Kieren Dutcher
Professional Artist
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Co-authored Articles (7)
How to
Make an Easel
Easels are helpful tools that hold canvases and drawing pads upright while they're being worked on or displayed. You can always buy an easel at an art supply store, but you can build one at home with wood, pipe, or cardb...
How to
Use a Kneaded Eraser
Lighten and blend drawings with ease using this simple toolA kneaded eraser is a staple of any artist’s toolbox. It can be used to remove a number of drawing materials, including charcoal, graphite, chalk, and pastel. ...
How to
Make Fan Art
Fan-art is a broad category of art that includes any visual artwork inspired by a work of fiction you like, such as an anime, a television show, a novel series, or a comic book. Making fan-art is a great way to both show...
How to
Illustrate a Children's Book
Writing an excellent story for a children’s book is only half the battle. Even the most engaging plots simply won’t come to life without vivid illustrations to match the text. Luckily, by brainstorming and using a si...
How to
Illustrate a Book
Are you a natural artist? Good with a pencil or paints? Then you may want to illustrate a book someday. There are several steps you can take to successfully accomplish this goal.
How to
Make a Picture Book
Picture books are short, narrative-driven works with an emphasis on colourful pictures that they use to tell a story. Typically intended for children, there's a lot of variety and potential in picture books. Making a pic...
How to
Make a Patchwork Quilt
Patchwork quilts are enchanting to look at, to own and to create. One of the first craft projects many young girls learned to create in generations past was to make a patchwork quilt. Getting started is really simple and...