Alejandra Alfonzo

Alejandra Alfonzo is a Language Instructor based in Roseland, New Jersey. She runs her own language tutoring business, Spanish Con Ale. She teaches both English and Spanish, offering online private and group classes tailored to meet her clients' personal and professional goals while making the learning experience fun. Alejandra has been a language teacher since 2011 and is committed to exploring the challenges and rewards that come with learning a new language with her students. Spanish Con Ale offers personalized learning sessions, private lesson packages, and Cafecito Con Ale, a language exchange membership where members have the opportunity to meet and socialize with others while improving their language skills. Alejandra is a certified Spanish teacher.


  • Education Master's, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, University of Carabobo
  • BA, Modern Languages, Arturo Michelena University

Professional Achievements

  • Featured in several TV interviews for her work as a teacher and content creator
  • Creates educational content across multiple social media platforms
  • Participates in multiple creator communities, including CasaTikTok, Latinx Creatives, DaleTú, and YouTube Shorts Creators
  • Freelances as sales talent for Telemundo, bringing her communication skills to the media and entertainment industry

Certifications & Organizations

  • Holds a Certificate in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

Favorite Piece of Advice

Consistency is key when learning a language—focus on small, daily progress by practicing listening, speaking, reading, and writing without overwhelming yourself. Learning a new language takes time, but it’s a rewarding experience that keeps your brain active and opens up new opportunities. Find the learning methods you enjoy most, stay motivated, and remember—it’s never too late to start!

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Co-authored Articles (15)