"Miswak" is a special type of tooth-cleaning twig that's traditionally used for oral hygiene in many Middle Eastern and African countries in a way that's similar to the way a modern toothbrush is used. Miswak (a term which also refers to the use of this special twig) is sometimes prescribed as part of specific Muslim purification rituals (though a toothbrush can also be used for these purposes as well). For those who use them, miswak twigs offer a cheap, effective way to maintain oral hygiene that, according to some research, may be about as effective as using a toothbrush (though this is subject to some debate). [1] X Trustworthy Source PubMed Central Journal archive from the U.S. National Institutes of Health Go to source
Chew the bark off of one end of the twig. Using a miswak twig to brush your teeth is easy and fun! If you have a "fresh" twig — one that hasn't been used yet — start by chewing off of the bark at either end of the twig. Stop when you've exposed an inch or so of the wood underneath. Spit out and discard the bark.
- A slight "spicy" or "burning" taste can result from chewing on a miswak twig. Though some find this slightly unpleasant, it's not harmful.
Chew the center until it becomes soft and forms bristles. When you've exposed the wood underneath the bark at the tip of your twig, start chewing on it. You're aiming to soften this wood so that it breaks up into thin, fibrous bristles. This should only take a minute or two — you'll know you're ready when the tip of the wood is soft enough that it can be fanned out slightly like a small brush.
- Ideally, you want a very slight resistance to the bristles (similar to what you'd get from a soft-bristled toothbrush).
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Soak the tip in water. Traditionally, miswak is performed without toothpaste or other oral health products, though you may use these if you wish. To perform miswak in the traditional style, simply dip the bristly end of the twig in water (like you would before adding toothpaste to a toothbrush).
- Alternatively, many traditional miswak practitioners use rosewater in place of ordinary water for its pleasant scent.
Hold the miswak twig with one thumb underneath. You're now ready to brush. You can grip the stick however feels comfortable to you — keep in mind that you'll be brushing with the tip of the stick, rather than the side, as with a toothbrush. Traditionally, miswak sticks are held by putting the thumb of the right hand just below and behind the bristly tip, putting the little finger under the back of the stick, and wrapping the remaining three fingers over the top. [2] X Research source
Brush your teeth with the bristled end. Now, start brushing! Press the bristly tip of the stick into your teeth and move it gently up and down to scrub their front surfaces. Move slowly around your mouth, taking your time and hitting every surface of your teeth with the bristles. Don't press extra-hard — your goal is to gently scrub the teeth, not scrape or gouge them. To someone who's used to using a toothbrush, miswak may feel somewhat awkward at first, but after a few attempts it quickly becomes intuitive.
- Don't forget to clean the backs of your teeth just as you would with a toothbrush!
Cut off old bristles every few days. Keep your miswak stick fresh by using a knife (or your bare hands) to cut or break off the old bristles when they become worn. Depending on how often you clean your teeth and the type of stick you're using, your bristles' average lifespan will vary. In general, you'll want to cut your stick's bristles away every time they get the appearance of an old, ratty broom. Usually, this will mean cutting them every few days.
- There are some notable exceptions to this rule. Some types of processed, commercially-sold miswak sticks have lifespans of over six months due to the preservatives added to them.
Store the twig in a dry place. When you're done cleaning your teeth, quickly clean your miswak of any debris and give it a brief rinse. Keep the miswak in a clean but open space, not in a bag or container, which can encourage mold growth by trapping moisture next to the stick. Keep miswak sticks away from any sinks or toilets to avoid the accidental transfer of bacteria due to splashes.
Use miswak as part of wudu. For some, miswak is just a way to keep the teeth clean. However, for observant Muslims, miswak often plays a more serious role in religious worship. Muslims are required to wash themselves in a ritual form of purification (wudu) before certain acts of worship (most commonly, the daily prayers known as salat). Though cleaning the teeth isn't explicitly required as part of a Muslim's wudu ritual, it is considered optional and is often strongly encouraged. Thus, for serious Muslims, the use of a stick for performing miswak prior to prayer is something that can occur multiple times per day.
Understand the importance of oral purification. Achieving a state of purity before prayer is very important for Muslims. The Quran explicitly states that "[God] loves those who purify themselves." Cleaning oneself shows devotion to God, observance of Islamic scriptures, and emulation of Muhammad the prophet, who himself practiced miswak and recommended that others do so.
- In addition, Miswak usage before prayer is often seen to make the prayer more worthy or desirable in God's eyes. According to one Hadith, "The preference for prayer in which a 'siwak' (miswak) is used to prayer in which it is not used is seventy times." [3] X Research source
Study miswak usage in the Hadiths. Though use of miswak for oral purity is not discussed at great length in the Quran, it is referenced many times in the Hadiths (the scriptural accounts of the practices and sayings of the prophet Muhammad). Below are just a few quotes from the Hadiths where miswak usage is mentioned as being especially desirable or praiseworthy in the eyes of Muhammad: [4] X Research source
- "The Messenger of Allah said, 'Had I not thought it difficult for my nation, I would have commanded them to use the miswak before every Salat.'"
- "The first thing that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) did on entering the house, was Miswak.”
- “Ablution is part of faith and using a Miswak is part of ablution.”
- “There is a cure for every illness in Miswak besides death.”
Alternatively, use an ordinary toothbrush for wudu. If you are an observant Muslim but you live somewhere it is difficult to get a genuine miswak stick or you have misgivings about using a twig to clean your teeth, don't worry! Many Muslims achieve the same level of oral purity by using an ordinary toothbrush (with or without toothpaste) as they would with traditional miswak practices. The most important aspect of wudu is to sincerely intend to purify yourself in the eyes of God and to make the best possible effort to do so. The precise tool you use to clean your teeth isn't nearly as important as the simple fact that you're cleaning your teeth as a sign of devotion to God.
