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Seventh grade can be a big change for many. It may be your first year of middle school, and you're another step closer to high school. While being successful in seventh grade may seem like a difficult task at first, with some preparation, achieving success is possible.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Understanding Academics in Seventh Grade

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  1. [1] [2] In seventh grade, you'll learn many math concepts that are related to things you learned in sixth grade. Seventh grade math usually encompasses fractions and integers, some geometry, and some pre-algebra. If you're in an advanced math class, you'll usually take algebra 1. (it's common for private schools and kids in advanced math courses to take algebra 1 in seventh grade).
    • You will learn many number-related math skills in seventh grade. This includes solving proportions, integer arithmetic (such as ), and fraction arithmetic (such as ).
    • You will learn some basic pre-algebra. You'll solve basic equations with variables, such as x + 5 = 9 or 2x = 18. This will progress to solving inequalities, which are very similar to equations. For example, or are inequalities, as the two sides of the equation are not equal to each other. As usual, move the numbers to one side of the sign and the variables to one side. in the 1st equation and in the 2nd one. Divide both sides by 2 in the 2nd inequality, so .
    • If you're in an advanced class, a whole year of algebra will be taught. At first, you'll review pre-algebra. Then, it will progress to more complicated algebra (e.g. ) and you'll learn how to factor out quadratic equations and how to graph them. Graphed quadratic equations are parabolas. To factor the above example, find which 2 numbers multiply to get and have a difference of . The numbers are and . You know that factored is just . So, the factored version is In the end, you may learn a bit of geometry, such as the area and circumference of a circle, scaling drawings, and angle relationships.
  2. You will learn more grammar concepts in seventh grade than in sixth grade. You might know the basic parts of speech like nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions, but there are still more parts of speech to be taught! Your writing will also improve, making sentences flow better and letting your claims be stronger in persuasive essays.
    • In grammar, you'll likely learn about misplaced modifiers and fixing run-on sentences. You will probably be able to write compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences by the end of the year in addition to simple sentences. These sentences make your writing flow better instead of just writing choppy, short simple sentences. You may also learn about the different kinds of pronouns. [3]
    • In writing, you'll probably write essays. As usual, you'll write with more advanced vocabulary as each year goes on. You will write more persuasive essays as the year goes on. You'll know how to support each of your claims with strong evidence from a text, and to introduce your argument with a thesis. [4] [5]
  3. Seventh grade reading and vocabulary will be pretty similar to what you learned in sixth grade. However, there will be new things learnt, as usual. You may learn some more complex vocabulary words, and read longer books with fascinating plots.
    • For reading, read books such as The Giver by Lois Lowry, New Kid by Jerry Craft, Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen, Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer, and Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. [6]
    • Older books suitable for seventh graders include A Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank, Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt, The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas , The Time Machine by H. G. Wells, and Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. [7]
  4. Each school district teaches a slightly different curriculum, but most teach a combination of biology, physics, chemistry, and earth science. These topics are pretty similar to what you've learned in sixth grade, although the concepts will be more complex. There will also definitely be more terms to memorize!
    • For biology, you may learn about genetics and heredity. Review terms like "Punnett squares", "acquired", "traits", "alleles", "dominant", and "recessive".
    • For earth science, the classification of rocks may be taught. Know some terms, such as "igneous", "metamorphic", and "sedimentary".
    • In physics, you may learn about energy transfers and energy transformations (e.g. from kinetic energy to mechanical energy). Heat transfer may also be taught.
    • In chemistry, you may learn different types of elements and chemical bonds. Remember how to identify reactants and products and different chemical reactions.
  5. Seventh grade history also depends on the school you're in, so don't expect it to be completely the same as last year. Each school focuses on a different part of history. Some may learn American history, whereas other focus more on geography, modern world history, or the medieval period of world history.
    • You might learn about ancient history, such as Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, or China. If you're learning about Ancient China, you might get a taste of the important dynasties like the Song, Han, and Tang dynasties. [8]
    • You may get to learn about different revolutions, such as the American and French revolutions.
    • You may get a taste of 19th century world history during the time of the Industrial Revolution, when people began mass-producing goods in factories. This caused many people to move to the cities to find factory jobs. The people owning the factories frequently mistreated their workers, resulting in strikes.
      • Many famous people such as Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller owned companies that made them one of the wealthiest people in the world at the time.
    • Some schools teach early 20th century history. This includes American imperialism in the late 19th century, World War I, and various revolutions such as the Russian Revolution. The teacher will likely cover the causes of World War I, how US affected and expanded its territory, relations with countries at this time, and revolutions.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Acing Seventh Grade Academics

