Stop feeling cynical and start feeling optimistic, one day at a time.

Do you struggle with negativity all the time? Changing your mindset is hard, but this course will walk you through how optimism works and help you see the bright side of life.

Featuring Kirsten Parker , MA, Life Coach

Each bite-sized lesson features fun facts about optimism, combined with a challenge to help you move past negativity. The course is delivered daily to your inbox so you can take this course anywhere you want (even on your phone!).
You can finish the entire course in just 5 days, or spread it out over a longer period that works for you.
Each lesson is just 5 minutes a day. We recommend making it part of your morning routine so you can start your day off with a fresh, more positive perspective.

What you will learn

  • The surprising benefits of optimism, beyond just feeling happier
  • Why optimism isn't about being smiley all the time, but about how you respond to difficult moments
  • How to handle the ABCs: adversity, beliefs, and consequences
  • The 3 Ps of negativity and how to avoid them
  • 6 actionable things you can do to practice gratitude

Why should you take this course?

  1. You're prone to negativity, but don't know how to change that about yourself. This course is all about the baby steps. Instead of trying to avoid negativity, you'll learn how to handle it in stride and respond with optimism.
  2. Get the help of a life coach who has helped hundreds of people find their optimism. Not everyone can afford a life coach, but this course distills the best advice and exercises from a professional on fostering a positive perspective.
  3. You're ready for a change in your life. If you're reading this, you probably feel like you could use a boost in the optimism department. Signing up for this course could be a small decision that will have a big impact in your life.

Course Overview

5 Lessons

Discover Why You Should Be Optimistic
Relearn Your ABCs
Push Against that Negative Voice
Tailor Your Feed
Practice Gratitude

Meet the Expert

Kirsten Parker, MFA
Mindset & Action Coach
Kirsten Parker is a Mindset and Action Coach based in her hometown of Los Angeles, California. She helps high achievers overcome stress and self-doubt. She specializes in increasing one's confidence and clarity by incorporating tools from positive psychology, mindful habit change, and self-regulation into her coaching. She is a Certified HeartMath Practitioner trained in Stress, Anxiety, and Intelligent Energy Management along with Emotional Intelligence and the Science of Self-Acceptance. She also holds an MFA from Yale University School of Drama in Stage Management.
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What are others saying?

Rhiannon Rossi

I loved that the course consisted of emails directly to me, they weren’t overly long, it was concise, and I really enjoyed the challenges at the end. I found the emails having the challenges really drew me in and made me want to really do the course.


This gave me more ways and techniques to be optimistic and it shows examples to back up the theories. I'm glad I took it.


I am very pessimistic, and I don't like it. I like the points in this, and I am trying to be more positive. Thank you.

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