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Plants Vs. Zombies is a very popular game and has a very distinct style. You can take that style even further by changing the Zombies' costumes. Some of the later levels can be extremely challenging, and sometimes it feels like you never have enough Sun. If you're playing the PC version, there are ways that you can cheat the system and give yourself the advantage. See Step 1 below to learn to change zombie costumes and give yourself unlimited Sun on the PC version of Plants Vs. Zombies.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Changing the Zombies' Appearance

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  1. You can use special codes to change the way the zombies look during regular gameplay. These codes do not affect the way the game plays, and you will not be penalized for activating them. You can use these cheats on any Adventure level.
    • These codes also work on the Mac version.
  2. Once you have started a level, you can use your keyboard to enter the following cheats. These will change the appearance of the zombies or the lawnmowers:
    • pinata - The zombies will explode in a shower of candy when they are destroyed.
    • mustache - Zombies will stop shaving and sport a fancy mustache.
    • future - The zombies have traveled from the future where everyone wears sunglasses.
    • daisies - Dead zombies leave behind a pleasant patch of daisies.
    • sukhbir - Zombies' cries for brains sound a little different.
    • trickedout - Give your lawnmowers a makeover with this code.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Getting Unlimited Sun

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  1. This is a free cheating program that allows you to modify the code of a variety of games. You can download Cheat Engine directly from the developer's website.
    • Cheat Engine comes bundled with OpenCandy, an adware service. If you don't want this, there is a link on the Cheat Engine Downloads page to download the program without the automated installer. This is the recommended way to install it.
    • Extract the RAR file into a folder on your desktop.
  2. The game will need to be running to allow Cheat Engine to make any changes. Start the level that you want to cheat on and note how much Sun you start with (usually 50). Pause the game.
  3. If you are playing in fullscreen mode, you will find it much easier to cheat if you play in windowed mode. Open the Menu and uncheck the "Full Screen" box. Click "Back to Game" and Plants vs. Zombies will change display modes. You will be able to see your desktop behind the game.
  4. Open the Cheat Engine folder on your desktop and run the CheatEngine.exe file. When the Cheat Engine window opens, click the computer icon in the upper-left corner of the window. Find the "popcapgame1.exe" file in the list of processes that appear. Click the Open button once it's selected.
  5. Return to the game window and restart the game. Wait for one Sun to appear and click it to collect it. This should change your Sun value from 50 to 75. Pause the game again and return to Cheat Engine.
  6. Click the Next Scan button to pull up a list of matching values in the game on the left side of the window. If your Sun value is different than 75, enter it instead, but know that it is tough to match 50. 75 should only return a single match.
  7. Select Add selected addresses to the address list . The value will get added to the bottom frame of the window.
  8. In the list at the bottom of the window, check the box next to the entry you just added. The "Address" column should match the Address in the match list.
  9. With the entry checked, right-click it and select Change Record → Value. Enter the amount of Sun you want and click OK . 999999 should do the trick!
    • You will see your new Sun amount appear in the game immediately.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How to summon any zombies using the cheat engine?
    Community Answer
    Change your game mode to I, Zombie by checking the ID of your current game mode. For convenience, I'll use 43 as zen garden and 50 for Tree of Wisdom. Go to your zen garden, type 43 in the value bar and do a scan. Then go to the tree and input 50 and scan again. You should have one address in the table on the left (if not, repeat the process). Double-click that address. Then, go onto any level and pick your plants. Change game mode value to 63 - 70 by pressing Enter with the address selected at the south table. You should be in the I, Zombie game mode. Drag a plant (seed packets don't change) and it should turn into a zombie.
  • Question
    Why I cant find the single address?
    Community Answer
    Games like PvsZ have very good encryption to prevent people form hacking using cheat engine and similar programs.
  • Question
    Is there a way to turn mustache mode off and undo my purchase of Stinky the Snail?
    Community Answer
    Type mustache again to turn off zombies wearing mustaches, but you cannot get a refund for Stinky the Snail.
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      • Cheat Engine may be detected by online gaming services such as Steam, Punkbuster, and Origin, and could result in your account getting banned. To be safe, do not run Cheat Engine while you are connected to any online gaming services.
      • "too hot" is a popular code for unlimited Sun thrown around online, but it does not work. You will need to use Cheat Engine to get unlimited Sun.

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      • Adarsh Naik

        Sep 8, 2019

        "This article helped me a lot and showed me how to skip levels in the game. Thank you."
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