Timothy Linetsky
Music Producer & Instructor
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Co-authored Articles (39)
12 Ways to Make Money on YouTube: Ads, Subscriptions, & More
Get started making money on YouTube with this beginner-friendly guide Do you want to make money from YouTube videos? While earning thousands of dollars off the bat probably isn't realistic for most people, you can start ...
2 Easy Ways to Permanently Delete (or, Hide) Your YouTube Channel
A user-friendly guide to removing your YouTube content and deleting your channel permanently Do you want to delete your YouTube account? All YouTube accounts are linked to Google, so you'll just need to go into your Goog...
How to
Link to a Certain Time in a YouTube Video's Comment Box
This wikiHow teaches you how to leave a comment with a time stamp that links to a spot in a YouTube video.
4 Ways to Reduce Static Noise in a Microphone
Remove unwanted noise on a computer or live settingThere’s nothing more frustrating than setting a microphone up for an event or recording session only to find out that there’s some strange white noise crackling thro...
How to
Make a YouTube Channel
YouTube is an excellent way to get noticed on the internet and, in some cases, you can even use it to earn a living. To make a YouTube channel, you'll need to set up the channel using a Google account and add channel art...
How to
Get 100 Subscribers on YouTube in a Day
Easy ways to grow your YouTube channel’s audience fastWhen you’re a brand-new content creator on YouTube, getting new subscribers can be a challenge. Getting 100 new subscribers in a day isn’t always easy, but it�...
Get Verified on YouTube in Seconds: Desktop + Mobile
An easy-to-follow guide to verifying your YouTube channel by phone or textVerifying your YouTube account grants you several benefits. When you get verified, you'll no longer have a 15-minute limit on video length. You'll...
How to Connect a Microphone to a Mac or Windows Computer
Connect any kind of external microphone to your computer with this simple guideIf you want to upgrade your computer's audio inputs with an external microphone, either for chatting or to do some home recording, you can le...
How to Add Subtitles to YouTube Videos
A simple guide to adding subtitles or closed captioning to a YouTube videoYouTube makes it easy to add subtitles to your own videos. You can also add subtitles to somebody else's videos using a third-party captioning too...
How to
Make a Mixtape
Everything you need to create a mixtape for anyone in your life A mixtape is a curated collection of music from a variety of different sources that has been hand-picked and copied onto some form of audio recording media�...
2 Simple Ways to Make Your Microphone Better
Effective tips to add high-end shine to your audio Whether it’s a personal or professional project, microphones are essential for recording crisp and clear audio. If you’re using an external microphone, you can make ...
How to Create Music on a Computer: Step-by-Step
Produce and mix quality songs with your computer In the past, making studio-quality music required lots of money and years of training in composition and instrumentation. Now, however, you can create beautiful songs at ...
An Expert-Backed Guide to Starting a Band
Find your sound and start booking gigs! ''I love rock and roll!'' And if you’re here, you probably do too! Or maybe you prefer pop, indie, heavy metal, country, rap…the list goes on. But whatever genre you prefer to ...
4 Ways to Cut a Song
Learn how to shorten a song on your computerNo matter how much you like a song, it can be annoying to listen to if you don’t like a certain part. Luckily, with modern MP3 technology, you can easily trim the beginning, ...
How to
Adjust Gain on a Mic
Do you want to adjust the gain on a mic? This setting can help your voice come across more clearly. If you have a digital mic, use the dial to change the level from -6 to -12 dB. If you have an analog microphone, use a p...
How to
Calculate the Time Signature of a Song
Time signatures are an important component of any piece of music as they tell you the beats for the song. While they can seem deceptively simple, they can get more complicated when you're trying to work them out based on...
Simple Steps For Adding Music to Your YouTube Videos
Add background music, royalty-free songs, and sound effects directly to YouTube videos with YouTube StudioThis wikiHow article teaches you how to add a music track to a YouTube video. Although it's no longer possible to ...
How to Hide YouTube Channel Subscriber Count: Is it Possible?
Does YouTube still let you hide your channel's subscribers?Do you want to hide your YouTube channel's subscriber count from others? While YouTube once made it easy to keep your subscriber count private, this feature has ...
How to
Tell if You Are a Metal Poser
There are many, many people who believe they are Metalheads. A metalhead is a fan or performer of metal music and associates themselves with the metal culture. Metal is a genre of rock n’ roll that became popularized ...
How to
Make Yourself Famous on YouTube
If you want a shot at getting famous on YouTube, you've got to express your unique personality and show some love to your subscribers! To make yourself famous on YouTube, begin by consistently creating and posting buzz-w...