Janet Peischel
Digital Media Expert
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Co-authored Articles (9)
How to Write an Article
How to come up with an idea, research, and draft an outlineThere are a multitude of different types of articles, including news stories, features, profiles, instructional articles, and so on. While each has specific qual...
How to
Write a Newspaper Column
Writing a newspaper column provides space for a columnist to share their opinions or analyze a chosen topic using their own voice. While a newspaper column does afford a lot of room for freedom, there are certain convent...
How to
Write a Column
Learn how to write a column for journalismColumns are articles or features written for newspapers, magazines, newsletters, and other publications. They are usually published regularly and on a schedule. Columns are a for...
How to Create a Logo
A guide to brainstorming, drafting, and finalizing a logo A great logo is more than images and words, a good logo tells a story about your company--who you are, what you do and what you stand for. That's a lot to ask of ...
How to
Start a Newsletter
You don’t have to run a big business to create your own newsletter. With the right planning and organization, anyone can put out a newsletter dealing with a diverse range of possible subjects that will reach a wide aud...
How to
Submit Articles to Publications
You've finally wrapped up the article you've been working so hard on and now it's ready for publication. But first, you have to submit it. Submitting your first article is an exciting process. There are different procedu...
How to
Draw a Logo in Microsoft Paint
Do you have a website, blog, or a business and you can't think of an idea for a logo? This article will show you how to create an easy logo in Microsoft Paint.
How to
Create a Marketing Plan
A marketing plan is a plan that outlines your full marketing strategy for the coming year. It will include who you are marketing to, how you will market to them, and the strategies you will use to connect with customers ...
How to
Write a Good Newsletter
These days, everyone seems to have a newsletter! Writing one is simple, but with a few tricks you can make your newsletter fantastic. As long as you keep it interesting and informative, your audience will have a reason t...