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Is a soul family different from a soul tribe? Your questions, answered
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They say you can’t choose your family, but what they don’t tell you is that you have more than one. Your soul family goes beyond genetic relationships and into the spiritual, and in many ways, they’re as important (or more) than your biological family. But what is a soul family, exactly, and why do you have one? We’ll fill you in and, while we’re at it, we’ll give you 10 signs that you’ve found them, as well as foolproof ways to meet them. Then, we’ll give you a refresher on the types of spiritual relationships you’ll find in your soul family, so that you can get to know them, even if you haven’t met them yet.

Things You Should Know

  • A soul family is a group of people with whom you share deep spiritual connections, and who help you grow and learn on your spiritual journey.
  • Recognize your soul family by looking for an immediate sense of connection or familiarity, and by acknowledging the sense of purpose and growth they give you.
  • Find your soul family by mediating, manifesting, or doing what you’re passionate about—art, music, or anything else—and letting them gravitate toward you.
Section 1 of 4:

What is a soul family?

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  1. Just like a biological family, a soul family is a web of closely related people. Your soul family isn’t related by blood, though. Rather, these are people who you form intimate spiritual connections with. It’s said that you share “spiritual DNA” with your soul family, which comes in the form of related past lives, similar or identical lived experiences, or compatible energies. [1]
    • Your soul family includes many kinds of spiritual relationships, including kindred spirits, twin flames, and soulmates.
    • A soul family is the same as a "soul tribe," but different from a "soul group,” which is a group of souls who you meet repeatedly throughout your lives.
  2. Each member of your soul family helps you to understand yourself and where you’re headed a bit more. [2] This might be by mirroring your best qualities, educating you on how to overcome your negative qualities, or just by showing you new and mind-exapnding experiences. Each member of your soul family has a different particular purpose, but all of them help to enrich your soul.
    • Soul families also provide valuable companionship in this life and the next. They’re the people who know you best, and who you can rely on to push you to become better.
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Section 2 of 4:

Signs You’ve Met Someone In Your Soul Family

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  1. Have you ever met someone for the first time and feel like you’ve somehow known them your whole life? Chances are that they’re a part of your soul family, and you have that feeling because you’ve known them in a past life. [3] There’s no mistaking the sensation you get when you meet a member of your soul family—you just know, even if you can’t explain it.
    • You might feel a sort of connection with a regular friend, or even a best friend, but with a soul family member, that link is usually instant and intense—a gut feeling that just tells you this person was placed in your life for a reason.
  2. You and your soul family might share past life experiences or similar life purposes. That’s why, when you’re around them, you feel like you’re really listened to and acknowledged. [4] Members of your soul family ask you lots of questions and never doubt the answers, even when they’re tricky or difficult to hear.
    • Often, people describe being around their soul families as “coming home,” and that’s exactly what it is! These are people you trust and understand more than anyone.
  3. You and members of your soul family are bound by mystic relationships that are greater than any of you as individuals. That doesn’t mean you won’t argue sometimes, but if they’re really part of your soul family, you’ll always find a resolution sooner or later. [5] Your patience and empathy for them overpower your frustration.
    • Your soul family is patient with you, too. Even when you want to push them away, they’ll always come around to find you sooner or later.
  4. You and your soul family are invisibly but powerfully linked in both mind and body. You thrive when you’re together, but parting might be painful, and time away from them weighs heavy on your mind. You count the seconds until you can see them again, and when you do, it’s like fireworks—everything is right again. [6]
    • You probably miss your regular friends when they’re away, but with soul family members, that absence is so intense it’s almost physical, like you’re always moving toward them.
  5. It’s not always obvious, but someone from your soul family comes to you when you’re ready for them, or when you need them. [7] You might be going through a turbulent period and they arrive to smooth everything out. Or maybe you’ve been stuck in a spiritual rut and, after you meet them, your wheels start spinning again. Whatever it is, whether you recognize it in the moment or in hindsight, they came when you called them.
    • Your regular friends also help you out from time to time, of course, but soul family members often come at just the right moment to help you solve a very particular problem.
  6. Spending time with someone in your soul family makes you feel like you have a newfound direction or life trajectory, or that you’re working toward something important. You soul family exists to help you on your spiritual journey, helping your own soul to grow and develop. [8] When you’re with them, there’s no doubt that they’re leading you somewhere, spiritually, even if you can’t say where that is.
    • You’re also in your soul family’s lives to help them! If you feel like you’re helping them to lead their best lives, that’s a great sign, too.
  7. As a soul, you’re connected with every other soul. But with members of your soul family, you feel a special sort of uplifting attunement. [9] It’s not that you never have rough patches, but that even during those rough patches you feel their good vibes coming through. They never want to hurt you, and they treat you kindly, respectfully, and as an equal.
    • “Positive energy” can also be literal! When you’re around your soul family, you feel awake, alert, and energized.
  8. Your links to your soul family transcend both space and time. [10] Even when you’re apart they’re helping you to learn and grow just by thinking of them. But physically and literally, your presence in each others’ lives tends to be lasting. They aren’t here for a short time, but for a long, powerful, and meaningful time.
    • Even if they’re not with you physically, their spiritual presence lingers, and you can feel them looking out for you.
  9. You and your soul family might not always see eye-to-eye on the small things, but you agree on the big things—politics, spirituality, and how you treat each other. [11] On top of that, you might even share many similar life experiences, to point that it might be uncanny. But it’s not surprising that you’re so similar, since your souls share spiritual DNA.
  10. Your soul family might share many of the same experiences, in this life or a past life, and you’re also on similar journeys. But more than anything, you vibrate at the same frequency. [12] Being with them often feels like looking into the surface of a lake to find someone else peering back up. You look at them and feel like you know them, not because they’re just familiar, but because, in many ways, they’re a part of you.
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Section 3 of 4:

