Cara Barker, MA
Research & Instruction Librarian
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Co-authored Articles (11)
A Step-by-Step Guide to Citing the WHO in APA (+ other Styles)
A simple guide to citing the WHO in your research paper APA (American Psychological Association) style is one of the most common citation methods in social sciences. Some organizations, such as the World Health Organizat...
How to
Cite the CDC in APA
The American Psychological Association (APA) is the governing body who creates the rules and guidelines for formatting papers and documenting sources for people in certain fields – mostly sciences, education, and psych...
How to
Cite Page Numbers in APA
Page numbers are a small but important part of many APA citations. Fortunately, page numbers are usually only needed at the end of a sentence when citing a specific source. When writing a reference list, you only need pa...
MLA Format: Citing a YouTube Video (Example)
Make an MLA-style in-text citation and works cited entry for a YouTube video As more information is introduced via the Web, students and instructors must come to expect an increase in the number of online citations inclu...
How to
Cite a YouTube Video
This wikiHow will teach you the right way to cite a YouTube video, whether you're using MLA, APA, or Chicago style. Citing a YouTube video is actually really simple! You'll just need some basic information about the vide...
How to
Cite Multiple Authors in APA
In many social science disciplines, you'll use the citation method of the American Psychological Association (APA) to identify the references you used in your paper. When writing a research paper, you may encounter works...
How to
Cite a Book Chapter in APA
If you want to cite a book chapter in APA format, you need to include the chapter author’s name either in the introductory phrase before the quote or in the parenthetical citation after it, along with the publication d...
How to
Cite a Dictionary in APA
Dictionaries can be extremely useful when researching a paper or article, but the rules aren’t always clear when it comes to citing them in APA. Dictionaries are actually cited the same way as encyclopedias or other re...
How to
Cite a Syllabus in APA
The American Psychological Association’s (APA) citation style is commonly used by humanities and social science students. If you’re taking those type of courses, you might find that you have to cite your course sylla...
How to
Cite a Book Chapter
Citing a book chapter may seem like a difficult task to tackle, but with the right guidelines it’s a piece of cake! First choose which style you want to cite in – most likely it will be MLA, APA, or Chicago style. Be...
How to
Cite an Annual Report in APA Style
The American Psychological Association (APA) citation method is used in behavioral and social sciences, as well as by nonprofit organizations and businesses in the medical and social sectors. When writing a research pape...