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Being a bingo caller is an exciting and important job, and there are several ways of making sure you're the best caller you can be. Call out each letter and number combination clearly and slowly, repeating it several times so that everyone hears. Speak using a loud voice, and be confident as you're calling. An engaged audience of players who are having fun is the ultimate goal!

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Leading the Game

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  1. Before you start calling combinations, tell the audience your name and introduce the game. State how many games will be played and what they'll be playing for, such as four corners, a line, etc. [1]
    • You can give yourself a funny nickname instead of using your real name to liven things up, if desired.
    • Make any rules very clear in the beginning so that people are less likely to get upset about technicalities.
    • For example, after telling the group your name, you could say, "We're going to be playing 2 games. In the first one, your goal is to get 4 corners, and the second one will be for the whole board."
  2. You'll either pull a ball from the ball spinner, or you'll wait for the combination to appear on an electronic random number generator. State the letter first, followed by the number, such as “B5!” [2]
    • It's helpful to say a word that starts with the letter for letters that sound similar to other letters, such as B and G.
    • For example, if the call is B10, you might say, “B10, B as in Bingo!”
  3. It's common for people to not hear a new combination the first time you say it, or they might mishear and think it's something else. To get rid of any confusion, repeat the letter and number 3 times, waiting a few seconds in between each reading. [3]
  4. People need time to hear the combination, find it on their score sheets, and then mark it. Don't call out a new combination too quickly—wait roughly 30 seconds after you've called out the letter and number for people to prepare for the next call. [4]
    • The 30 seconds refers to the entire time a new call is made—you don't need to wait 30 seconds each time you repeat the combination again for people that might not have heard.
  5. Continue stating the letter and number combinations slowly and clearly. Pay attention to the crowd to see when someone raises their hand or yells, “Bingo!” signifying that they've won. [5]
    • If necessary, check their card to make sure that they have the right combinations marked and truly have bingo.
  6. Many bingo players are familiar with funny word associations or nicknames for the bingo numbers. Decide whether your audience would understand and enjoy these nicknames, and use them to make the game more fun and interesting if desired. [6]
    • For example, you might say, “B7, slice of heaven,” or refer to 13 as “Unlucky for some.”
    • You can find a list of bingo nicknames on websites such as Wink Bingo.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Perfecting Your Calls

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  1. It's common for people to talk faster when speaking in front of a lot of people. Don't rush through each combination—enunciate each letter and number clearly. By speaking more slowly, you'll better ensure that people understand what you're saying.
    • You might consider practicing calling out letters and numbers in front of someone else beforehand so that they can tell you if you're speaking at the right speed.
  2. If you're calling bingo in a busy bar or informal setting, you want everyone to be able to hear you. Speak louder than you normally would if the crowd is large or farther away, and ask people in the back if they can hear you before getting started. [7]
    • If you do have a microphone, you can speak at a normal volume as long as your mouth is close enough to the mic.
    • Speaking loudly and clearly is especially important if your audience is full of seniors who could be hard of hearing.
    • When everyone is getting set up, ask the group, "can everyone hear me clearly?" to know if you need to speak louder or softer.
  3. If you go up to start calling and are super nervous and timid, the audience is going to question whether you're a good caller. Try to have fun and be relaxed—if you show confidence, the audience will be much more engaged and excited.
    • For example, try speaking enthusiastically and clearly, asking the audience questions like, “Who's ready to win some bingo?” to get them enthusiastic about the game.
  4. All of that talking is likely to make your throat dry. Bring a bottle of water with you so that you can take sips as needed, or ask if there are any drinks available at the bingo location.
    • It's best to bring a drink with a lid or cap to avoid spillage.
  5. If you're not sure whether you're calling the next combination too quickly or too slowly, look at the audience to see when they lift their heads up. If your audience looks super calm and relaxed, maybe consider using a more soothing voice than you would with a crowd who's full of energy. [8]
    • It's a good idea to look out at the players after every couple of calls to make sure everyone's engaged and having fun.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I make the numbers for a 5x5 bingo card and how many numbers will I need?
    Community Answer
    You will only need 5 numbers. Repeating the same numbers over again will make for a simple 'Bingo' and make the game much easier to manage than I personally find it under the traditional rules,
  • Question
    If the caller calls a number and you bingo on that number, does he have to pay if it turns out he called the wrong number?
    Community Answer
    If they called Bingo without having a real bingo, even if the caller mistook a number, the simple solution is to undo the bingo and continue the game.
  • Question
    Should a bingo caller be looking out in the crowd and not be on a cell phone?
    ZJ C
    Community Answer
    It’s okay for the caller to have distractions as long as the caller’s not distracting other players or the distractions don’t prevent the caller from hearing “Bingo”. But it’s best for the caller to look at the players to check that there aren’t any false bingos.
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      • Get to the bingo location early to ensure you have time to set up and check to see that your equipment is working properly.
      • If you haven't played bingo in awhile, study up on the rules to refresh your memory.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Before you call a Bingo game, explain to the players what type of game they're playing, such as 4 corners or the whole board. When you get the letter and number combination from the ball, shout them out several times. If the letter sounds similar to others, say a word that starts with the same letter, like "B for Bingo." Finally, wait 30 seconds before moving on to the next call so the players can mark their boards. For tips on how to perfect your bingo calling technique, including when to use nicknames for bingo numbers, keep reading!

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      • Lake Talmadge

        Feb 25, 2022

        "Our group is having bingo tonight and the caller just called in sick. Reading your hints has told me what to do, ..." more
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