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It's exciting to make decisions about where you'll attend college, but it also means you'll need to withdraw your other applications. If you're accepting an Early Decision school or have just made your choice, notify the schools that you're not attending. Don't worry—most of them make it quick and easy to do! We'll give you clear directions on how to withdraw your application and then run through some common reasons for withdrawing.

Section 1 of 4:

How can I withdraw my application?

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  1. Most schools make it really easy to withdraw your application—start by going to the school's website and search for "withdraw application." Many schools have a simple form that you fill out. It usually asks for this kind of information: [1]
    • Name
    • Birthdate
    • Email you used on your application
    • ID number
    • Reason for withdrawal (with options like financial reasons, medical reasons, no longer interested, attending another school, or personal reasons)
  2. Don't worry if you can't locate the form—not every school has a withdrawal form on its website. Just find the email address for the admissions office and tell them that you're withdrawing your application. Remember to include details like your full name, student ID (if one was assigned), your birthdate, and your reason for withdrawing. [2]
    • In response to your email, some admissions offices may ask you for a more formal withdrawal, like a letter or a phone call. This is more likely if you've already accepted the school's offer of admission but you want to change your mind.
  3. If the school asked you to send a letter , don't stress! It's usually just a formality. You can keep the actual letter very brief. Check out this example for inspiration: [3]
    • "I was pleased to be accepted at Columbia College. However, after much consideration, I have made the decision to attend a different university. Please withdraw my application. Thank you for all your help and consideration."
  4. If you'd like to explain the reasons for your withdrawal, or if you have questions about reapplying later, speak with someone at the school. Maybe you spoke with an admissions counselor who seemed really nice—stop in or call them to let them know your decision. Or, ask about the best way to withdraw your application. [4]
    • If you worked with a college application tutor, ask them about the best way to proceed. They should have admissions experience or a background in higher education. They’d probably know the best person to contact at the school.
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Section 2 of 4:

What happens if I withdraw a college application?

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  1. You can rescind a college application before they make a decision. If you do, you're not responsible for tuition and there's nothing else that you need to do. If you put down a tuition deposit and then withdrew your application, you'll usually get a refund if you made the decision before the school's deadline. [5]
    • If you waited until after the deadline and you put down a deposit, you may have to work directly with the school's Financial Aid Department.
    • Note that even after you withdraw a college application through the Common App, you'll still need to withdraw from each individual school as well.
Section 3 of 4:

If I withdraw an application, can I reapply?

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  1. If you have changed your mind and want to reapply to the school, submit a brand new application before the next term's deadline.
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Section 4 of 4:

Reasons for Withdrawing Your Application

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  1. If you applied as an Early Decision (ED) applicant and were admitted, you're obligated to accept your ED school and withdraw your other applications. [6] If one of your Early Action schools accepted you, you're not required to accept, but you may still choose it over another school.
    • Even if you didn't submit Early Decision or Early Action applications, it's still a good idea to withdraw from all the schools you won't be accepting. This way, their Admissions and Financial Aid departments can make offers to other applicants.
    • If you're filing an appeal for more financial aid from your Early Decision school, this is a case when you may not be obligated to withdraw your other applications.
  2. You might decide to attend a different school if they offered you more in the way of grants or scholarships. Many schools realize this and even allow you to report it if your withdrawal was because of finances. Note that if that's the case, the school's Financial Aid department may want to contact you. [7]
    • In some cases, the school may want to discuss financing options that you didn't realize were available.
  3. If you've been giving your choice more thought, you might come to the decision that the school doesn't match your passions, needs, or interests. You might decide to withdraw to have more time for making up your mind—maybe you'd rather take a gap year, so there's no pressure to make a choice.
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