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Even if you only experience migraines occasionally, they're always painful and can really ruin your day. There are many remedies for migraines , and one of those is reflexology. This is an ancient Chinese practice of accessing pressure points on your feet and hands that correspond to other areas of your body. By using these pressure points to refocus energy, practitioners believe they can relieve pain and stress throughout the body. Many people find relief from reflexology treatments, and research suggests that it is effective for migraines. [1] Since there isn’t much risk from the treatment, you can try it out for yourself, either at home or with a professional, and see if it works. You just might feel relief from your migraines with the right techniques.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

The Right Pressure Points for Migraines

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Reflexology is all about accessing the right pressure points that correspond to the pain you’re feeling. The points that correspond with your head, face, and neck, the spots that will hurt during a migraine, are all on the tips of your feet. Include the following points in your reflexology treatments.

  1. Sinus pain during a migraine can manifest on your forehead, between your eyes, or around your cheeks. The tips of all your toes correspond to your sinuses, so massage all of them equally if you feel sinus pain. [2]
  2. This is a small point on each of your big toes, right around the knuckle on each toe. Accessing these points could help relieve general pain around your head. [3]
  3. The rest of your big toes correspond with your nose, cerebellum, brain stem, and other parts of your face. If you feel pain in these areas, then focus on your big toes. [4]
  4. Pain around your eyes is very common during a migraine, so this spot can bring relief. Between your second toe (starting from your big toe) and your middle toe, there is a pressure point corresponding to your eyes. [5]
    • Some reflexology maps show that this point also covers the bases of these toes. There’s some disagreement in the reflexology community about the specific locations of certain points, and this is an example. [6]
  5. If your migraine pain extends down your neck, there’s also a reflexology point for that. Massage the top of your feet, just below the knuckles on your big toes. [7]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Performing Reflexology

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Once you’ve found the right pressure points to treat your migraines, then you can do your own reflexology treatments at home. It’s easy to try out, so find a relaxing spot and see if a quick reflexology session helps relieve your pain.

  1. Reflexology is all about releasing tension, so getting comfortable is the best way to start. Find a quiet spot in your home where you won’t be disturbed. Sit on a couch, chair, or on the floor and get comfortable. [8]
    • It’s also relaxing to turn the lights down. If you’d like to set a more relaxing mood, try lighting some scented candles.
    • Try letting everyone in your home know not to bother you.
  2. Pick the pressure points that correspond with the areas that you’re feeling pain in. Use your thumbs and fingertips to press each point. Apply as much pressure as you’re comfortable with. Then move your fingers in a circular motion to massage the points. [9]
    • If you’re just starting out, use light pressure. Then gradually press harder in later sessions when you get used to the treatment.
    • If you feel pain at any point, then you’re pressing too hard. The massage shouldn’t be painful.
  3. There is no set time for a reflexology treatment, so you can practice it for as long as you want. Start out with rubbing each point for 3-5 minutes to see how you feel. You can adjust your touch or the amount of time in future sessions. [10]
  4. After a reflexology treatment, your body might need some time to rebalance itself. You might experience some euphoria, fatigue or energy bursts, frequent bathroom trips, and heightened emotions. This is all normal and should pass within 24 hours. [11]
    • You might feel thirstier than normal after a treatment, so drink plenty of water afterward.
    • These symptoms are more common for full reflexology treatments from a professional. You might not experience many side effects from a home treatment.
  5. If you have chronic migraines, then you can do reflexology repeatedly. When you’re first starting out, try doing 3 treatments per week with at least a day in between to see if this helps your migraines. [12]
    • Don’t do a reflexology treatment every day. Your body needs around 24 hours to rebalance itself afterward.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Having a Professional Session

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You can also have a professional reflexology treatment done by a trained therapist. These practitioners know exactly which points to access and how much pressure to use to relieve your migraine symptoms. If your home treatments haven’t worked, or you’d like the best treatment right from the start, then visit a professional. A few sessions might relieve stress and reduce the number of migraines you have.

