
BlaDe is a Stardew Valley Expert based in New Zealand. He has been playing Stardew for several years, and manages both a YouTube channel and Twitch account dedicated to the game. He has over 60K subscribers on YouTube, and has over 11K followers on Twitch. He is known for speedruns and challenge runs, with a focus on predicting RNG. He is also lauded in the Stardew community for his extensive knowledge of the game’s code. BlaDe has been a lifelong gamer, enjoying all types of games. Outside of his Stardew pursuits, he works full time as a computer programmer.

Professional Achievements

  • BlaDe is known as the "Code Guy" of the Stardew Community. He describes his role as the Q to a speedrunner's Bond.
  • He developed the Map Predictor (a separate product from MouseyPounds' predictor), which predicts various RNG elements of the game, like finding ladders/geodes, showing when bubbles will appear and disappear, what special orders will appear, and more.
  • He used his technical knowledge to perform feats like Marrying Penny on Spring 14 Year 1, Completing the Community Center on Summer 2 Year 1, Completing the Missing Bundle on Summer 4 Year 1, and Marrying his Wife in-game on Spring 8 Year 1.

Favorite Piece of Advice

Explore and learn the game at your own pace, but don't be afraid to scale up.

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Co-authored Articles (15)