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Savage forehead jokes to make everyone laugh out loud
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If you know someone with the forehead the size of Texas, there are tons of silly (and savage) ways to roast them. In this article, we’ve put together the ultimate list of big forehead jokes and roasts that you can use on kids, teens and adults. We’re also providing snappy comebacks in case someone tries to talk trash about your forehead, plus tips for how to maintain a respectful and entertaining exchange.

Big Forehead Jokes: Top Picks

  • Your forehead so big, planes use it as a runway.
  • Your forehead so big, it makes Megamind jealous.
  • Coneheads was a documentary about your family.
  • No matter who you race, you’re going to have a head start.
  • Your forehead so big, you’ll never have enough hair for bangs.
  • Your forehead is what happens when you keep your thoughts to yourself.
  • Call the Europeans back. There’s a whole continent they haven’t discovered yet!
Section 1 of 4:

Funniest Big Forehead Jokes & Roasts

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  1. If you’re looking to roast someone with love and laughter, these big forehead jokes are just for you! They’re the perfect way to kill boredom and start a silly conversation over text or in person—as long as you deliver your line in a playful way so everyone knows it’s all in good fun.
    • I bet your dreams are in IMAX.
    • How is your entire face on your chin?
    • That’s not a forehead—-that’s a forecourt.
    • You must use an extra mattress as a pillow.
    • You look like the adult version of Boss Baby.
    • That’s a double decker cake-sized forehead!
    • You look like Mr. Bean and the Grinch had a kid.
    • If foreheads were trendy, you’d be an influencer.
    • When you die, scientists will preserve your skull.
    • Your forehead looks like the bottom of a stingray.
    • Has a cop ever written a ticket on your forehead?
    • Coneheads was a documentary about your family.
    • My phone crashed trying to load all of that forehead.
    • Your forehead went from “four-head” to “eight-head.”
    • What do you call an enormous forehead? A fivehead.
    • If your face had a theme song, it would be “Landslide.”
    • Why blend in when you can stand out with a big forehead?
    • No matter who you race, you’re going to have a head start.
    • With a forehead like yours, Dora would be tired of exploring it.
    • With a forehead like that, you’re always thinking five steps ahead.
    • Don’t worry…the forehead jokes are receding just like your hairline.
    • Your forehead and hairline resemble a silhouette of Mount Rushmore.
    • You don’t just have a forehead…you have a five-star hotel for thoughts.
    • It must be so cool to be able to change the TV channels with your mind.
    • Your forehead is a 30-mile Uber ride from your eyebrows to your hairline.
    • Your friends call you Headie Murphy because you have a huge forehead.
    • Your forehead is what happens when you keep your thoughts to yourself.
    • At least 5 to 6 hours your mom spent giving birth to you was your forehead.
    • You could make money selling billboard advertising space on your forehead.
    • When you wink, do people think it’s a solar eclipse because of your forehead?
    • You look like someone drew a face on a balloon and then squeezed the bottom.
    • Call the Europeans back. There’s a whole continent they haven’t discovered yet!
    • I wasn’t staring at you…I was trying to figure out if that’s your forehead or the moon.
    • It would take Michael Angelo four years to finish painting frescoes on your forehead.
    • You should start a business renting out parking space on that massive dome of yours.
    • Why did the blonde have makeup on her forehead? Someone told her to make up her mind.
    • Why do most philanthropists have large foreheads? They donate them to charity for shelter.
    • God loved you so much that he gave you one face and starting clearing off space for another.
    • You could give your entire neighborhood power by attaching a solar panel to your forehead.
    • At least you’ll never go broke…you can always rent out parking spots on your forehead.
    • Why did the nose break up with the forehead? Because it couldn’t handle the pressure.
    • Giants have enough space on your forehead to paint a target and use it as a dartboard.
    • Why don’t you join the army? They could use your forehead as a landing spot for their helicopters.
    • Successfully climbing your forehead remains the biggest feat in the rock-climbing community.
    • What do most people with big foreheads do for a part-time job? Be projector backdrops at the movies.
    • I won’t say anything mean about your forehead, but I will say it looks like it’s hard for you to find a bike helmet that fits.
    • It takes you 30 minutes longer than everyone else to listen to music because the information has to travel from your ears to your brain, which is miles away.
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Section 2 of 4:

