Sean Campbell

Sean Campbell is a music teacher based in Santa Monica, CA. Sean has created a revolutionary and innovative approach to piano instruction utilizing letters, colors, and numbers called Piano Tab. As the founder of Music Lyceum and Learn Piano in 30, he delivers a unique learning experience to those who find traditional piano lessons uninspiring. In addition to piano, he also offers lessons in guitar, ukulele, harmonica, and bass at the Music Lyceum. Sean is passionate about making music accessible to all. With expertise in piano, guitar, harmonica, bass, and ukulele, Sean’s unique, non-traditional teaching methods—like his revolutionary Piano Tabs—allow students to learn quickly and easily. His mission is to inspire those who might not follow a traditional path to music, offering a fun and approachable way to unlock their musical potential. As a dedicated performer and songwriter, Sean continually refines his craft, making him the ideal guide for his clients’ musical journey.


  • BA, San Diego State University

Professional Achievements

  • Sean’s work has been featured in The Argonaut, the Santa Monica Daily Press, and on KTLA Channel 5.

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Co-authored Articles (19)