Joey Wallace
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Co-authored Articles (8)
Uploading a Video to YouTube on a Computer or Phone
A step-by-step guide to uploading a video to YouTube Do you want to be able to share your videos with friends, family, and perfect strangers? Uploading videos to YouTube is quick, easy, and absolutely free. This wikiHow ...
How to
Create a Storyboard
When you’re planning a video, the first step in the process is to bring your script to life and present it to other people. A storyboard is a series of thumbnails that show the breakdown of the video, illustrating the ...
How to Start Out as a Beginner Travel Vlogger
Create travel vlogs that will boost your engagement and followingTravel vlogs are a really cool way for you to share your experiences with viewers in a creative and dynamic way. When making your vlog, focus on things you...
How to
Use Every Nikon Digital SLR
If you are bewildered by your Nikon digital SLR's numerous buttons, modes, and settings, and don't feel like reading through hundreds of pages of camera manual, don't worry, you're not alone. The following steps will gu...
How to
Make a Photo Flip Book
Classic flip books are made out of your own drawings to get cute, short animations. If you aren’t the best artist or you want to make yourself into a flip book, you can try making one with photos instead! Use this as a...
How to Increase Video Quality, Resolution, Color, & More
Improve video color, sharpness, and resolution with this expert guide Do you want to make a poor-quality video look better? There are many video editing apps that offer filters, effects, stabilization, sharpening, color ...
How to
Photograph Coins
Coin collectors and dealers will find it useful to know how to photograph coins to their best advantage. If you're selling coins online or displaying them on your hobby blog, the photographs need to be clear and well lit...
How to
Use Photoshop to Retouch Facial Photos
This tutorial will outline how to retouch and enhance people's faces in Adobe Photoshop.