  1. This is the leading reflexology organization in the United States, and it oversees the certification process for reflexologists. Visit their website to find a skilled and approved reflexologist. Find their homepage at https://arcb.net/ .
    • If you’re from a different country, find out if there is a similar professional organization in your country. This way, you’ll know you’re receiving a quality treatment.
    • Don’t visit a reflexologist without the proper licensing and certifications.
  2. Professional reflexologists will always have a consultation with you before your first session. This is so they can understand your problem and design a program that will treat it most effectively. Tell them about your migraines and any other pains you feel so they know which pressure points to access. [13]
    • Feel free to ask any questions you might have during the opening consultation. Reflexologists are happy to explain the process more if you need them to.
    • Expect the reflexologist to ask about your health and medical history. This is so they can make sure reflexology is right for you. For example, reflexologists won’t work on pregnant people because the process could induce labor.
  3. You’ll remain fully clothed except for your shoes and socks. The reflexologist might gently wash your feet before starting the session. [14]
    • Feel free to get into a comfortable position. Reflexology is all about relaxation.
  4. This is how long an average reflexology appointment lasts. You don’t have to do much during the session. Simply lay back and let the reflexologist massage your pressure points. You can talk if you want to, or simply relax. [15]
    • Tell the reflexologist what you’re feeling and if anything doesn’t feel right. They can always adjust their approach of you’re uncomfortable.
    • It’s normal to feel some tingling, euphoria, or emotional release during a session. This is all part of energy moving to different parts of your body.
  5. When the reflexologist finishes, they won’t tell you to get up right away. Your body will probably be very relaxed and you might feel unsteady if you get up too quickly. The reflexologist will advise you to sit or lay quietly for a few minutes to recover. When you feel up to it, then you can get up and go home. [16]
    • It’s normal to feel very thirsty after a session, so the reflexologist will probably give you some water while you rest.
    • The reflexologist might give you some tips to rest and relax in the 24 hours following the session.
  6. You’ll probably need multiple sessions to feel the full benefits of reflexology. Talk to the reflexologist for a recommendation on how often you should come back. Commonly, they’ll suggest a weekly treatment for a few months, then less frequent tune-ups when you start feeling better. Follow their advice for the most effective treatment. [17]
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Join the Discussion...

I recently started getting migraines. In fact, it’s starting to become bad enough that I’m getting them multiple times a week. I get really nauseous and I have to go lie down in a cool, dark room until I feel better. That can take hours sometimes, though. Does anyone else have any better home remedies? What else can I do besides just waiting it out?
Eric Baron, DO
Board Certified Neurologist
Getting to a darker, more quiet environment where you can relax can be helpful. Applying a cold pack to the temples and forehead can also help ease the pain. You could also try yoga, meditation, massage therapy, accupressure, or eating anti-nausea foods if you're looking for home remedies.

Neuromodulatory devices are a very effective non-medication option. Complementary methods such as behavioral therapy, acupuncture, psychological counseling, and biofeedback can also be helpful. Such measures may reduce the need for medications. Counseling for pain management, where patients learn to function and ignore/minimize their pain, seems to work very well.

Think of a migraine like an electric switch that gets turned on in the brain. The goal is to shut that switch off as quickly as possible to stop the migraine from becoming full blown. The key is having a good abortive (acute) migraine treatment and taking it as early as possible. Common abortive options include over the counter medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen. You could also ask your doctor about common prescription abortive treatments, like triptans, gepants, and ditans. The trick is that you have to take the medication as soon as you feel something coming on—not after the migraine has already set in.
I haven't been able to completely cure my migraines with home remedies, but they help take the edge off. I like taking a hot bath or shower for some relief. Peppermint is also helpful. I use a peppermint shampoo, but you could also use peppermint shower steamers, shower sprays, body washes, or essential oils. Or drink a cup of peppermint tea. Hope this helps you feel better!

Medical Takeaways

While reflexology isn’t a proven treatment for any health issues, some people find that it helps relieve stress and get rid of body pains like migraines. There’s no harm in trying this out for yourself, either at home or by working with a professional. However, if you do suffer from chronic migraines and can’t find any relief, then follow up with your doctor to check for any underlying health issues and get the right treatment.

Expert Q&A

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      • Look online for a reflexology chart. This way, you can design your own treatments and access the right pressure points. [18]
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      • Chronic headaches could be a sign of another health issue, so see your doctor if your migraines don't go away.
      • Reflexology is usually not recommended for pregnant people because it can induce labor. [19]

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Reflexology is an ancient healing method where pressure is applied to points on your hands and feet to release energy throughout your body and help migraines. You can either go to a professional or do reflexology to yourself at home. If you want to do it yourself, sit comfortably in a quiet, dimly lit room when you have 10 to 20 minutes to spare. All you need to do is press firmly on the pressure points where you're experiencing pain or discomfort and rub them until you feel relief. These include spots between your eyebrows, above your ears, on the back of your neck, and across your hands and feet. You can also use reflexology tools, like a wooden or rubber roller, and wooden balls, to help target your pressure points. For more tips from our Naturopathic co-author, including how to identify your migraine triggers, read on.

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