How Awkward Am I?

Take this quiz to see how socially awkward you are!

Ever gone in for a hug when someone wanted a high-five? Clogged the toilet at a friend’s house? Made repeated and uncomfortable eye contact with a stranger?

You might be awkward. We all are, but we’re here to see just how awkward you are with these 12 painfully unpleasant questions. Click “Start Quiz,” and try not to fumble it!

A woman scratching her head and making an uncomfortable face.

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Questions Overview

1. Have you ever tripped over your own feet?
  1. Not really. I guess I'm pretty graceful!
  2. Once or twice, sure! It happens.
  3. Like a couple times a week, probably. My feet like to sabotage me.
  4. Forget feet, it seems like I trip over air at least once a day.
2. How do you feel about making phone calls?
  1. I'm always calling people! It's my preferred way to chat.
  2. It's alright, but I prefer texting, which is just easier.
  3. I get a little anxious whenever I have to make a phone call. It's intimidating...
  4. Even just hearing my phone ring makes my heart beat super fast. No, thanks!
3. Does raising your hand in class make you nervous?
  1. Nope! I'm ready to talk, even if I'm not raising my hand.
  2. Not really. I only raise my hand if I'm sure of what I'm going to say, anyway.
  3. A little bit, but I know it's only temporary.
  4. Absolutely. I avoid raising my hand whenever possible.
4. If you had a crush right now, do you think you'd be able to tell them?
  1. Yes! I'm not afraid to express my feelings.
  2. Maybe, but I'd have to hype myself up a little first.
  3. Probably not. I'd rather find more subtle ways to get the message across.
  4. Definitely not. I'd rather die than be that vulnerable!
5. Do you feel comfortable hanging out with a new friend 1-on-1?
  1. Totally! I think it's fun to have alone time with interesting people!
  2. I feel fine, but I prefer to hang out with people in groups. Less pressure that way.
  3. Hanging out with people 1-on-1 makes me pretty nervous, but I'll do it if I have to.
  4. I try to never hang out with someone alone. I just end up embarrassing myself.
6. Someone you sorta recognize waves in your direction. What do you do?
  1. Smile and wave back, then approach them to say hello.
  2. Give a polite nod and keep walking.
  3. Look behind me to make sure they're not waving at someone else, then wave.
  4. Ignore them. What if they're not who I think they are, or they're not even waving at me? Too risky.
7. An acquaintance holds out their hand to greet you. You:
  1. Shake it firmly, then pull them in for a hug.
  2. Just shake their hand. Keep it simple. Don't forget to smile, too!
  3. Offer them the wrong hand by accident, making them have to switch hands.
  4. Go in for a fistbump, then change to a high-five, but linger too long and turn it into a limp handshake.
8. You're talking to a friend who won't stop yapping, and you're late to an important meeting. You:
  1. Tell them to walk with me so they can keep talking and I won't be late.
  2. Interrupt as politely as I can and explain I have to go, but make plans to talk again soon.
  3. Say, "Uh, sorry, I have to be somewhere," give them a pat on the shoulder, and leave.
  4. Stand there and listen so long that I miss my meeting.
9. Someone insults your outfit on the street. What do you say?
  1. "You wouldn't know good taste if it hit you like a bus!"
  2. "Thanks, your mom picked it out for me!"
  3. I say nothing in the moment, but think of 100 things to say in the shower later.
  4. I walk faster and keep my head down so nobody can see me start to cry a little.
10. Have you ever accidentally liked someone's social media post from over a year ago?
  1. Never.
  2. Maybe once.
  3. Now and then, yeah.
  4. Like all the time. You'd think I'd learn.
11. How do you feel about public speaking?
  1. Give me a topic and I can yap for hours in front of a crowd.
  2. I'm okay when I have something prepared, but don't ask me to improvise.
  3. Public speaking is something that mostly happens in my nightmares. I'll do it, but I won't like it.
  4. I sort of black out whenever I get up in front of people. Sometimes literally.
12. You're talking to someone, but you missed what they just said. What do you say?
  1. "Sorry, I got distracted. Can you repeat that?"
  2. I just say "Yeah" and nod my head.
  3. I say nothing and hope it wasn't important.
  4. I say "Aw, that sucks." They look at me funny. I never find out what they said.

