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A spooky guide to Appalachian Mountain whistling folklore
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If you grew up in Appalachia, you may have been warned never to whistle at night. But why? According to legend, if you whistle in the woods at night, you risk attracting evil spirits that can follow you home. While this is just a legend and isn’t backed by science, in this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about this whistling legend, including what it is, its origins, and how it went viral on TikTok. Plus, learn about other Appalachian folklore.

Appalachian Whistling Folklore

According to legend, you should never whistle at night in the Appalachian Mountains. Doing so is said to attract evil spirits that can follow you home. If you hear whistling, do not whistle back. Ignore the sound and get inside as quickly as possible. Lock all your doors and windows and don’t go outside after dark.

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What happens if you whistle in Appalachia?

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  1. Some stories claim this only applies to whistling in the woods at night, while others state it applies to whistling in general. The legend goes that if you whistle in Appalachia, you’ll attract evil spirits known only as “them.” You’ll hear your own whistle echoed back to you as “they” come to find you. They may even follow you home. [1]
    • This legend is based on Native American folklore, and many believe the spirits are actually skinwalkers, or Wendigos.
    • Some versions of the story say that whistling at night can even attract the Devil himself.
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What to Do If You Hear Whistling

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  1. Whether you’re in the woods, at home, or anywhere else in Appalachia, do not respond if you hear whistling. Do not say anything or whistle back, as this will draw the spirits to you. If you’re outside, seek shelter immediately. Do not look at the trees, or you may find something looking back at you. [2]
    • Remember, this is all according to legend. There is no scientific evidence that any supernatural creatures or spirits will follow you if you whistle.
  2. When you arrive home or find shelter elsewhere, immediately lock all your doors and windows and close all your curtains. If you can’t see out, “they” can’t see in. If you still hear the whistling, continue to ignore it until it goes away.
  3. Stay inside until sunrise. According to many Appalachian legends, spirits and cryptids only come out at night, so you should be safe to leave your house once the sun is up. Do not let anything tempt you to go outside while it’s still dark. [3]
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Whistling Legend Origins

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  1. 1
    The legend likely comes from Native American folklore. While the exact origins of this legend are unknown, many believe it originated from Native American folklore, particularly that of the Wendigo. Wendigos, also known as skinwalkers , are shape-shifting creatures that can take on the characteristics of their victims. They can possess human beings, and they feast on human flesh. [4]
  2. 2
    Many cultures have legends about whistling. Appalachia is not the only place you shouldn’t whistle at night; many cultures across the globe have similar legends. According to many East Asian beliefs, whistling at night attracts evil spirits and wandering ghosts. [5] Native Hawaiians believe it summons the Hukai’po, the spirits of ancient warriors, and native Mexicans believe it summons Lechuza, a witch that can transform into an owl. [6]
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TikTok Whistling Stories

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  1. In 2024, TikToker ashleeinc posted a viral video sharing the story of her friend Jane. Jane grew up in Appalachia, where her grandmother had two rules: Jane had to be inside by dusk and she could not whistle at night. When she goes to visit her grandmother as an adult, she is suddenly struck with the urge to whistle. The air later goes completely still and she hears her whistle repeated back to her from the woods. She and her grandmother retreat inside. They hear the whistle again and then a pounding at the door. It eventually goes away when they don’t answer. [7]
    • Many other Appalachians then shared their own stories in the video’s comments. Even people from places like Australia and Hawaii said they’d grown up with similar legends.
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Do Appalachians believe in the legend?

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  1. If you look on social media sites like TikTok and Reddit, you’ll find many Appalachians who do believe in the whistling legend, as the stories have been passed down from generation to generation. However, just as many people say they do not believe in the legend and they’d never even heard of it until it became popular on TikTok.
    • Appalachia is a large region, so it’s possible this folktale is more common in some areas than others.
    • While many people believe in the legend, there is no scientific evidence that anything will happen if you whistle in the woods in Appalachia or anywhere else. Some believe the legend began because hunters didn’t want people whistling during hunting season and scaring off the prey.
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Other Appalachian Folklore

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  1. 1
    Haints In Appalachia, the term “haint” is used to describe restless spirits or ghosts. Haints are souls that have not found peace and therefore often cause trouble for the living. One superstition says you must paint your house’s porch ceiling or doors blue to keep them away. The idea is the ghosts will mistake the blue paint for water, which they can’t cross. [8]
  2. 2
    The Moon-Eyed People The Moon-Eyed People are a strange race described as being small and bearded with pale skin and large blue eyes. They are nocturnal because they are sensitive to light, and they originally built stone fortifications against the Cherokee Nation. They later retreated to caves in North Carolina and northern Georgia after being defeated. [9]
  3. 3
    The Wampus Cat A scary mythical creature from Cherokee folklore, the Wampus Cat is a large feline creature with six legs and glowing yellow eyes. One legend says the Wampus Cat was once a Cherokee woman who disguised herself in a cougar’s skin to spy on her husband’s hunting ceremony. She was caught by a shaman, who cursed her and transformed her into the Wampus Cat. [10]
  4. 4
    Mothman In 1966 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, two couples reported seeing a large, bird-like creature with glowing red eyes. The creature came to be known as the Mothman, and as many other sightings were reported over the years, strange things began happening in the town. Most notably, several people reported seeing the Mothman at the Silver Bridge when it collapsed, leading many to believe the Mothman was a bad omen. [11]
  5. 5
    The Flatwoods Monster In 1952, four boys were playing at the Flatwoods Elementary School in West Virginia. They saw a strange object crash into a nearby hill, and when they went to investigate, they found a pulsing red light and a terrifying 10-foot tall creature with a spade-shaped head and glowing orange eyes. When it approached them, they fled to the sheriff’s office. Many believe the creature was an alien. [12]
  6. 6
    The Old Woman in the Mountain In remote parts of Appalachia, there are legends of an old woman who lives in the mountains. She watches over the area, making sure people follow the rules of the land. If you are disrespectful or unkind, you may become lost or otherwise cursed by the old woman. [13]
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