solely for personal self-discovery and entertainment.

A blue-tinted, six-pointed snowflake with an intricate design.

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Questions Overview

1. I tend to lose my cool pretty easily.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
2. I have some trouble opening up when I’m struggling.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
3. I tend to micromanage situations.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
4. I feel really uncomfortable when a peer compliments me.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
5. I always put my own needs before anyone else’s.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
6. If someone’s grating on my nerves, it doesn’t take long for me to snap.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
7. If I’m carrying some heavy groceries inside, I won’t ask anyone for help.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
8. I feel unhappy when I’m not the leader in a group assignment.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
9. I frequently doubt myself and what I’m capable of.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
10. I don’t usually ask someone how their day went unless they ask me first.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
11. It only takes a small setback for me to lose my cool.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
12. I would rather stay quiet about my fears and anxieties than vent to a friend.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
13. I feel incredibly helpless and uprooted when somebody else calls the shots.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
14. I don’t have many career aspirations because I don’t have that much confidence in myself.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree
15. I vent to my friends much more frequently than I let them vent to me.
  1. Strongly agree
  2. Slightly agree
  3. Slightly disagree
  4. Strongly disagree

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little<\/i> too quickly.

When something doesn\u2019t go according to plan, or someone really grates on your last nerve, it\u2019s hard to resist the urge to lose your temper\u2014but thankfully, there are plenty of ways to keep your cool when you\u2019re trapped in a tough situation. It might help to:

Unlocking the Path to Your Best Self

Life is a constant process of learning and growth, especially when it comes to our hypersensitive qualities. That’s totally okay, though. The more that we learn and self-reflect , the more we discover about ourselves—and that’s a really exciting journey! The key to truly conquering this process and realizing your full potential is to acknowledge and accept both your strengths and your weak points (including your hypersensitivities); that way, you’ll know exactly what and how you can improve yourself in the future.

By taking this quiz, you’ve already taken an amazing first step in your self-improvement journey. To help keep the momentum going, we’ve provided even more general tips and tools to help you accept your hypersensitive traits and grow into the very best version of yourself:

  • View each day as a new opportunity. It can be a huge help to view your life as an ongoing novel. At the end of the day, you’re the one who decides what happens in your life—all the page-turning plot twists and thrilling character arcs are entirely your design. Simply making the decision to wake up and say “Today is a new opportunity” can be an incredibly empowering way to make the most of your time.
  • Live in the here and now. Being present is all about existing and embracing the present moment rather than being tugged into thoughts about the past or future. Performing mindfulness meditation , practicing self-forgiveness , and even doing grounding exercises can help you live in today rather than stressing about the following day.
  • Strive to sleep 8-9 hours each night. It’s hard to be the best version of yourself when your mind is muddled with exhaustion. If you’re feeling tired, that might also leave you more prone to some of your hypersensitivity triggers. Start by figuring out what time you need to be up in the morning, and then work backward.
  • Move around . Getting your blood pumping is an excellent way to keep both your mind and body in great shape. Whether you’re going for a nature walk, biking around the neighborhood, swimming at your local pool, or busting out some moves at home, a little bit of exercise can help you feel better and think more clearly.
  • Start a gratitude journal . Grab a notebook (or even a piece of paper) and start jotting down everything that you’re thankful for, like a supportive loved one or a quick commute to work. The more you practice gratitude, the easier it will be to focus on the positives in your life, which may help balance out some negative elements that may trigger your sense of hypersensitivity.

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  • Anonymous

    Sep 4

    "I really recommend this. I absolutely loved it and I got to find out my hypersensitivity trait. This is the best ..." more
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