In Burger Tycoon, the goal of the game is to make money without regard for the ethics involved. The best way top be successful in the game is to setup a cost-effective restaurant and efficient supply chain, while bribing politicians and officials to overlook your bad deeds. Before you know it, you'll have more money than you know what to do with.
Start a new game. If you already have a game started, it may be too late to save it and become profitable. Start a new game and follow these steps to quickly earn millions of dollars.
Pause your game as soon as it starts. The following steps will cause you to go bankrupt if you don't pause your game first. You'll lose money for a little bit, but you'll quickly earn it all back. Keep the game paused for the entirety of this section of the guide.
- The game will still animate while paused, which can be a bit confusing. While paused, the Play button will not be flashing.
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Build three soy fields on empty pastures. The Agriculture window is the Window that starts open by default. Click one of the empty pastures and select the "Soy" option. Repeat this until you have three.
Add genetic modification on all three fields. Click each of the fields you just made and click the DNA button, which will enable genetic modification for the field.
Make four cow pastures on four more empty spaces. Click another empty space and select the "Cow" option. Repeat until you have four.
- At this point, you won't have any money. Don't worry! You're actually going to be going negative soon, but will then quickly go back positive.
- Remember, your game should still be paused.
Click the Feedlot button. This looks like a cow, and can be found in the lower-left corner.
Enable hormones for the food. Click the scientific machine along the back wall and select the eyedropper option to enable hormones for the food. This is the only thing you'll need to do on this screen for the rest of the game.
Switch to the restaurant screen. The icon is a burger, found in the lower-left corner.
Hire a single cashier and line worker. Click one of the empty cash registers and hire a cashier. Do the same for one of the burger assembly lines in the back. You only need one of each worker for the moment.
Switch to the corporate screen. The button for this is the McDonald's logo, found in the lower-left corner.
Corrupt a health officer. Click the front desk in the corporate view and then click the health button. This will corrupt a health officer. You'll leave this option enabled for the rest of the game. A corrupted health officer will ensure that you don't get penalized for your poor meat quality.
Switch to the pasture view. Your next moves will be made on this screen. At this point in the game, you'll have gotten everything set up to start making money. You'll be unpausing your game and making a few changes to ensure that the money starts rolling in. You'll likely lose some money at first, but after making a few tweaks outlined below you'll be pretty much on autopilot.
Unpause your game. Your income be negative at first, but you'll soon start to see money trickling in.
Wait for two complete soy harvests. Before you do anything else, wait until your soy is harvested twice. This should happen in April 2002.
Remove genetic modification from one of your soy fields. Click one of your soy fields and then click the DNA button. This will remove genetic modification from the field.
Sell the soy field you removed genetic modification from. This will give you some money back, but more importantly it will make space.
Wait until your second cow harvest. You'll have already had one cow harvest while waiting for your soy to finish. Your second cow harvest should happen in July 2003.
Add the rest of the staff to your restaurant. After your second cow harvest, you're ready to fully-stock your restaurant with workers. Add workers to the other empty cash registers and assembly lines.
- You'll want your restaurant fully staffed, which means you'll be adding two more cashiers and two more assembly workers.
Click the marketing department in the corporate screen. This will display your marketing options.
Activate the food pyramid and the third-world marketing options. These are the only marketing options you'll need for the rest of the game.
Check your cow pasture fertility. When this degrades, you'll stop producing beef on that square. Swapping out your cow pastures will help keep your business running smoothly. You can tell fertility has degraded when there are large blank spots on the ground.
Remove the cow pastures that have degraded. When a cow pasture is no longer fertile, you'll want to sell it off so that it is blank again. Since you built all of your pastures at the same time, they will all degrade at the same time.
- Pause your game immediately after a cow harvest, then sell all of the pastures.
Corrupt a climatologist from the corporate screen. You'll need this official corrupted before you can destroy the rainforest squares that you need for your farmland.
Destroy two rainforest squares. You'll need this space for your new cow pastures. These are the only two occupied squares you'll need to destroy.
Build your cow pastures again. Use the two new squares plus the two original squares that weren't being used.
Deactivate the climatologist. After destroying the rainforests, you can deactivate the climatologist. Check the "Detractors" menu from the board room to see when it's safe to turn it off.
Keep swapping your pastures when they degrade. Switch back and forth between the two sets of four open squares to build your pastures on.
Give your workers rewards when they become unhappy. As your workers start to become unhappy, you can give them badges to make them happy again. This will only work for a little while.
- Avoid discipline, as this rarely works.
Fire crew members who won't stay happy. If rewards aren't working, just fire the crew member and hire a new one. This is more efficient than trying to save them.
- When firing crew members, corrupt a politician from the front desk of the corporate screen. This will prevent backlash from angry employees.
Ignore what your advisors have to say. You generally don't need to listen to any of your advisors, even if they're angry about something. You'll be making too much money to care.
Maintain your soy and beef supply. After playing for a while, you may start to have a surplus of soy or a shortage of beef. Either get rid of a soy pasture for a while or add a beef pasture until everything balances back out, then you can switch back to your regular routine. [1] X Research source
Community Q&A
QuestionIs there an end to this game?Community AnswerNo.
QuestionHow do I get rid of the diseased cows?January MillerCommunity AnswerClick them, and click the gun icon. It'll kill the diseased cows. Do this for every diseased cow before they get slaughtered.
QuestionHow do you empty the cistern?Community AnswerLower soy production or increase beef production. The cistern is full because the cows aren't eating enough, so by lowering production or increasing demand, you can empty it.
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