Finding Your Soul Family

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  1. Often, your soul family comes to you when you’re doing what you do best. Whether that’s cooking, art, or just listening to your favorite genre of music, members of your soul family sense those vibrations and gravitate toward you. [13] One of the best ways to find them, then, is just to do what you love, and trust that your soul family will find you and join in.
    • To more actively look for them, join a special interest group like a club, cooking class, or art collective. This places you around like-minded people, increasing your chances of finding a soul family member.
  2. When you talk to the universe, the universe listens. Meditate or pray on your soul family in order to attract them. [14] Find a quiet space, then visualize meeting someone special who you really connect with. Quietly repeat, “I’m ready to meet my soul family.” Putting good energies out brings good energies in!
    • To help you manifest your soul family, think about why you want to meet a new soul family member. Will they help you with something? Do you need a companion at this point in your life?
  3. Sometimes we have mental blocks that keep us from connecting with new people, even if meeting them is a work of destiny. They’ll come back around, it’s true, but don’t let yourself miss them the first time. Be curious about strangers—ask them questions, listen to their experiences, and don’t be too quick to dismiss them. More than anything, trust your gut and your heart, which often know best. [15]
    • Some good questions to help get to know new acquaintances include: Do you believe in fate? Do you ever feel like you’ve had a past life? What do you think about the concept of karma?
  4. At the end of the day, your soul family is guaranteed to find you one way or another. Your souls are connected across time and space, and the universe will bring you together. [16] Be patient and trust that they’re out there, and never give up hope that you’ll one day meet them. In the meantime, work on growing spiritually —meditate on your desires, purpose, and how you interact with others to deepen your own soul.
    • Also, consider volunteering at a food bank, homeless shelter, or animal shelter. Helping others is one of the best ways to enrich and deepen your spiritual life.
  5. While you don’t necessarily choose your soul family, you do choose who you spend your time with. [17] Spending time with the wrong people, or people who aren’t your soul family, only serves to add noise to your spiritual life. If you feel that someone isn’t a healthy presence in your life, consider ending the friendship or relationship, and trust that someone more purposeful will come to fill that space.
    • Of course, we can’t always just cut people off because we feel like it. Sit down and really consider each of your relationships and if they’re helping you achieve your best self, or if they tend to bring out the worst in you. It’s best to walk away from the latter.
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Section 4 of 4:

Soul Family Relationships

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  1. A twin flame is someone who shares a portion of your soul, or someone who shares the same soul but resides in a different physical body. [18] It’s like they’re a fragment of yourself, or your other half. The connection doesn’t have to be romantic—you can recognize your twin flame in your best friend or even a family member. But there’s only 1 of them! They’re sent to give your life balance, filling in your spiritual gaps as you fill in theirs.
    • Your twin flame is one of the most important parts of your soul family. This is an intimate and lasting relationship—they’re more like you than anyone else.
    • Recognizing your twin flame is easy, and actually, you won’t have any doubts. It’ll seem like they’re almost a clone of yourself, though they’ll probably look physically different. They’ll have all the same values, and many or most of the same interests.
    • The chances of meeting your twin flame on earth is fairly slim, since there’s only 1 of them, but if you’re destined to meet, then it will happen! When it does, the relationship is long-lasting and strong.
  2. Your soulmate is someone you share a deep spiritual connection with. [19] They’re not exactly your “other half,” and they might be pretty different from you, too. But your energies are compatible, and you feel drawn to each other nonetheless. Soulmates are often romantic, but can also be platonic (also known as “soul friends”). You can also have more than 1 soulmate!
    • You’ll probably have a few soulmates within your soul family. These people are there to make you feel complete, and to help you learn more about your spiritual self.
    • You’ll recognize your soulmate by the way they make you feel—safe, comfortable, and like you want to spend a long, long time with them. Once you meet them, they might not stay forever, but their influence will.
  3. A kindred spirit is someone who’s on much the same spiritual journey as you are. They have the same ideas about life, love, and spirituality, and often have many of the same experiences. [20] You might not be drawn to them as powerfully as twin flames or soulmates, but you recognize yourself in them, anyway. These people are sent to help you gain more confidence and a sense of direction, often by the examples they give by leading their own lives.
    • Kindred spirits are the part of your soul family that offers you familiarity and comfort. They’re easy to be around, and tend to help you feel the most relaxed.
    • Kindred spirits come and go easily, and might not be around for a long time, but meeting one tends to leave a lasting impression and bolsters your own sense of purpose.
  4. Karmic relationships are romantic relationships sent specifically to help you grow and learn about yourself as a person. [21] You enter a karmic relationship quickly and easily. They often involve unresolved relationships from past lives, and are much more temporary than other relationships, ending once you’ve learned the lesson they have to teach you.
    • You’ll know you’re in a karmic relationship because it will be passionate, turbulent, and end just as abruptly as it began.
    • While karmic relationships are temporary, they’re still a vital aspect of your soul family, and the lessons they teach you are permanent.
  5. Your soul group is the group of souls that you were originally incarnated with. [22] You might not meet all of them in this life, but those that you do are usually part of your soul family, and you’ll most likely encounter the rest in a past or future life. Your soul group includes twin flames, soulmates, kindred spirits, and all the rest, each of which arrives to teach you a particular lesson.
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