Jessica McKnight
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Co-authored Articles (10)
How to Organize Photos in Google Photos: Quick Guide to Albums
Everything you need to know about organizing Google Photos This wikiHow guide will show you how to organize photos in Google Photos. You can use albums to keep your photos organized in Google Photos. Albums are like cont...
How to
Add Sunlight in Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program that has been released in 12 versions by Adobe Systems. It is included as part of Adobe's Creative Suite, along with Illustrator, After Effects and other illustration, graphi...
How to
Create a Flawless Filing System on Your Computer
This wikiHow teaches you how to organize your computer's files by creating a filing system out of folders.
How to
Print Pictures from Your Phone
This wikiHow teaches you how to print pictures from your smartphone using a Wi-Fi-connected printer. To print pictures from your phone, you need to have a Wi-Fi enabled printer connected to the same wireless network tha...
2 Quick Ways to Flip or Mirror an Image in Adobe Photoshop
If you're a graphic artist, designer, publisher, or photographer, there may come a time when it suits your need to flip an image. Photoshop makes this incredibly easy, whether you're flipping the whole image or just a sm...
How to
Print Pictures from an iPhone
Your iPhone takes amazing photos, so it only makes since that you'd want to be able to print them from your home printer! If your printer is AirPrint-compatible, you'll be able to print directly to it from your iPhone as...
How to
Find Digital Pictures on Your Computer
Memories are important to all of us. You may have hundreds of thousands of pictures stored on your computer to keep them safe and handy, but it becomes less handy when you have a hard time finding the pictures you are l...
How to
Develop Black and White Film
Developing film is a less common practice since digital cameras, but you can still create beautiful black and white negatives in your own home. You can buy a developing kit online that has all the essential supplies and ...
How to
Open Multiple Images As Layers in Photoshop Using Bridge
This wikiHow teaches you how to import multiple different photos into one Photoshop project as a series of layers. While it is possible to do this from within Photoshop without using any additional software, some version...
How to
Share Photos Online
Photographs are one of the best ways to keep memories long-term. Needless to say, this is why people photograph important life milestones. In today's society, digital photography is extremely prevalent, and people prefer...