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Microsoft OneNote is an online, virtual notebook app that allows you to take notes, create checklists, insert images, and more. Microsoft OneNote is free to use, includes seven gigabytes of cloud storage space, and can be managed across all your devices.

Part 1
Part 1 of 12:

Downloading OneNote

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  1. Navigate to the official Microsoft OneNote landing page at http://www.onenote.com/ .
  2. OneNote is currently available across multiple platforms, including Android and iOS from Google Play Store and the iTunes Store.
  3. If you don’t already have a Microsoft account, click on “Sign up” and follow the on-screen instructions to create an account.
  4. Your virtual notebook will display on-screen.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 12:

Creating Notebooks

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  1. Select “OneDrive” to save your notebook to the cloud so it can be accessed across all devices, or select “Computer” or “Add a Place” to store your data to another location.
  2. You can make several notes in different places anywhere on the notebook page.
  3. This title will also display on its page tab to the right.
  4. OneNote gives you the freedom to type notes anywhere on the document and customize as needed. [1]
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Part 3
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Creating Checklists

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  1. A section with an empty box will display in the main notebook pane.
  2. A checklist box will display to the left of each item.
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Part 4
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Attaching Files

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  1. The file will display as an icon on your notebook page. [2]
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Part 5
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Inserting Images

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  1. The image will now be inserted into your notebook.
    • Screen Clipping: Captures a section of your computer screen.
    • Pictures: Allows you to insert a picture file saved on your device or external storage.
    • Online Pictures: Allows you to insert pictures from online sources.
    • Scanned Image: Allows you to insert a scanned image from a scanner attached to your device.
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Part 6
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Creating Tables

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  1. Tables can help keep your notes organized by arranging information in rows and columns.
  2. For example, to create a 2x3 table, highlight the first three boxes in the top row and the next three boxes below in the second row.
  3. The table will now be added to your notebook page. [3]
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Part 7
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Adding Pages

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Part 8
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Adding Sections to Pages

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  1. Sections function similarly to color tabs in a typical three- or five-section paper notebook.
  2. You can now start taking notes on the new section.
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Part 9
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Setting Up Checklist Reminders for Outlook

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  1. This feature allows you to set up reminders in Outlook using items from your checklist. For example, if an item in your to-do list is “Go to dentist appointment,” select this item to be reminded about your appointment in Outlook.
  2. You can choose “Today,” “Tomorrow,” “This Week,” “Next Week,” or customize a date. Outlook will now send a reminder based on the time and date selected.
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Part 10
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  1. You can enter one or multiple email addresses.
  2. The individuals listed will now receive an invitation to view or edit your notebook in OneNote.
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Part 11
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Using Tags

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  1. Tags are ideal for categorizing and prioritizing notes for one or multiple notes or notebooks.
  2. You can choose from several options, such as “Idea,” “Book to read,” or “Critical.” For example, if tagging an article you want to write about for your blog, select “Remember for blog.”
  3. You can then click on tags to access notes categorized by tag. [4]
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Part 12
Part 12 of 12:

Recording Audio or Video

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  1. Your computer or device will start recording audio or video using its built-in microphone or webcam. This feature is useful when you want to record important meetings, lectures, or events.
  2. A media icon will display in your notebook where you positioned the cursor.
  3. [5]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I delete a note in OneNote?
    Community Answer
    Go to File Explorer, click on the documents section, and you should find all your documents there. Then you'll be able to delete them.
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      • Consider using OneNote at your place of work to share and collaborate on important documents with coworkers. For example, use OneNote to organize notes from meetings or to manage editorial calendars. [6]
      • OneNote saves changes automatically as you go so you don’t have to worry about saving important files manually. Make sure your Internet connection is working at all times to prevent data loss when using OneNote.
      • Download OneNote to your computer, tablet, phone, and other devices so you can access your information from anywhere on the go. After downloading the OneNote app and logging in with your Microsoft account, your OneNote data will sync with your device.
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