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The best strategies and solutions for tricky metal puzzles
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Metal puzzles are a fun and challenging way to test your brain. But after hours of working through the same puzzle with no results, you may feel a little stumped! If you're desperate for a solution, look no further. We’ve gathered the best step-by-step instructions for several mind-boggling metal puzzles . The P-shaped, double-M, L-shaped, and horseshoe ring puzzles are among the most common metal puzzles—once you've mastered these 4 puzzles, you'll be ready to work through any puzzle design on your own!

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Solving a P-Shaped Puzzle

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  1. Hold the puzzle as evenly as possible so you don’t twist it the wrong way while you work. Align the puzzle horizontally before you begin twisting it, with both ends of the P-shaped rings facing outwards. [1]
    • The two Ps should make something resembling a "W" shape before you begin twisting them.
  2. Grab the straight end of the left ring and turn it so the loop faces down. Then, loop the right ring around the upper "P" loop of the left ring. Your two P-shaped rings should look stacked on top of each other and mirror each other at the loops. [2]
    • The rings should resemble a heart shape at this stage.
  3. As you move the right ring through the left loop, it should slide off once you reach the bottom end. Once the two rings are separated, you have completed the puzzle. [3]
  4. To avoid losing either ring and to put the puzzle together again, insert one ring through the top loop of the other ring. Pull the first ring all the way through the second ring, then turn the second ring up to secure both in place. [4]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Solving a Double M Puzzle

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  1. Both double M rings have a large curve around the top of the ring. Position your rings so that one ring’s curve is facing up and the other is facing downward in the opposite direction. [5]
    • Because the pieces are identical, they should look like a reflection of each other.
  2. Lift the bottom ring up through the top ring's side, then tilt them sideways at a 90-degree angle. The two ring curves should still be facing in opposite directions. [6]
  3. Keep the rings even and at the 90-degree angle to prevent twisting or complicating your puzzle. When you have reached the top, align the bottom ring with the middle of the top ring’s curve. [7]
  4. Turn both rings upright again and slide the bottom ring down through the top ring's "M." If you have aligned the rings correctly, it should go through the middle without twisting or catching. [8]
  5. To attach the two rings together again, raise one ring through the middle of the other ring's "M." Then, twist the rings at a 90-degree angle and slide it over the top curve and to the bottom of the ring. This will secure the rings together for storage. [9]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Solving an L-Shaped Puzzle

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  1. This puzzle is comprised of two metal L-shapes that form an M or a W when hooked together. Loop the curved sections of the pieces together to form the correct starting position. [10]
    • This puzzle is also known as the half-triangle puzzle.
  2. Grasp both ends of the puzzle and raise them until the inner side of each piece is parallel. It should form two acute angles. [11]
  3. Grab one loop and rotate it upward. The outer edges of the two pieces should form a straight line. One piece should be horizontal with the loop jutting out, while the other’s loop is facing upward. [12]
  4. Grasp each piece and slowly pull the straight edges away from each other. If your puzzle is in the right position, the two pieces should separate without much force. [13]
  5. Position the pieces so one loop is vertical and the other is horizontal. Slide the straight edges back together and rotate the pieces until the two loops are hooked together. [14]
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Solving a Horseshoe Ring Puzzle

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  1. Keep the horseshoes at the same angle and the same height. Align the ring as evenly and as tightly as you can. Avoid holding one end of the ring higher or lower than the other to prevent the ring from twisting or tangling as you work on it. [15]
  2. Keep the metal ring in between the two rings attached to the horseshoes. Continue twisting it until the ring is tight between the two rings and you cannot twist the horseshoe any further. [16]
  3. Push the horseshoes together into the middle of the chain until it bends in half. Line up the horseshoes as evenly as possible, allowing the ring to fall to the bottom of the horseshoes. [17]
  4. Grab the metal ring and lift it up through one side of the horseshoes. If the horseshoes are aligned, the ring should come off without force. Check the horseshoe alignment if your ring appears stuck or you cannot locate an opening at the top of the horseshoes. [18]
  5. When you're ready to put the puzzle together again, twist and bend the chain in half to align the horseshoes. Drop the ring through one end of the horseshoes, then fold the horseshoes back up and twist one horseshoe in the opposite direction to secure the ring. [19]
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  • Question
    My puzzle is what looks like a telephone and a loop the loop is on one end and you have to get it to the other side to get it off. How do I solve this puzzle?
    olafimihan Akinbote
    Community Answer
    Connect the dots with horizontal and vertical lines to form a single unbroken loop.
  • Question
    My brain teaser has a big loop on top and a small loop on the bottom and has two of those. Do you know what the name is?
    Mr c
    Top Answerer
    Looks like you are talking bout the Hanayama enigma puzzle. It has two metal loops that are connected. You have to separate them.
  • Question
    How do you solve the metal puzzles that are "q" shaped?
    Penny Silver
    Community Answer
    Line up the two long sides so that they make a kind of upside-down V. Turn the one on top around. It should now be either solved or still looking like a V. If it still looks like a V, repeat the process.
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      • Of these 4 metal puzzles, the double M puzzle (sometimes called "The Devil Puzzle") is the most difficult.
      • The puzzles included here are just 4 of the most common metal puzzles. For more obscure designs, try watching YouTube tutorials on your specific puzzle.
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      Article Summary X

      To solve a P-shaped metal puzzle, start by grabbing 1 end of each P-shaped ring with both of your hands. Hold the puzzle evenly, making sure it doesn’t twist. Once you have the rings steady, turn your left ring down so your rings look stacked on top of each other and resemble a heart shape. Next, pull the right ring from the top through the left loop. Once the 2 rings are separated, you have completed the puzzle. If you want to reset it, slide 1 ring through the P loop of the other ring. To learn how to beat a horseshoe ring puzzle, keep reading!

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        Mar 26, 2023

        "I solved the double M puzzle in just thirty seconds and I have been trying for a long time. When I stumbled upon ..." more
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