Kevin Bentley

Kevin Bentley is a puzzle maker and designer of Komino Puzzles based in England. In 2016, Kevin invented Komino puzzles, which are logic puzzles with a unique set of logical rules inspired by domino pieces and jigsaw puzzles. He has created over 30 different designs of Komino puzzles, 12 of which are presented in his first book of 200 puzzles called Komino Puzzles, published in 2018. Kevin has had a lifelong interest in solving all kinds of puzzles, including Rubik’s cube and Sudoku, and is a computer programmer with over 30 years of experience.


  • BSc Computer Studies (Hons)

Professional Achievements

  • Komino puzzles get published monthly in the Gamlingay Gazette publication
  • He features a daily interactive puzzle on

Certifications & Organizations

  • Qualified as a Psychiatric Nurse, 1985
  • Higher National Certificate, Computer Studies, 1988
  • Diploma in Computing, 1996
  • Elected member, British Computer Society, 2006

Favorite Piece of Advice

Start with a small design of your idea and refine it as you explore its potential. Be open to changing your design completely. Create a sample of your initial idea and solve a few variations of your sample puzzles. Develop an understanding of how the solution evolves and the techniques you need to use, and use this to refine your rules and design. Always check that there is only one solution, creating a computer program to test all alternative solutions as required. Use the easiest technique if there is a choice in solving the puzzle. The hardest technique you need to use will help grade the difficulty of your puzzle. It is a good idea to give sample puzzles to friends and colleagues and observe how they solve it. See what questions they ask, their common assumptions, and what rules they misunderstand. If they get wrong answers, check to see if the puzzle needs refining.

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Co-authored Articles (13)