Nancy Lin, PhD
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
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Co-authored Articles (11)
How to
Treat Someone Who Betrayed You
When someone betrays you it can feel shocking or even sickening. After all, you thought you knew the person and they destroyed your trust. You probably have no idea how to proceed or whether or not to rebuild your relati...
How to
Respond to Baiting
Some people really have a way of getting under your skin and they'll say or do intentionally provocative things. This is called baiting. Their goal? To make you lash out in anger—and when you do this, it means they hav...
12 Strategies for Moving On After a Friend’s Betrayal
A guide on what to do when a friend breaks your trust For many of us, friendship is one of the things that makes life meaningful, which is why it hurts so badly to be betrayed by a friend. It can be hard to make sense of...
How to
Deal with Fake Friends
Fake friendships can sometimes be difficult to spot, as people who are fake friends tend to be very good at manipulation and deceit. Friendships where you do not feel your needs are fully supported or acknowledged are us...
How to
Deal With Racism
Racism is an ugly, unfortunate reality in society. Despite popular belief, racism isn’t just a matter of yelling slurs and posting offensive social media comments—it’s a prejudiced type of thinking that hurts many ...
How to
Become Friends Again With Someone Who Betrayed You
Building trust in a person is hard enough, but when they break that trust, it can feel almost impossible to remain friends. Betrayal is one of the deepest emotional pains that you can feel. Psychologically, betrayal can ...
How to
Mentally Escape from Reality
We all need an escape from reality once in awhile. While we may not be able to jump on the next plane to an island-getaway, we all can escape from reality mentally. Because every mind is different, it may take some trial...
How to
Deal With People Who Underestimate You
Ways to deal with the naysayers and put your best foot forward Do you know how to react when someone underestimates you? Does it make you feel under-appreciated or inferior? If you have difficulty knowing what to say and...
How to
Avoid Being a Victim of Bullying
Being the victim of bullying can make you feel terrible about yourself for no reason. If a bully approaches you and starts being mean, it's easy to doubt yourself or to give in to the bully's demands. But if you recogniz...
How to
Avoid Bad Company (for Teens)
Hanging out with the wrong friends can cause a lot of problems for you even if you don't participate in their poor choices. Other people (including your parents) often consider you guilty by association meaning you might...
How to
Confront a Bully
Being bullied is never easy and in severe cases, it can really hurt. Confronting a bully can help build your self confidence and put an end to the bullying. While you should stand up for yourself, you also do not want to...