Garrett Faust
Designer & Fabricator of Custom Wood Wall Art & Signs
- University of Saint Thomas, BS, Mechanical Engineering
Favorite Pieces of Advice
- Measure twice, cut once.
- Almost anything you want to know or learn is available online.
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Co-authored Articles (25)
How to
Remove Burn Marks on Wood
Pieces of wood around your home, shop, or garage can be inadvertently burned through regular wear and tear, whether it's furniture, paneling, a tabletop, or a wooden toy. While there's no way to repair a piece of wood th...
How to
Build a Dog Ramp
A ramp can be a huge help for any dog having trouble handling steps, getting into the car, or climbing furniture. Although you can buy dog ramps from stores, they are relatively simple to make at home out of plywood and ...
How to
Inlay Wood
Inlaying contrasting material adds an eye-catching element to any wooden object, such as a picture frame, jewelry box, or piece of furniture. It is best to master this technique by first inlaying straight lines and then ...
How to
Adhere Plastic to Wood
Gluing two different materials together can be tricky, especially if one of them is plastic. Since plastics don’t stick to other substances very easily, you'll need to use a glue that can form a sturdy bond with wooden...
How to
Cut Angles on a Table Saw
A table saw is a useful tool for cutting wood a number of different ways. Although it isn’t primarily used to cut angles, it can do it with precision and accuracy. Preparation is important to a clean cut. It involves o...
How to
Cut Balsa Wood
Balsa wood is the softest wood you can buy for model and design building. It’s very easy to cut, so much so that you need to be very careful and patient so that you don’t break it while cutting out your designs. Trac...
How to Carve Wood
Learn the tips and tricks to beginning wood carving While it's possible to carve into a variety of surfaces—including soap and stone—wood carving remains popular since it's both practical and relatively simple to pra...
How to
Remove Rust Stains from Wood
Wood is susceptible to rust stains when it has prolonged contact with metal in moist conditions. Whether you left a rusty tool on a wooden table and it left a mark behind, or you removed some rusty nails or other hardwar...
How to
Veneer Wood
A guide to choosing wood veneer, adhesives & application techniquesVeneering wood was once thought of as a painstaking and time-consuming task, but it has come a long way recently. There are now many varieties of veneer,...
How to
Mount Antlers
Hunters often enjoy displaying the antlers of an animal they've killed to remember the hunt and to respect the spirit of that animal. Mounted antlers are a source of pride, showcasing the size of the animal, and thus the...
How to Make a Homemade Windmill
Constructing a decorative garden windmill for your home Windmills have been used for centuries to harness the power of the wind. They're also charming decorative additions to any backyard or garden. While these windmills...
How to
Burn Letters Into Wood
Burning letters onto wood can be a great way to add a decorative touch to any wood surface. It is also a good way to mark an item so people know it's yours. If you want to burn letters into wood prepare your surface, fin...
How to
Write on Wood
Wood signs can be an excellent way to express your creativity and decorate your home. Not only are wood signs a gorgeous and popular form of DIY home decor, but they’re incredibly easy to create! All it takes is select...
How to
Hollow Out Wood
You might need to hollow out wood to improve an item's storage space, to make a part fit better, or to create a sneaky hiding place. Whatever your reason or need, one of the easiest ways to hollow out wood is with a wood...
How to Carve Letters into Wood
Using hand tools or a Dremel to cut words into wood Carving letters into wood is a great craft project you can use to make personalized signs or decorations. If you want to start wood carving, all you need are a few tool...
How to
Sharpen Chisels
As the saying goes, a sharp blade is safer than a dull one. It's as true for a chisel as any other tool, so it's important to give your chisels a clean, sharp edge one or two times per year, depending on how often you us...
How to
Use a Chisel
A chisel is a woodworking or masonry tool that has a handle with a shaped cutting edge at the end. It can be beveled at a variety of angles and come in a variety of sizes. Sharp chisels can cut angles and designs, smooth...
How to
Use a Jigsaw
A jigsaw is one of the most versatile power tools you can have in your workshop. It can cut through materials such as wood, metal, laminate, and PVC, as well as make straight and curved cuts easily. When working with a j...
How to Cut Slots into Wood
A beginner-friendly’s guide to routing slots through woodCutting slots in wood is often known as mortising, and it can be done with a drill press. You'll need to set up a fence guard on your drill press table to make s...
How to
Make Wood Flexible
If you only need to bend wood for a one-time project, laminating the wood is the least labor-intensive option. Steaming the wood to make it flexible gives you stronger curves, but the process requires a fair amount of se...