“Your Forehead So Big” Jokes

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  1. Come up with your own “your forehead so big…” line to have a funny exchange with your friend or family member. Take turns trying to one up each other, or say whatever comes to mind to keep things entertaining—the more silly, specific and random your response, the better!
    • Your forehead so big, you dream in 4K.
    • Your forehead so big, it can tell the future.
    • Your forehead so big, it has its own zip code.
    • Your forehead so big, it could host Wimbledon.
    • Your forehead so big, Mount Everest is jealous.
    • Your forehead so big, you could barbecue on it.
    • Your forehead so big, it echoes when you tap it.
    • Your forehead so big, planes use it as a runway.
    • Your forehead so big, it gets home before you do.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s listed as a national park.
    • Your forehead so big, it makes Megamind jealous.
    • Your forehead so big, you can watch a movie on it.
    • Your forehead so big, birds think it’s a landing strip.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s featured on Google Maps.
    • Your forehead so big, it makes the Mona Lisa smile.
    • Your forehead so big, it has its own gravitational pull.
    • Your forehead so big, it has its own weather patterns.
    • Your forehead so big, you have to step into your shirts.
    • Your forehead so big, it could fit an entire football field.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s considered prime real estate.
    • Your forehead so big, it makes Kanye’s ego look small.
    • Your forehead so big, it takes two mirrors to see all of it.
    • Your forehead so big, you need a drone to snap a selfie.
    • Your forehead so big, it needs its own passport to travel.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s where to sun goes to recharge.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s the site of the next World Expo.
    • Your forehead so big, they advertise it like it’s a billboard.
    • Your forehead so big, NASA mistook it for a landing zone.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s the Eighth Wonder of the World.
    • Your forehead so big, the teacher uses it as a chalkboard.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s featured in National Geographic .
    • Your forehead so big, your state ID says “to be continued.”
    • Your forehead so big, you have to pay property taxes on it.
    • Your forehead so big, people keep trying to mine it for gold.
    • Your forehead so big, they show movies on it at the drive-in.
    • Your forehead so big, your Airpods are in different countries.
    • Your forehead so big, you could project the SuperBowl on it.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s where they hold our family reunion.
    • Your forehead so big, your body never gets wet when it rains.
    • Your forehead so big, you’ll never have enough hair for bangs.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s the first thing that arrives in the room.
    • Your forehead so big, your inner thoughts echo when you think.
    • Your forehead so big, people wave at it thinking it’s the horizon.
    • Your forehead so big, I ran around it to train for my half-marathon.
    • Your forehead so big, it casts a shadow over the rest of your face.
    • Your forehead so big, your barber charges double for an edge-up.
    • Your forehead so big, they use it as a screen for the IMAX theatre.
    • Your forehead so big, people mistake you for a real-life bobblehead.
    • Your forehead so big, it could carry all the passengers of the Titanic.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s the reason they invented panoramic mode.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
    • Your forehead so big, people mistake it for a drive-through menu board.
    • Your forehead so big, it takes the sun a year to shine on every part of it.
    • Your forehead so big, your right and left ears are in different time zones.
    • Your forehead so big, it goes back to when Burger King was Burger Prince.
    • Your forehead so big, you need to avoid needles and pins so it doesn’t pop.
    • Your forehead so big, airlines charge you an extra $25 for bringing it abroad.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s where they project the New Year’s Eve countdown.
    • Your forehead so big, your thoughts start on a Monday and end on a Sunday.
    • Your forehead so big, they thought it was the Great Wall of China from space.
    • Your forehead so big, it’s where they filmed the opening scene in Baby Driver .
    • Your forehead so big, no one cannot see what’s before them when you walk back.
    • Your forehead so big, you got kicked out of the stadium for blocking the jumbotron.
    • Your forehead so big, it looks like you’re wearing a bed sheet instead of a bandanna.
    • Your forehead so big, it says you have global warming when they take your temperature.
Section 3 of 4:

Best Big Forehead Comebacks

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  1. Feeling super savage? Save these lines for your opps, or any time you need to shut down the conversation. They’re guaranteed to stop any incoming forehead jokes and make the other person question their existence. Use them with extreme caution!
    • And you have a big mouth.
    • You know what else is big?
    • It’s so I can think big thoughts.
    • Better than having a small mind.
    • Better than being a pinhead like you.
    • And yet I’m still better looking than you.
    • Thanks, I’ve been building it my whole life.
    • I know, it’s hard to look away from greatness.
    • It’s a fivehead, actually. Thank you very much.
    • Thanks, it houses my considerably large brain.
    • Yeah, because it holds all of my brilliant ideas…
    • Big forehead? More space for my skincare routine.
    • Big forehead, big brains. You wouldn’t understand.
    • It’s big enough to reflect your bad vibes, so back up!
    • It’s big enough to reflect your insecurities. You good?
    • It’s big enough to let me think five steps ahead of you.
    • Did you just Google that? Your originality is so inspiring.
    • Big forehead, bigger than your chances of landing a date.
    • It’s not going to get any smaller, unlike your attention span.
    • Big enough to keep your weak insults from getting through.
    • My forehead’s like my credit score: excellent and noticeable.
    • Wow, you must have been waiting all day to say that. Congrats!
    • At least my forehead matches my big brain. What’s your excuse?
    • Original. Never heard that one before. You should be a comedian.
    • My forehead is big because I have a big brain to store…unlike you.
    • Well, it’s big enough to see the future, and guess what? You’re still lame!
    • Yeah, it’s big because it’s holding all the thoughts you can’t come up with.
    • If my big forehead lives rent-free in your head, I guess I’m your new fantasy.
    • I’d say something about your forehead, but I can’t even see it behind your insecurity.
    • Aw, you think you’re so funny. That’s cute. Now, try something a little less dumb next time.
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Section 4 of 4:

Silly Nicknames to Call Someone with a Big Forehead

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  1. Instead of a classic insult or one-liner, come up with a unique nickname based on their appearance. Studies show that sharing a laugh strengthens relationships. [1] So, feel free to be as silly, outrageous, or out of pocket as you like! The following options are sure to get the giggles going:
    • Billboard
    • Big Brain
    • Fivehead
    • Megamind
    • Brain Deck
    • Solar Panel
    • Noggin Ninja
    • Foreheadzilla
    • The Light Bulb
    • Wall of Wisdom
    • The Big Screen
    • The Think Tank
    • Mount Forehead
    • The Observatory
    • Captain Cranium
    • Forehead Fortress
    • Dome Diva/Daddy
    • The Head Honcho
    • The Dome Dynamo
    • The Forehead of Fortune

Expert Q&A

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      • Deliver your lines in a friendly and lighthearted way to avoid offending the other person. A smile, giggle, or squeeze on the shoulder can go a long way and reassure them that you’re just playing around.
      • If you accidentally hit a sore spot, own up to your mistake and make a genuine apology . You could say, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take things too far, and I should be more careful with my words.”
      • If you’re teasing someone in a group setting, be sure to spread your jokes around. Teasing one person can hurt their feelings and make them feel singled out, so have fun roasting everyone.
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