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  1. Your teachers may not require notes for every subject, but it's still great to take notes using at least a thin notebook. The most important subjects to take notes on are math, science, and history. You can take notes in language arts too, although they'll be shorter, as you will likely only need to take notes for grammar or when reading a book for school. If you're reading an assigned book (e.g. The Diary of a Young Girl or The Giver), your teacher may require reading notes on the characters, plot, setting, and the main ideas of each chapter or section of the book. Jot down key terms and definitions. You should also provide a few examples.
    • For math, draw diagrams and do a few example problems in your math notebook. If your school tells you to buy your own school supplies, buy a graph paper notebook. This will make it easier to line up numbers and draw shapes on coordinate planes. Your bar and line graphs will also be neater.
    • For history, write down key events that happened, who was involved, and when they happened. For example, you could write, "11/11/1918 – World War I ends".
    • Don't write complete sentences for your notes! Unless you're writing down example sentences for grammar, writing whole sentences will waste your time when you want to write down as many points as possible. It will also tire your hand out faster. Use abbreviations, semicolons, bullet points, and fragments of sentences to make your notes concise. Remember, you're not copying down the whole textbook!
  2. During earlier grade levels such as third grade, second grade, first grade, and kindergarten, you probably did not study for tests, or at least not as much. Since elementary school concepts are easier to understand and there is usually less material, kids often have an easy time remembering most of the information. As early as third grade, tests may become harder to ace without studying for at least 10 minutes daily. Addition facts are easy to memorize, but using the area of a circle formula? That information is harder to retain in your brain over a long period.
    • Another benefit of studying every day is that you are prepared for pop quizzes. If you only study when you have a test coming up, you may not be prepared if there is a pop quiz. If you already study with or without tests, it becomes a habit, and you'll already know the information.
    • Ask your teacher for help if you have questions about the material or your assignment.
    • Try studying with friends before a big test to have some fun and review together.
  3. If your school gives you a school supply list, it may already include a planner on it. If your school doesn't and expects students to buy their own supplies, buy one. A planner is essentially a booklet in which you jot down important dates and assignments. These could be related to school, or they could even be about extracurriculars or clubs. Some planners already give you a full calendar with the dates for each school year printed on it, while others allow you to make your own calendar.
    • To keep track of important dates, you could write something like, "ACSL club - Fibonacci sequence project due" on the day that project is due, or "Math test (Topic 4)" on the day that test is scheduled for.
    • You can also keep separate planners; one for school assignments and one for fun events or extracurriculars. This makes your schedule organized, and you won't get mixed up with what's important and what's not.
  4. Make sure that on your homework folder, hopefully it has two pockets, that one pocket says "Finished" and "Not Finished". That way, you can keep track of what homework you need to complete and what homework you need to turn in.
    • Label your school supplies. On each journal (try a different color for each topic) write on the front cover what subject it is for. You could also put each journal in the subject divider for their subjects. Being organized will help you be the best student you can be!
  5. [9]
    • Make a slot for mornings, afternoons, and evenings. Make sure to list everything in those slots on what you need to do. In the mornings, list everything you need to do in the morning. The same goes for afternoons and evenings, just make sure to write the times and what you need to do in the slots.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

