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Image alignment is an important skill to learn when coding webpages. Unfortunately, as code changes, some HTML tags are deprecated and are not recognized by all web browsers. Try these methods to center an image in HTML. If they don’t work, consider coding in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Aligning in Text

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  1. In HTML coding, you can center text, but you must identify image alignment with the word “middle.” An image is not a line element, so it is identified in relation to other elements.
  2. Use a paragraph tag to indicate that a text line is beginning. Start your tag with <p> then write your text.
  3. gif”. Then include your image description by typing alt=”image description” .
    • The “src” section tells the web page the URL of the image.
    • The alt section tells the web page what it should be called.
  4. Type align=”middle”> This is the end of the image portion of your tag. [1]
  5. Then, close the tag with </p>. For example, your entire tag could look like this: <p>We’re learning about HTML. <img src=”dancingdogpicture.gif” alt=”dancing dog” align=”middle> Our example is complete. </p>
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Aligning in a Center Tag

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  1. You can contain the image within that centered element. However, it will create extra spaces around your element.
  2. Begin by centering the element. Type <center>.
  3. Type <img src=”dancingdogpicture.gif” alt=”dancing dog” .
  4. Enter height=”200”width=”200”> or another size of your choice. This is the end of your image portion of the tag.
  5. For example, your entire tag would look like this:
    <center><img src=”dancingdogpicture.gif” alt=”dancingdog” height=”200” width=”200”></center>. [2]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do you align picture in middle/center in HTML 5?
    AD Developers
    Community Answer
    The align attribute of is not supported in HTML 5. Use CSS instead. For the image to align middle, top, or bottom use the CSS property vertical-align. For the image to align left or right use the CSS property float.
  • Question
    How do you align images vertically?
    Community Answer
    The align tribute of HTML is not supported by in HTML5. So you should use CSS instead. So that you can align the middle, top, and sides of an image. To do this use the CSS property vertical-sign, which makes the image align to the left or right use the CSS property float.
  • Question
    i have to align the image without using CSS and center or align doesn't work.
    faith daniel
    Community Answer
    Use this code. You can either use this method or try putting the image in a container, like div with and style the container to align it's content to center.
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      • Beware that both the align and center tags can become deprecated. This means that they will not be used in the future. Although there is no exact date when they will stop being used, eventually browsers will not recognize them and the codes will have to be updated to CSS or HTML5.


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