Amy Sheree

Amy Sheree is a Slime Expert based in Destin, Florida. She is the founder of Amma Slimes, an online slime retailer selling her handcrafted slime products. She started Amma Slimes in 2022, after spending months developing her recipes and products. Prior to running her business, she had a career as a food stylist and recipe developer, which informed her approach to perfecting her products and creating content. She sells a variety of slime types and textures, including thick and glossy, snow fizz, silica sand, her proprietary sizzly butter slime, and more. Many of her slime recipes are modeled after popular desserts and treats, like orange sherbet, apple crisp, and more.

Professional Achievements

  • Amma Slimes joined the top 1% of all Shopify businesses launched in the same week after launching her online store
  • The business frequently partners with companies to create custom slime for social media and events
  • Amy also offers custom party kits for her customers

Favorite Piece of Advice

Do what brings you joy! Don’t let fear hold you back and don’t ever compare yourself to someone else. Everyone has their own path and you should celebrate everything that makes you unique. The world needs you and your creativity!

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Co-authored Articles (9)