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  1. This is why someone who always frowns or annoys people will not get many friends. People who seem uninterested in talking to other people (the kids who always sit alone and do not contribute to conversations) will not get many friends either. Most kids like a friendly person that will help them through challenges and talk about their day with them. Say hi to someone while on the way to class, help someone with their homework, or help clean up the classroom after class. These are all ways to be friendly. Doing this will earn you at least a few friends.
    • Contrary to what some kids think, being a big bully/mean girl does not earn you friends. Do not do this, as you don't want to ruin your reputation at the beginning of middle school! Sure, they may seem like friends to you on the outside, but on the inside, they may be as mean as you. They might make friends with you just to gain popularity, so they may fight with you to get the "most popular".
  2. These are the best times to hang out and get to know each other! If you don't stay in study hall or attend any clubs, you can hang out with your friends during break and lunch. You can even talk while you are going to the bathroom with them. Yes, some kids can talk anywhere; during class, in the bathroom, at lunch, during clubs/study hall, and on the bus to/from school if they use the bus to get to school. That doesn't guarantee that other kids like them though; they may make others annoyed or distracted from their schoolwork. So, only chat during appropriate times. Save conversations for breaks, lunch, and after-school times!
    • Whispering or talking to your pal during class or during an inappropriate time (e.g. during an assembly or during a trip to the principal's office) may get you into trouble, so don't do it often. If you do this too frequently, your reputation may downgrade, because you may be known as "too chatty" or "a distraction".
  3. Middle schools often have a wide variety of electives for students to choose. You can choose something that you enjoy or want to learn about. It's normal for interests to jump around during middle school- there's still room for developing interests. During 8th grade and high school, however, you may want to settle down, since you'll need to decide on a career path.
    • Middle schools offer a lot of electives- some include journalism, Spanish, engineering, speech and debate, visual arts, performing arts, graphic arts, orchestra, and craft electives.
  4. From robotics to newspaper and drama, there will probably be at least one club that you're interested in. People of all grade levels and classes can join clubs, so you will find people that are older than you there. Middle schools will usually have more clubs than elementary schools, so expect there to be variety. These clubs demonstrate your interests and help you gain friends that share the same hobbies as you. For example, if you join the art club, you will find art lovers all over the club. If you attend the robotics club, a bunch of AI enthusiasts will be there.
    • Be careful not to join too many clubs, or you won't be able to get any work done. Try and stick to 2 or 3 clubs you're particularly interested in.
    • During a club, you can talk to the people sitting next to you. If you're rehearsing lines (say, for performing arts), rehearse with the people in the same scene and/or act as you. Rehearse your lines a couple of times, then talk a bit to get to know each other.
  5. There are a few positions in the student council that you can run for: class representative, secretary, vice president, and president. Even though you're not the oldest, you aren't the youngest in your middle school anymore either! This means that the sixth graders will look up to you as trustworthy role models. If you feel like you're responsible and can handle being in the student council, try running! Plus, if you continually run for student council every year, you will have established that you won't give up. If you get elected for a different role each year, you might improve on your leadership skills. If you were elected as class representative in sixth grade and as secretary in seventh, you may be elected as vice president or even the president in eighth grade.
    • If you're running for any of these positions, you will need a speech and possibly a campaign poster.
    • Write your name in large letters on your poster and make it colorful for others to notice it and actually read what it says. You could also think of a creative slogan. For example, Whig party delegates William Henry Harrison and John Tyler had a catchy slogan in the 1840 U.S. elections; "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too", which was originally published as "Tip and Ty". [10]
  6. This could be your first ever love interest or your third crush. You may feel overwhelmed with emotion, whether this is your first crush or your seventh, or whether you know them or not. Sometimes it may be "love at first sight", in which case you may want to check if you actually love this person for more than just their looks. For others, it takes a while to develop a crush by getting to know them better, and that's ok too! You may also be very shy about having a romantic interest, and not know how to express your feelings.
    • Firstly, check if you really have a crush. If you want to hug or hold hands with the person (physical affection) and feel overly nervous or excited around them, that's a crush and not just a friend.
    • Next, decide whether or not you want to tell them. Some people don't want to let anyone know that they have feelings for the person, and that's perfectly fine. Letting it out is more satisfying though, and you really get to know whether or not they like you romantically or not. Ultimately, it's up to you whether or not you want to confess your feelings.
    • Understand if your crush rejects you that it is not the end of the world ! Don't despair- you will meet many more romantic interests over the course of middle school, high school, and college. Take time to grieve and focus on yourself.
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  • Question
    What sport is best for a chubby girl?
    Top Answerer
    Any sport you like. You don't have to decide on what sport(s) you want to participate in based on your weight. Instead, decide what aspects of sports you like. If you like team sports, you might want to try a sport like dodgeball or basketball. If you are competitive, but prefer more individual sports, you could try a sport like tennis or racing. If you aren't competitive, you could try a sport like dancing, swimming or rock climbing.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Pencils (both wooden or mechanical pencils are fine)
      • Pens
      • Highlighters
      • Erasers
      • Some extra colored pencils
      • Some extra crayons
      • A pair of scissors
      • A glue stick
      • A ruler
      • A pen
      • A protractor (to measure angles with)
      • A compass (to draw circles)
      • A pencil case
      • Plain white paper
      • A graph paper notebook or individual sheets of graph paper (for math when drawing on coordinate planes)
      • At least 3 notebooks (depends on how many subjects are taught)
      • A planner (to keep track of assignments, tests, and due dates)
      • Some folders for classwork and homework
      • School books (depends on the school, so check your supply list to make sure!)
      • A binder (to put papers into)
      • A large backpack (a rolling backpack or a regular one can be fine)
      • Headphones or earbuds
      • A reusable water bottle to prevent yourself from getting dehydrated
      • Any medication you may need, like an asthma inhaler, diabetes medication and pumps, ADHD medication, an EpiPen for allergic reactions, etc.
      • Period supplies (a few tampons, pads, extra underwear, wet wipes, period pain medication for cramps)
      • A pack of small tissues (in case you need to wipe their hands, face, or nose)
      • A small bottle of hand sanitizer (especially important during the coronavirus pandemic)

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        Sep 16, 2020

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