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All the ways people are (or hope to be) crossing their fingers 🤞
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Are you curious about what a 🤞 means? The 🤞 (fingers crossed emoji) can be used in many ways, and the meaning all depends on context. We’ve put together an easy guide to help you decipher what the fingers crossed emoji means, so keep reading to learn the whys and hows of this symbolic emoji.

Fingers Crossed Emoji Meaning

The fingers crossed emoji, which shows an index finger crossed over a middle finger, is most commonly used to wish for luck or indicate that you hope someone does well.

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What does the 🤞 (fingers crossed) emoji mean?

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  1. If someone sends you a 🤞, it means they’re hoping for the best outcome. Maybe they have a test coming up, or they’re sending good vibes your way. Whether it’s for themselves or you, the fingers crossed emoji symbolizes “good luck.” [1]
    • “Please tell me the test was easy🤞”
    • “Rooting for you🤞🎉”
  2. Have you ever crossed your fingers behind your back while telling a little white lie? The 🤞 can mean the same thing as it does in real life. In this context, the fingers crossed emoji is a bit sarcastic as the sender knows you’ll know they’re lying. [2]
    • “I told my dad I wouldn’t skip class🤞”
    • “I didn’t eat the cake🤞”
  3. A 🤞 can symbolize a strong friendship or relationship. If they’re talking about their best friend, they may use this emoji to replace the word “close” or represent being their ride or die. [3]
    • “Me and her are 🤞”
    • “I don’t know what I would do without her🤞”
  4. The 🤞 can be used as a silent prayer or plea. In real life, crossing your fingers can be a superstitious act to make something better, and the 🤞 is no different.
    • “All we can do is have faith🤞”
    • “Please let me pass this final🤞”
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How to Use the 🤞 (Fingers Crossed) Emoji

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  1. Add the 🤞 at the end of an encouraging message to wish a friend luck . This shows you have your fingers crossed for them, hoping everything will work out. [4]
    • “Sending my best this morning, friend!🤞💖”
    • “You’re going to be amazing🤞💕”
  2. Be a little sarcastic with a friend or crush and send them a 🤞 along with a message they know isn’t true. This is a great way to start some playful banter . [5]
    • “I totally won’t be stopping at Starbucks every morning🤞🙃”
    • “I don’t know where your sunglasses are🤞”
  3. The crossing of two fingers symbolizes a close-knit relationship, so use the 🤞 when you’re talking about your BFF.
    • “We’re like this 🤞”
    • “Together. Me and you🤞💕”
  4. If you’re superstitious, boost the likelihood of something good happening by using a 🤞. Add this emoji to the end of a hopeful text to show that you’re hoping for the best. [6]
    • “Please help us get through this🤞😭”
    • “I hope she comes home from the hospital soon🤞❤️”
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Different Styles of the 🤞 (Fingers Crossed) Emoji

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  1. You can pick the emoji that fits you best for a customizable experience! Plus, it’ll help your friends imagine you crossing your fingers in real life.
    • 🤞🏻: Light skin tone
    • 🤞🏼: Medium-light skin tone
    • 🤞🏽: Medium skin tone
    • 🤞🏾: Medium-dark skin tone
    • 🤞🏿: Dark skin tone

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