Rebecca Schweiger
Professional Artist & Art School Founder
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Co-authored Articles (13)
What Colors Do You Mix to Create White Light and Paint?
What is (and isn't) possible when it comes to making whiteSo, you want to make the color white. Maybe you’re working with stage lighting or are painting. Either way, you need to know what colors you can mix together to...
How to Make a Cartoon or Realistic Fox Drawing
An easy tutorial for drawing foxesFoxes are distinctive, easily-recognizable animals that make a good subject for drawing. Whether you’d like to draw a fox in a cartoon style or a more realistic fashion, start by sketc...
How to
Doodling is not only a great way to pass the time during a boring class, but it can help you improve your artistic skills and find your passion. As long as you relax and let your hand do the thinking, you'll be on your w...
How to Draw a Basket of Fruit for Beginners
Draw a basket filled with apples, oranges, bananas, pineapple, & more A basket of fruit might seem like a simple thing to sketch, but it teaches you a variety of useful drawing skills. You'll work on perspective and dept...
How to
Draw a Church
A Church is a place of worship typically for Christians or a place of Catholic worship. A Church usually has a tower or dome and a cross on top of it. It has a variety of architectural designs and patterns outside as wel...
A Beginner’s Guide for Using Blending Stumps (Plus How to Make One)
Blend values in your drawings with these simple shading tools If you’re trying to achieve smooth transitions between shadows in your drawings, blending stumps are an invaluable tool to add to your art supplies. These ...
How to
Set Up an Easel
A good easel is one of the most important tools an artist can have. There are many varieties, from big easels meant for indoor use to small ones that can be transported outside. Although most easels are fairly simple to ...
How to
Shade with Colored Pencils
Learning how to shade in your drawings using colored pencils will allow you to create beautiful and vibrant pieces of artwork. The key to getting bright, smooth color when you're shading something in is to add multiple l...
How to
Draw Cool Things
Drawing takes a lot of practice in order to develop skills and technique, but you can start making cool works of art right away. When you want to make something that looks complicated, start by drawing objects that are m...
How to Create Realistic, Shiny Gold with Colored Pencils
Creating a gorgeous gold shade with colored pencil couldn't be easierShiny, lustrous metallic gold? If only you could create something that beautiful using colored pencils. Oh wait, you actually can! You only need 4 colo...
How to
Color with Colored Pencils Realistically
Colored pencils are an excellent medium for realistic coloring. They’re inexpensive, come in a variety of colors, and are relatively easy to work with. However, using colored pencils to create realistic images can be d...
How to Start an Art Journal: Entry Ideas, Supply Recommendations & More
Learn how creative art journaling can benefit you Art journaling is a fun, creative hobby that allows you to express yourself through visual art and the written word. If you’re new to art journaling, it can sometimes b...
How to
Name Your Solo Art Exhibition
Coming up with a name for your solo art exhibition can be a daunting task. The name of your exhibition can impact how many people come to your show and how they view your art.. 19 November 2021. You should choose a name ...