Claire Wentzel
Award-Winning Artist and Strategic Creative Consultant
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Co-authored Articles (9)
2 Easy-to-Follow Methods for Drawing a Person
Impress your friends with your realistic or cartoon drawings of peopleThe art of drawing people is just one of many skills an artist may possess. While every artist may have a different style of drawing, they each had to...
How to
Draw a Man
Learn how to draw a man by following the steps in this tutorial.
How to
Draw a Portrait
Realistic human portraits are a favorite of artists as each artist portrays with his hands and with his skills unique drawings or renderings of the human form. They try to make it real as possible. Almost everybody would...
How to
Ink Wash
Ink wash painting is a process (similar to watercolor painting) that uses black India ink to create greyscale works of art. If you are new to ink washing, you can begin by practicing color gradation, mixing different amo...
How to
Draw Human Faces
Since the earliest times, humans have spent a great deal of time trying to capture the essence of the human face. This can be enjoyable, but it's better if you know how. While our bodies add dynamism to artworks, the fac...
How to
Write an Artist Statement
A clear and intelligent artist’s statement will make you stand out from the crowd and will show people that you are a thoughtful and deliberate artist. Writing your statement can be a difficult process, but it is also ...
The Best Way to Dry Mount a Print or Photograph
DIY tips for dry mounting artwork without air bubblesThere's no need to take your photo or artwork to a professional framer to be dry mounted. If you can use a ruler and perform a little arithmetic, you can dry mount you...
How to
Make Digital Art
An easy guide to creating art online, from sketching to getting the best colorsDigital art is becoming increasingly popular among many artists. With features that are unique to this medium, it's not hard to explain its p...
How to Tell if a Painting Is Valuable
An expert-approved guide to detecting expensive artArt collecting is an expensive hobby, but some eagle-eyed aficionados can score valuable masterpieces at bargain-bin prices. Whether you’re hunting for deals at a thri...