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A complete list of wild-looking house kitties, from Bengals to Somalis
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With their wild spots and rosetta-patterned coats, it’s hard to believe that some cats don’t belong on the cover of National Geographic . Surprisingly though, plenty of domesticated cats bear a striking resemblance to some of nature’s most ferocious felines—and we’re here to show you which ones. Take a deep dive into the world of cat breeds and see if you recognize any of the names on this list.

Things You Should Know

  • Bengal cats, Egyptian Maus, Ocicats, Cheetohs, and Serengeti cats all look remarkably similar to leopards and cheetahs.
  • Toygers closely resemble tigers with their striped coat.
  • Pixie-bobs look a lot like bobcats, and are easily recognizable by their short tail, unique coat, and extra toes.
  1. Like other cats on this list, Bengals are the result of intentional cross-breeding—typically, an Asian Leopard Cat mixed with a cat breed like an American Shorthair, Burmese, Egyptian Mau, or Abyssinian. Full of energy with intelligence to match, Bengals enjoy hopping up onto high surfaces and getting a good look at the world around them. [1]
    • Place of origin: USA
    • Average height: 13-16 in (33-40.5 cm)
    • Average weight: 8-15 lb (3.5-7 kg)
    • Lifespan: 12-16 years
    • Temperament: Lively, inquisitive, friendly
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Egyptian Mau

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  1. This exotic cat breed has existed for a very long time, and isn’t the direct result of cross-breeding—still, some people believe that this kitty might be connected in some way to the African Wild Cat. Don’t let their leopard-like coloring fool you, though. At heart, the Egyptian Mau is an incredibly sweet and domesticated kitty. [2]
    • Place of origin: Egypt
    • Average height: 11-14 in (28-35.5 cm)
    • Average weight: 6-14 lb (2.5-6 kg)
    • Lifespan: 12-15 years
    • Temperament: Loyal, friendly, observant [3]
  1. When an American cat breeder mated an Abyssinian and Siamese cat together, a kitten with a leopard-print coat appeared in the litter. The Ocicat breed was officially created when this exotic-looking kitty had litters with different domestic cats (like Abyssinians, American Shorthairs, and Siamese cats). Smart, lively, and very vocal, there’s never a dull moment when an Ocicat is around. [4]
    • Place of origin: USA
    • Average height: 9-11 in (23-28 cm)
    • Average weight: 6-15 lb (2.5-7 kg)
    • Lifespan: 12-18 years
    • Temperament: Active, friendly, curious [5]
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  1. First bred in the early 2000s, the Cheetoh cat is a cross of the exotic Ocicat and Bengal cat breeds. The result? A friendly, jumbo-sized house cat with a spotted coat that can easily rival any leopard’s or cheetah’s. Despite their large stature, these kitties are happy to chill out and unwind with you while you curl up in front of the TV.
    • Place of origin: USA
    • Average height: 12-18 in (30.5-46 cm)
    • Average weight: 12-25 lb (5.5-11.5 kg)
    • Lifespan: 10-15 years
    • Temperament: Curious, companionable, lively [6]
  1. When cat breeders mated a regular domestic cat with an African serval (a wild African cat), the unique, leopard-looking Savannah cat was born—and the cat world was never the same. As energetic as felines come, Savannah cats are always ready for a new adventure, whether that’s splashing around in the bathtub or strolling around the neighborhood with their owner. [7]
    • Place of origin: USA
    • Average height: 12-14 in (30.5-35.5 cm)
    • Average weight: 15-28 lb (7-12.5 kg)
    • Lifespan: 18-20 years
    • Temperament: Loving, playful, smart [8]
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  1. Breeders often breed litters of Serengeti kitties by crossing Bengals and Oriental Shorthairs. So, it makes sense that this distinctive cat bears the Bengal’s leopard-like coat and the Oriental Shorthair’s large ears. Although this cat looks like they belong in the wild, they want nothing more than to leap around their home and spend quality time with their owners.
    • Place of origin: USA
    • Average height: 8-10 in (20-25.5 cm)
    • Average weight: 8-15 lb (3.5-7 kg)
    • Lifespan: 8-12 years
    • Temperament: Extroverted, fun-loving, gentle [9]
  1. During the 1990s, Toygers officially burst into the cat breeding scene with their distinct stripes and rosettes. As wild as their markings look, Toygers are as domestic as can be. With their high intelligence and energy levels, this kitty can be a very active member of any household.
    • Place of origin: USA
    • Average height: 8-10 in (20.5-25.5 cm)
    • Average weight: 7-15 lb (3-7 kg)
    • Lifespan: 12-15 years
    • Temperament: Energetic, friendly, smart [10]
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  1. Originally bred in the 1980s, this bobcat lookalike is well-known for their unique coat, stubby tail, and extra toes. Energetic and loyal, Pixie-bobs love to spend time with their family, and even enjoy going for walks with their owners.
    • Place of origin: USA & Africa
    • Average height: 10-12 in (25.5-30.5 kg)
    • Average weight: 8-18 lb (3.5-8 kg)
    • Lifespan: 13-16 years
    • Temperament: Kind, affectionate, fun-loving [11]
  1. While jungle cats were historically domesticated in the days of ancient Egypt, it wasn’t until 1990 when a jungle cat was officially cross-bred with domestic cat. By the mid-1990s, this hybrid—better known as the Chausie cat—was officially established and recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA). [12] Playful, agile, and always on the move, this active kitty is well-suited to a high-energy household.
    • Place of origin: Egypt & South Asia
    • Average height: 14-18 in (35.5-45.5 cm)
    • Average weight: 12-25 lb (5.5-11.5 kg)
    • Lifespan: 10-15 years
    • Temperament: Active, smart, friendly [13]
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  1. Originally from Egypt and Ethiopia, the Abyssinian cat found its way to North America in the early 20th century. By the 1930s, these wild-looking kitties started making a name for themselves; now, they’re one of the most popular and beloved breeds around. Like many other cats, the curious, agile, and devoted Abyssinian could be a great companion for any cat lover. [14]
    • Place of origin: Africa
    • Average height: 8-10 in (20.5-25.5 cm)
    • Average weight: 8-12 lb (3.5-5.5 kg)
    • Lifespan: 9-13 years
    • Temperament: Fun-loving, energetic, smart [15]
  1. The cat breeding community isn’t totally sure where these kitties came from, but they’re assumed to be a long-haired spin-off of Abyssinian cats. Fully domesticated, this inquisitive and playful cat is a fun and mischievous companion to have around the home. [16]
    • Place of origin: USA
    • Average height: 8-10 in (20.5-25.5 cm)
    • Average weight: 8-12 lb (3.5-5.5 kg)
    • Lifespan: 11-12 years
    • Temperament: Extroverted, curious, outgoing [17]
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