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Here's a little tip, just between us: Usually, everyone's so concerned with not being awkward themselves that they don't really notice other people being awkward. Or if they do, they forget as soon as the next awkward thing happens to someone else.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Less-Awkward"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Overcome-Awkwardness"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Less Awkward","id":792264,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Less-Awkward","image":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/86\/Be-Less-Awkward-Step-17-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Less-Awkward-Step-17-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Be Less Awkward"},{"title":"How to Overcome Awkwardness","id":946972,"url":"https:\/\/\/Overcome-Awkwardness","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/ce\/Overcome-Awkwardness-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Overcome-Awkwardness-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Overcome Awkwardness"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You're pretty awkward.","meaning":"You're the fall-up-the-stairs kind of awkward. You trip over your own feet about twice a day, and trip over air just as often. You pull on every push door and push on every pull door. And when it comes to social situations, you're the captain of the struggle bus, always accidentally interrupting other people, telling stories that don't quite land, and just generally feeling like the odd one out in any given group.

We know because we've been there! You might not believe it, but everyone's awkward from time to time, and that's an easy thing to forget in the age of social media, where everyone's only ever showing their best face. But make no mistake: Every single person you know has done something awkward today.

Here's a little tip, just between us: usually, everyone's so concerned with not being awkward themselves that they don't really notice other people being awkward. Or if they do, they forget as soon as the next awkward thing happens to someone else.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Less-Awkward"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Overcome-Awkwardness"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Less Awkward","id":792264,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Less-Awkward","image":"\/images\/thumb\/8\/86\/Be-Less-Awkward-Step-17-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Less-Awkward-Step-17-Version-2.jpg","alt":"How to Be Less Awkward"},{"title":"How to Overcome Awkwardness","id":946972,"url":"https:\/\/\/Overcome-Awkwardness","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/ce\/Overcome-Awkwardness-Step-15.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Overcome-Awkwardness-Step-15.jpg","alt":"How to Overcome Awkwardness"}],"minimum":0}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"Rizz<\/picture>","alt":"Rizz Game: Test Your Rizz"},{"title":"Do I Have a Crush Quiz","id":13890252,"url":"https:\/\/\/Relationships\/Do-I-Have-a-Crush-Quiz","image":"\"Do<\/picture>","alt":"Do I Have a Crush Quiz"},{"title":"How High Are My Dating Standards Quiz","id":14493791,"url":"https:\/\/\/Relationships\/Are-Your-Standards-High-Test","image":"\"Are<\/picture>","alt":"How High Are My Dating Standards Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"I'll give the talk.","result":"Brave! Why not test what you're made of with one of these fun quizzes?","next_quizzes":[{"title":"Am I Mature Quiz","id":14060092,"url":"https:\/\/\/Maturity-Test","image":"\"Maturity<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Mature Quiz"},{"title":"Do I Have Common Sense Quiz","id":14312708,"url":"https:\/\/\/Common-Sense-Quiz","image":"\"Common<\/picture>","alt":"Do I Have Common Sense Quiz"},{"title":"What Is My Weakness Quiz","id":14058419,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Is-My-Weakness-Quiz","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Is My Weakness Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

How to Be Less Awkward

Everyone stumbles over their words or trips on the sidewalk every now and then, and we promise it’s not really a huge deal. But that doesn’t make it any less embarrassing when it happens to you, does it? Luckily, there are ways to prevent things like that! Or at least, there are ways to make them happen a bit less often. Try these helpful tips:

Think before you speak.
You’ve probably heard it before, but it’s true! It’s better to pause for a moment before you open your mouth, than to open your mouth and let whatever’s coming just fall out. That latter option is how you end up accidentally insulting people or just saying things you don’t mean. So stop, think, then talk. It’s simple!

Practice chatting with strangers.
If you want to socialize more while being less awkward , practice is key. The more you talk to people, the more you get a feel for the rhythm of a good conversation and the social etiquette that follows. Chatting with strangers is a great way to get some experience. Hit up a cafe, bar, or even just a park bench and introduce yourself. Ask questions. Keep it casual. The more you do this, the better a conversationalist you’ll become.

Play sports to improve your coordination.
If physical awkwardness is what you’re worried about, then the solution is training your body to sync up with your mind. Probably the best way to do that is to play a sport. Sports help you improve your coordination and get more comfortable with moving your body. Join a club sport, or pick up a solo sport like golf, snowboarding, running, or weightlifting.

Don’t sweat it. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: Everybody is at least a little bit awkward. What separates the suave from the suckers is that suave people shake it off. When you’re so worried about being awkward, you’re distracted, and your chances of actually being awkward skyrocket. Take a deep breath, shake out your shoulders, and let your ego go. Accept that you’ll probably be a little bumbling, but recognize that it’s totally normal. In fact, it’d be weird if you weren’t just a smidge awkward.

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