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Enhance your intuition and spellwork with these cinnamon rituals
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Ah, the scent of warm cinnamon wafting through your home is just magical…literally. This popular spice has been used in rituals and ceremonies in various cultures for thousands of years, and it’s said to have numerous magical properties you’ll want to incorporate into your spellwork. In this article, we’ll show you the mystical and spiritual properties of cinnamon, plus guidance on rituals you can do to take full advantage of this unassuming spice.

Things You Should Know

  • Cinnamon can protect your home from negative energy. Simply hang cinnamon sticks above your front door or blow cinnamon through the door from the outside.
  • The spice can also help you attract prosperity and wealth. Clear your wallet of everything except money (cash and cards) and sprinkle it with cinnamon.
  • Cinnamon is also good luck! Carry a stick of cinnamon around inside your wallet or purse, or apply a few drops of cinnamon oil to the outside.

Cinnamon blocks negative energy from your home.

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  1. Cinnamon can block magical, spiritual, or psychic attacks. The mystical spice can help create a protective barrier around you and your home, shielding you from hostile or draining forces like spellwork and aggravated spirits. [1] To protect your living space:
    • Tie cinnamon sticks together with string and hang them above your front door. The most common number of sticks to use is 9, since this number symbolizes love and compassion in multiple cultures.
    • Place additional cinnamon sticks or pinches of powdered cinnamon on your window sills to further protect entrances to your house.
    • Or, put several pinches of powdered cinnamon in your hand and stand outside your front door. Open the door and blow the cinnamon around and inside the door to create an energetic barrier.
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Cinnamon enhances your manifestation.

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  1. Cinnamon blowing rituals focus your intent to help manifest your goals . Cinnamon is a common ingredient in spells and rituals for prosperity and success. To do the ritual, grab a pinch of cinnamon powder and a pinch of sea salt in your dominant hand and enter the space you want to infuse with positive vibes. [2] For example, if you’re manifesting a promotion, you might go to your office or home working space.
    • Close your eyes and focus on what you want. Visualize your success, and say “When this cinnamon blows, prosperity and good luck will come in!”
    • Then, blow the cinnamon and salt from your hand into the room to complete the ritual.
    • Alternatively, burn cinnamon incense or a candle anointed with cinnamon oil to attract positivity into your space and life.
    • Since cinnamon is linked to Mars, the planet of action, and the headstrong zodiac sign Aries, it’s a potent ingredient in rituals meant to activate your willpower and motivation ot succeed.

Cinnamon increases your psychic and intuitive abilities.

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  1. Cinnamon activates your Third Eye (a connection to your unconscious). When you open your Third Eye chakra , your attunement to your psychic focus is heightened, allowing you to gain deeper insights into your life along with spiritual awareness and clarity. [3] To tap into your intuition:
    • Burn cinnamon powder and sandalwood powder before a meditation or divination session.
    • Or, dilute cinnamon essential oil with a carrier oil and anoint your Third Eye chakra (located between your eyebrows) every morning or every night before bed.
    • Cinnamon is also associated with the Root and Sacral chakras (the lowest chakras that ground you to the Earth).
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Cinnamon cleanses your divination space and tools.

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  1. Cinnamon is a purifying spice that removes negative spiritual energy. If you practice divination ( seeing into the future ) often, your ritual space and tools are likely to pick up excess, unwanted energy from outside spiritual forces. Thankfully, cinnamon carries high vibrations that can reset the energy and aid your practice. [4]
    • To cleanse your divination or ritual space, simply burn powdered cinnamon or cinnamon incense, or toss cinnamon directly into a fire. Cinnamon is associated with the Sun and the element of fire, so burning it is a highly effective way to enjoy its benefits.
    • To purify divination tools like tarot cards, runes, or osteomancy bones, simply keep a cinnamon stick in the bag or box where you store your materials. This will clear away the residual psychic energy from your previous reading.

Cinnamon attracts of abundance and wealth.

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  1. The spice removes stagnant energy that holds you back from success. If you’re down on your luck financially or simply desire a prosperous home, do a cleansing ritual with cinnamon. Once a month, add a few drops of cinnamon essential oil to your regular cleaning solutions, then clean your floors with it. The scent will make your home feel more abundant and invite new, invigorating energy inside. [5]
    • To attract more money specifically, clean out your wallet of everything that’s not cash, coins, or credit and debit cards. Then, take a pinch of cinnamon and sprinkle it over your wallet to cleanse it.
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Cinnamon is helpful for love spells.

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  1. Cinnamon’s warmth and comforting scent is said to enhance romantic (and sometimes lustful) connections. For a simple love ritual, leave cinnamon sticks in a bottle of red wine for several days, then share the bottle with the person you’re trying to get closer to. [6] For a deeper spell:
    • Write your name and the name of the person you want to strengthen your relationship with on a piece of paper, then light a pink chime candle and anoint it with cinnamon essential oil .
    • Visualize yourself and the person in a happy, healthy, loving relationship, then roll up the paper and tie it with a pink ribbon .
    • Place the paper underneath the candle and let it burn all the way down. Repeat the ritual until you’ve achieved your desired closeness.
    • Cinnamon is associated with lust and the deities Aphrodite and Venus (the Greek and Roman goddesses of love), making it extra potent in love and sex magic.

Cinnamon raises your spiritual vibrations.

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Cinnamon amplifies other spells and potions.

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Cinnamon promotes physical and spiritual healing.

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  1. Cinnamon has been used in healing rituals for thousands of years. Simply burn cinnamon powder or incense in a room where you’re recovering from an injury or illness to experience its effects. [10] Or, try drinking cinnamon tea for an herbal health boost. Just boil 1 cinnamon stick in water and let it infuse for several minutes before drinking. [11]
    • In holistic health, cinnamon is known to calm digestion, balance blood sugar, enhance circulation, and aid cardiovascular function. It’s also a source of antioxidants and has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Cinnamon is most compatible with individuals who run cool to neutral, and may cause flushing in those who run hot.
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Cinnamon brings good luck.

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  1. Cinnamon makes a lucky charm that protects you from spiritual attacks. Its high vibrations can shield you from negative energy as well as attract both physical and spiritual prosperity. Simply carry a stick of cinnamon in your wallet or purse, or add a few drops of cinnamon oil to the outside of your wallet or purse (just test a drop on an inconspicuous spot to make sure it won’t damage the material first). [12]
    • Other lucky herbs that work well in combination with cinnamon include cloves, nutmeg, and cardamom. Try carrying a mix of these herbs for extra protection and good vibes.

Expert Q&A

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      • Cinnamon is a good spice to use for home rituals if your guests don’t know you practice magic. They’ll assume the smell is from a tasty treat you baked earlier!
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      • For medical or mental health issues, visit your healthcare provider and follow their recommendations. Cinnamon may aid your health and recovery, but is not a substitute for professional medical treatment.

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about herbal magic, check out our in-depth interview with Erica Docimo, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M. .

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