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Discover this Earth sign's inner most desires below
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Capricorns. To know them is to love them. If you have an ambitious, loyal Cap in your life, you might be wondering how they give love, and how they like to receive love, too. Well lucky for you, you're in the right place! As an astrology writer with hundreds of articles to my name (and as someone who has a soft spot for Capricorns!), I know my stuff. And I'm here to share that knowledge with you, so buckle up. Let's dive into everything you need to know about Capricorn love languages!

Things You Should Know

  • Capricorn's love languages are acts of service, gifts, and words of affirmation.
  • Cap sometimes gets called materialistic, but really, they just work hard for what they have. So when someone else spends on them , they value that.
  • Curious if Capricorn is into you? If they tell you you're smart or start carving out time in their busy schedule, that's a good sign.
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Capricorn Love Languages

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  1. Capricorn is the most responsible person you know. They make dinner reservations. They plan the surprise parties. They’re constantly working to make their loved ones’ lives better—and that’s exactly why "acts of service" is so meaningful to them. When someone takes care of them for a change, even a Capricorn (who’s famously against all things mushy gushy) will feel their heart soar.
    • My oldest sister is a Capricorn (I know— eldest daughter syndrome paired with a Capricorn sun. Brutal). She is the definition of an “actions speak louder than words” person. Growing up, I thought she was the coolest person on planet Earth, and as a result, I was desperate to impress her (I know, such a classic little sister).
    • But of all the things I tried, there’s one gesture she really loved. On Sunday mornings when I wasn’t rushing to get to school, I’d make extra smoothie and bring it down to her. Over the years, she’d made me breakfast too many times to count, so it wasn’t like this was a fair trade, but still: when I’d give the glass, I could see she was seriously touched.
  2. Capricorns get a rep for being materialistic, which isn’t really true. Well, it’s kinda true…but so what? We all have our vices! In reality, it's just that Capricorns work so hard for everything they earn. So when someone else works hard, makes some money, then spends that money on a gift for them, it really does touch Cap's heart. Plus, yes—Capricorns do love all things shiny, sleek, and luxurious.
    • If you’ve dated a Capricorn, you know exactly what I mean. I once spent hours crafting a thoughtful letter, a nostalgic playlist, and a photo book for an ex’s birthday. At the last minute, I decided to throw in a piece of jewelry, too. Here I was thinking that the sentimental gifts would steal the show (yes, I’m a water sign), but after a while, I got the sense that the jewelry had, in fact, stole the show. And hey, fair enough—it was a pretty nice present…
  3. Capricorn has a reputation for being a little judgmental, but the truth is, Capricorn is their own worst critic. These earth signs tend to project impenetrable confidence, but they’re perfectionists—deep down, they feel like their best effort is never enough. Enter: words of affirmation! Though Capricorns aren’t mushy and they hate empty flattery, they do appreciate a genuine compliment. A loved one’s words of affirmation can help remind Cap that they’re actually pretty great, despite what their inner voice says.
    • This is going to sound like a joke, but I’m 100% serious: my older sister (a Capricorn) used to pin her work performance reviews to her vision board to “keep herself focused on her goals.” That is true Capricorn energy! But it’s not just in the workplace—I know for a fact that she’s saved every kind birthday, graduation, or friendly card she’s ever received (even if she’d deny it now!).
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How to Show Love to a Capricorn

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  1. I have known a lot of Capricorns in my day, and I can guarantee you that they’d love this. Next time you hit the clubs, mini golf, or shopping, slyly throw your card onto the tab. Capricorn is definitely the kind of person who ends up picking up the bill more often than not, and so this spontaneous treat will send them to cloud 9. And if you don’t have a ton of extra money to spend right now, that’s okay—it really is more about the gesture. Instead of the dinner bill, offer to buy the pack of gum they wanted from the gas station.
  2. I feel like this would check every single box on a Capricorn’s list. These are people who constantly struggle to balance their ambitions and their relationships. Capricorns often feel like, no matter how hard they try, their friends and partners are never satisfied with the amount of time and energy Cap dedicates to them. Why? Because Capricorn is serious about their goals, so they sink a lot of time into them. Naturally, that means a little less time for their relationships.
    • By cooking dinner, grabbing dessert, or drawing a hot bath while Capricorn works late into the night, you’re not just showing off your fabulous acts-of-service abilities, but you’re also sending a message: not only is it okay that Cap is spending their time on work, but you're also saying: I support you and your goals . Cap. Will. Swoon.
  3. Capricorn takes care of everyone, so if they feel like you’re spoiling them a bit, they’ll be obsessed. Every Capricorn I’ve ever met has that List. You know the one—the list of luxuries, goodies, and treats that they plan to buy themselves one day. And though we know Capricorn is fully capable of turning their wants into realities, that doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t love for you to chip in, too!
    • Go take a look at their Amazon wishlist, pick an item in your price range, and send it to their address with a brief note.
  4. This one speaks to Capricorn’s love of words of affirmation. Like I mentioned, Capricorns love a really thoughtful, genuine compliment. They can sometimes stomach some mushiness, but typically, they’d prefer that any flattery be strictly business. That’s because Cap wants you to see them in a very specific light. They want to appear powerful, strong, hard-working, intelligent, and successful—so tell them that in your eyes, they are!
  5. This is a huge one. Capricorns are realists, so they see relationships as partnerships. It may sound a little clinical, but they really do think about love in terms of value added and value subtracted. They’re constantly brainstorming ways to make your lives easier and your dreams more attainable—so if you do the same for them, that’ll be a game changer. When Capricorn mentions something in their life that’s bothering them, make note—then see if you can find a way to troubleshoot it for them.
    • I had a friend in college who was a Capricorn. He used to complain about how his phone was old and always died super quickly. One day, I sent him a link for one of those battery-storing chargers (something that he’d never heard of, I guess), and the next time I saw him, he was so grateful that I’d thought to send it along. We weren’t even that close, but I could tell it actually meant a lot to him!
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Signs a Capricorn is in Love

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  1. To determine if your Cap crush is falling hard, consider whether they’re showing love through their top love languages. In all likelihood, they’ll be going all in on acts of service, gift-giving, and words of affirmation. I talked to people who’ve dated Capricorns in the past, and here are some of the telltale signs that they came up with:
    • "They worked me into their busy schedule. I was dating this guy who was always so busy, and when he started carving out time for me, like a random Facetime or a quick work lunch, even when it was hard, I knew he was into me."
    • "They bought me gifts that they absolutely loved. She was into gift-giving basically right away, which I loved. But I could tell that she liked me when she bought me things that she really valued herself. So like, she used to get herself really fancy coffee beans from a spot on her street, and she started picking up a bag for me too, because she said I had to have them ."
    • "They told me that they thought I was smart. We were debating something unimportant—I think it was about which season of Ozark was the best. And part way through the argument, they went: “I disagree with you, but I respect your opinion—you’re pretty smart.” I started blushing like crazy. I know it’s a small comment, but I could tell it meant a lot coming from them.”

What Does a Capricorn Struggle With In Relationships?

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