This article was written by Angel Eyedealism
and by wikiHow staff writer, Glenn Carreau
. Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings.
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Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals tend to be ambitious, enthusiastic, and assertive. They’re influenced by bold, fiery Aries and reserved yet diligent Capricorn, so they’re surprisingly balanced people with a genuine passion for life and the drive to succeed. In this article, we’ll explain exactly what it means to be an Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon, including romance and compatibility tips!
This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.
Things You Should Know
- Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon individuals are passionate and energetic, with the enthusiasm to take on whatever challenge life throws their way.
- They’re also assertive, confident, and ambitious; they want to go far in life, and they have the temperament of a true leader. Taking charge comes naturally to them.
- In love, Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon natives aren’t afraid to take initiative and be direct when they like someone. They crave commitment, stability, and loyalty.
Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon Overview
Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon natives are balanced, ambitious, and driven. In astrology, your Sun sign represents your core personality and ego, while your Moon sign represents your inner emotions, intuition, and memories. Because their Aries Sun is associated with taking action while their Capricorn Moon is a sign of caution and diligence, Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals tend to be a balance between the two signs. They channel their considerable energy into practical things like hard work and realizing their many ambitions.
- Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars, the planet of energy, action, aggression, and desire.
- Capricorn is an earth sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of rules, responsibility, and authority.
- Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon natives are influenced by both signs; their Aries Sun gives them passion, energy, and drive, while their Capricorn Moon fuels their ambition and sense of responsibility.
Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon Personality Traits
1Ambitious Aries and Capricorn are both naturally ambitious signs that value career and financial success, so people with an Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon placement tend to be driven, goal-oriented, and highly capable. To them, success isn’t an obligation; it’s a challenge, and they’re eager to accept it. They dream of proving themselves, and once they set a goal , they always follow through and achieve it.
- Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals sometimes have workaholic tendencies and they can be hard on themselves and self-critical because they have such high standards.
- They may suffer from anxiety or insecurity, especially if they feel like their path to success is being watched (and judged) by other people.
- If you’re an Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon, remember that success is subjective; there’s no “correct” path to it, and you don’t need to conform to other people’s expectations.
- Cut yourself some slack and relax sometimes! Your ambition and work ethic are admirable, but you’ll work even better when you feel happy, healthy, and rested.
2Energetic Because Aries is ruled by the planet of action, they’re super energetic and enthusiastic—and so are Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals. Their passion for working hard, finding success, and taking on new projects is motivated by their energy, and they have enough energy to see any project through from start to finish. [1] X Research source
- Aries also dislikes routines and monotony, so Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals have some of that curious, adventurous energy. They yearn to experience as much as possible and live life to the fullest.
3Responsible Capricorn is ruled by the planet of responsibility, so even though Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals are curious and enthusiastic, they also have a mature view of responsibility and accountability. They understand how important it is to follow through on commitments and keep their word, and their sense of duty pushes them to be successful and make the most of their ambition. [2] X Research source
- Because Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon natives are so responsible, they’re always ready to face any challenge—especially with encouragement from the people around them.
- The conflicting energy of Aries and Capricorn can leave these individuals feeling at odds with themselves sometimes.
- Nevertheless, because they have such a responsible attitude, they’ll never back out of their obligations, no matter how turbulent life gets.
4Practical Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals are a blend of passion (from Aries) and practicality (from Capricorn). They tend to think logically and practically due to their Capricorn Moon; although they love to daydream and philosophize, they tend to focus more on the “how” than the “why.” In other words, they’re always thinking about the best way to get things done and what goals to pursue next on their path to success. [3] X Research source
- Additionally, Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon natives have high standards and want quality in all areas of their lives, from work to romantic relationships.
- Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon often tries to acquire status symbols (like high-ranking job titles, a pricey car, or influential connections) to add to their success.
5Assertive Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals are influenced by confident Aries and strong-willed Capricorn—both cardinal signs. Cardinal signs are the zodiac’s “instigators,” ready to create change, make things happen, and develop new ideas. So, since Aries and Capricorn are both cardinal signs, Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals tend to be highly assertive leaders . [4] X Research source
- Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon natives have no problem taking control of a situation or taking the lead on projects.
- They tend to be respectable leaders with a practical yet understanding and generous mindset.
Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon in Love & Relationships
1Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon natives crave excitement in relationships. Aries signs are energetic and love adventure and fun; they need to keep moving constantly, and they look for partners who can keep up with them. [5] X Research source Thus, Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals have Aries’ thirst for excitement. They also tend to get bored easily and are often happiest in relationships where they can be spontaneous and try all kinds of new things.
- Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals also tend to have hot tempers (since Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of energy and aggression) and prefer action over talking.
- If you’re interested in an Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon, try inviting them on a spontaneous weekend getaway or doing adventurous outdoor activities with them (like hiking, biking, or camping).
2They’re direct and open with their partners. Aries and Capricorn both value honesty and prefer not to mince words. Therefore, Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon natives tend to be straightforward people; if they like someone, they’ll come out and say it! They’ll also be solid, trustworthy partners. While Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals aren’t the most gentle or romantic, they’re incredibly passionate and reliable.
- If you’re interested in an Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon, be honest with them in return. They don’t like playing games when it comes to love; they want to know how you genuinely feel.
- Since Aries and Capricorn are both natural leaders, Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon natives are happy to take the lead in relationships. They have no problem making the first move and tend to be dominant in the bedroom.
3They believe in commitment and loyalty and have traditional values. Capricorn is a stable, down-to-earth sign; thus, Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon individuals are usually more interested in finding a life partner than a fling. They tend to be possessive, so their partner’s loyalty is super important to them—and they make devoted partners in return. They also have traditional values and usually aim to get married, settle down, and even start a family with their significant other. [6] X Research source
- Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon natives also value independent partners. Aries and Capricorn are extremely self-sufficient, so an Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon may need “alone time” (and a partner who can understand their needs).
- If you’re interested in an Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon, impress them by maintaining your independence and respecting theirs. Beyond that, ensure you’re ready for a committed relationship, because that’s what they want!
Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon Compatibility
An Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon is compatible with fire and earth signs. More specifically, Aries Sun signs are compatible with other fire Sun signs like Leo and Sagittarius because they share Aries’ adventurous spirit, passion, and boldness. Then, someone with a Capricorn Moon is most compatible with Taurus and Virgo Moon signs. Taurus and Virgo, as fellow earth signs, share Capricorn’s stability, practicality, and loyalty.
- Signs of the same element tend to be the most compatible since they share many similarities.
- That’s why someone with an Aries Sun and Capricorn Moon would be most compatible with another fire sign Sun and earth sign Moon.
- However, fire signs also match well with clever, social, and fun-loving air signs. An Aries Sun could also be compatible with a Gemini , Libra, or Aquarius Sun.
- Earth signs are thought to be compatible with empathetic and devoted water signs, so a Capricorn Moon could also be an excellent match for someone with a Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio Moon.
Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon Careers
Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon natives excel in business and leadership. Their Aries Sun sign influences them to be confident and assertive, while their Capricorn Moon pushes them to pursue security and success in life. This high-achieving sign placement combination has a strong, innovative spirit and the determination to see their projects through, which is why Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon could be a fantastic entrepreneur, lawyer, or businessperson.
- Regardless of the career path they choose, Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon is practically made to be a CEO or manager of some kind. Their ambition, confidence, and authoritative nature make them ideal leaders in the workplace.
Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon Woman
Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon women are intelligent and dependable. Influenced by her Capricorn Moon, an Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon woman brings stability to her life and all her relationships. She’s steady, grounded, and has a powerful aura. She’s also clever and ambitious when it comes to her career and knows how to get ahead by leveraging her connections and rewarding people who help her.
- An Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon woman may need to practice self-assurance ; although she’s assertive, her internal anxiety and stress over finding success may cause self-doubt.
- While her Capricorn Moon influences her keen intellect and logical mindset, an Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon woman also has a creative side (from her Aries Sun sign). She’s funny, enthusiastic, and capable of cheering anyone up!
Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon Man
Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon men are strong-willed and driven to succeed. Ambition shapes an Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon man’s goals and direction in life; he’s often stoic, driven, and determined to take the lead in whatever he’s currently doing. He’s usually very concise and forthright, and he’s gifted at managing others (because he’s so authoritative). However, he’s a little stubborn and doesn’t like being told what to do.
- An Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon man may need to work on compromising with others , as well as swallowing his pride and asking for help (rather than trying to tackle every issue on his own).
- Nonetheless, an Aries Sun-Capricorn Moon man is respectful and charming. He also has an energetic, fun-loving side; he just tends to reserve it for casual socializing (because at work, he’s all business).
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