- Islamic practices even make special allowances for people who don't have any oral cleaning tools available to them before they pray. In this case, it's generally recommended to do the best job you can with your index finger. [5] X Research source
Find a tree from which miswak twigs are traditionally taken. One of the great things about using miswak to clean your teeth is that the stick you use can potentially be free! Though most majority-Muslim countries will have cheap, easily-available miswak sticks for sale, it's also possible to make your own miswak stick just as traditional practitioners would have. To start, find a suitable tree. Traditionally, miswak sticks are taken from Salvadora Persica trees (also called "toothbrush" or "arak" trees). Below are just a few suitable alternatives that are native to the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Levant where miswak is most frequently practiced: [6] X Research source
- Olive trees
- Palm trees
- Walnut trees
Cut a small, sturdy twig from the tree. Next, simply take a small twig or stick from the tree's branches or any exposed roots using a knife or your bare hands. Your stick doesn't need to be especially big — traditionally, miswak sticks are about as long as your hand is wide. Be careful not to take more than you need or to hurt the tree more than necessary — this is wasteful and disrespectful.
Wash thoroughly before using. When you take any sort of plant product out of the wild, you run the risk of exposing yourself to harmful chemicals or germs, no matter how clean the plant looks. To reduce the chance of this risk happening to you, be sure to thoroughly wash any miswak sticks you cut directly from the tree before using them. Use disinfectant soap or an equivalent antibacterial substance to clean the stick and rinse with water to remove the soap. Repeat several times for cleanliness.
- Be sure to store your miswak sticks in a clean, dry place before using them. Since you've just washed them, they will be wet and can potentially pick up dirt or dust if you're not careful.
Avoid poisonous or harmful trees. Never take your miswak stick from a tree you know to be poisonous or otherwise harmful. No matter how much you clean a miswak stick from a poisonous tree, using the stick will expose you to chemicals that can make you sick. You will also want to avoid any trees that you know to have been treated with a pesticide or any other potentially harmful chemicals. Below are just a few types of trees from which you should not take miswak sticks (this list is incomplete, so consult a botanical resource if you're ever unsure whether a certain tree is unsafe). [7] X Research source
- Pomegranate trees
- Bamboo trees
- Chambelle trees
- Raihaan trees
- Myrtle trees
When in doubt, buy or order a miswak twig. Though people in certain parts of the world have been taking their own miswak sticks from nature for thousands of years, for the inexperienced, this can be an intimidating task. If you're ever worried about whether or not a certain miswak stick is safe to use, consider buying yours from a reputable vendor. Miswak sticks are available both online and from specialty brick-and-mortar stores (most commonly in Muslim countries and communities) — in developed countries with modern health regulations, these commercially-sold sticks will be sanitary and reliably safe to use.
Expert Q&A
QuestionWhat is the proper brushing technique when using a miswak?Dr. Pradeep Adatrow is the only board certified Dentist, Periodontist, and Prosthodontist in the southern United States. With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Adatrow specializes in dental implants, TMJ treatments, periodontal plastic surgery, surgical and non-surgical periodontics, bone regeneration, laser treatments, and soft tissue and gum graft procedures. He received a BS in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from the University of Alabama and earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree from the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry. Dr. Adatrow then completed a three-year postgraduate program in periodontics and implantology at Indiana University and went on to complete another three-year postdoctoral program in advanced prosthodontics from the University of Tennessee. He also serves as a full-time professor and the Director of Surgical Prosthodontics at the University of Tennessee. Dr. Adatrow received the Dean's Junior Faculty Award and the John Diggs Faculty Award, and he was inducted into the Deans Odontological Society. He is board certified by the American Board of Periodontology and is a Fellow of the prestigious International College of Dentistry – a feat that only 10,000 others worldwide can claim.Brush your teeth using gentle, horizontal strokes. Focus on cleaning each tooth individually, including the front, back, and chewing surfaces. Pay special attention to the gumline and the spaces between your teeth. In addition to horizontal strokes, you can also use a circular motion to effectively clean your teeth and gums.
- Miswak may cause a burning sensation on your lips and the inside of your mouth.Thanks
- You should consult a doctor and a dentist before using. It is safe because it has been used for thousands of years but it is best to be on the safe side.Thanks
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about taking care of your teeth, check out our in-depth interview with Pradeep Adatrow, DDS, MS .
- ↑ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3545237/
- ↑ https://naturalmiswak.com/pages/how-to-use
- ↑ http://www.islamhelpline.net/node/7887
- ↑ http://sunnah.com/search/miswak
- ↑ http://www.islamicacademy.org/html/Books/GLIS/wud.htm
- ↑ http://www.arabnews.com/news/459712
- ↑ http://www.arabnews.com/news/459712
- Demo Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwomQ7v1bN0
About This Article
A miswak is a tooth-cleaning twig traditionally used in Middle Eastern and African countries. To use a miswak to clean your teeth, you need to form the bristles, soak them in water, and brush your teeth with them. Start by chewing the bark off of 1 end of the twig so about an inch or so of the wood underneath is exposed. Then, chew the exposed wood until it becomes soft and forms bristles. Dip the bristles in water and hold the miswak twig with 1 thumb underneath so you can scrub your teeth with the tip. Press the bristly tip into your teeth and move it gently up and down to scrub the front of them. Move slowly around your mouth and scrub the backs of your teeth as well. For tips about how to store miswak, keep reading!
Reader Success Stories
- "I used miswak for the first time today and my mouth feels very fresh! I am constantly looking for healthier alternatives, so miswak will henceforth be a part of my daily routine. Thank you for this informative article. As a recent convert and practicing Muslim, I appreciate the care with which it was written." ..." more